Trading Games 2016

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

By walesy on Mar 21, 2016 at 4:34 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Welcome Everybody to the 2016 Trading Games league!


    What's it all about?
    Basically every year some of the leaders in the community gather together and choose the players picked in a team we all start with. The players in every team in the group start the same before the round 1 lockout. Then, as the year progresses, and trades are made, the challenge becomes finishing on top of the group with the most points overall. That's it; just use your trades and your emergency/captain picks wisely, and turn the team we all start with into a winning team by scoring the most points.

    Rules:1. EVERYBODY must start with the exact same 30 players. No exceptions.

    2. You don't use your main team, we would prefer if you 'invited' your daughter, wife, grandfather etc to create a team that you help to manage throughout the year. Don't join this league if you don't want to follow rule 1.

    3. Like always, let's have fun and keep positive. Banter is expected and welcomed! Anyway, the whole thing is up in the air for discussion as always. What are your thoughts to make it interesting again this year?

    Throwing this post up to gauge interest in this year's effort. It's getting pretty close to the deadline, so I'll get a team up shortly. Will be very cookie cutter I reckon (Unless there's any objections to that in the comment below)

    Will also have to throw a shoutout to the Two-Time champion, @Buzzboys - you gunna throw down for the triple crown this year?

    How to Join?

    Step 1: Sign up to the Trading Games group

    Step 2: Makes sure you have the correct team entered! Prior to the Melbourne-GWS game the team should look like this:

    Step 3: Choose your captain/vice captain and any emergencies. You could get the jump on the rest of the field with some astute choices even with an identical 30-man squad.

    Step 4: If you wish, you can use DPP to rearrange the 30 players shown above. e.g. Petracca could be brought to the MID line and Wells could become a FWD. Just don't change the squad of 30.

    Good luck everybody and happy trading!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2016


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

    1. walesy
      Makes it interesting. :D
      • Like Like x 1
    2. BrockyFreo
      362859 is the first League code, get this filled first. (18 person private league).

      We can start a 10 person league if we need a second one.
    3. Len
      Or just a group?
    4. BrockyFreo
      Group as well (you have both. The winner of the group overall is the winner, but leagues along the way for weekly interest and battles and to match up against the changes of other coaches).

      Join both.
      • Like Like x 1
    5. BrockyFreo
      Have a look at the below, it takes out the Richmond rookie broad and Menadue (who is good but uncertain tonight whether he will get a game with late notice tomorrow night it doesn't work for Trading Games).
      Also makes only one DPP in the back and only one in the mid.
      Final rookies of course to be decided after Thursday night teams (but at least there is no Richmond/Blues risk now).

      Is everyone happy with this (at least the Richmond weitering and dusty and kerridge only)?

      • Like Like x 1
    6. anthak
      i don't mind either team, but it is a good idea to get rid of the Ric and Car rookies.

      Good work @Jason and @BrockyFreo !

      Someone should set a timeframe for when this side is definitely locked in, so that everyone knows. and also set a time for Friday of when the final side will be locked in, so everyone can check it and update their teams.
      • Like Like x 1
    7. RPritch
      I'm in the group and league as 'Jack Attack'.
      My dog is going to win this one!
      • Like Like x 1
    8. Jason
      That side has too many rookies that won't be playing. Collins and Keays are essentially no chance and Gore is only a slim chance of playing R1. Plus Petracca. That's a heap of cash generation potential lost and a massive impost on the options for trading throughout the year in my view.
    9. Jason
      What is the problem with having Carlton/Richmond rookies?
      If the idea is to let more people join the comp, then surely having no Carlton/Richmond players at all would be the idea? Which is silly.
    10. walesy
      If Menadue and Broad make the team sheets tonight, surely they should be in? Both have a much greater chance of playing over Keays and Gore- and with Grimley and Petracca, we're gunna need every other spot possible generating!

      Also, Adams over Collins. :D
      • Like Like x 1
    11. anthak
      Last year we stayed away from Rich and Carl rookies to make it easier for everyone to start with same team.
      We locked in our team days before the first game to give people a chance to set up their TG team early, with only rookies subject to change on the Friday night. This allowed everyone to focus solely on their other teams in the leadup to round 1.
    12. walesy
      Considering we are all well aware of how late in the piece this is getting put together, how about we come up with 2 cut dates.

      Cut 1: Tonight after the Car/Ric players are named
      Cut 2: Friday night, once we know the rest- can tweak any outs from the first squad.

      If anyone is worried that they won't make the dates, PM your login details and I can get your team entered. :D
      • Like Like x 2
    13. anthak
      Sounds good.

      I think we should go with Jason's proposed team in that case.

      Can we have specific times that the team will be posted by at each cut point? So we know when to log in to check.
      • Like Like x 1
    14. BrockyFreo
      Agreed. Go with Jason's (my supercoach research has unfortunately been put to the backburner too much this year for my liking!)
      Tonight by 9pm and Friday Midday will be the cut dates.
    15. anthak
      I didn't take your rookies seriously anyway. You did mention that the rookies would be subject to change after teams were announced.
    16. Jason
      Are those Perth times?

      Might need to be more specific on the time zones.
    17. walesy
      I think we should just use the confusing ACWST timezone.

      (Who ever thought that a 15 minute timezone was a good idea! :D)
      • Like Like x 2
    18. Owen
      I didn't even know that existed! Lets just work in AEST. Also agree by going on Jason's original team.
    19. warsaken
      Llamas have Jas's team locked and loaded ready to go
    20. Jason
      Jason's Mother-In-Law's team that is. ;)
      • Like Like x 3

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