Surely Crackers wouldn't make stuff up?

Discussion in 'Blog' started by wilson99, Apr 8, 2009.

By wilson99 on Apr 8, 2009 at 10:00 AM
  1. wilson99

    wilson99 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <a href="">Written here[/url]

    <blockquote>Top draftee faces spectre of jail time
    One high-profile Victorian club is very angry at one of its star draftees. And it’s not over something trivial like a push and shove in a bar or nightclub. It is alleged that the star recruit was involved in a gang invasion of a house where baseball bats and machetes were used. It happened in his home state before last year’s draft and my contacts in that state tell me the courts have been extremely harsh in judging similar cases. He is likely to be charged with assault and in all probability may go to jail. One insider at the club told me that if the club had known “we would have gone down a different track and recruited someone else”. Maybe the AFL should demand full disclosure form draftees in future. It would be pretty crook if you were to draft somebody and he was to suddenly say “I’ll see you in 18 months when I get out”.</blockquote>

    hmmmm... who could it be? Let the speculation begin!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by wilson99, Apr 8, 2009.

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