Trading Games 2016

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

By walesy on Mar 21, 2016 at 4:34 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Welcome Everybody to the 2016 Trading Games league!


    What's it all about?
    Basically every year some of the leaders in the community gather together and choose the players picked in a team we all start with. The players in every team in the group start the same before the round 1 lockout. Then, as the year progresses, and trades are made, the challenge becomes finishing on top of the group with the most points overall. That's it; just use your trades and your emergency/captain picks wisely, and turn the team we all start with into a winning team by scoring the most points.

    Rules:1. EVERYBODY must start with the exact same 30 players. No exceptions.

    2. You don't use your main team, we would prefer if you 'invited' your daughter, wife, grandfather etc to create a team that you help to manage throughout the year. Don't join this league if you don't want to follow rule 1.

    3. Like always, let's have fun and keep positive. Banter is expected and welcomed! Anyway, the whole thing is up in the air for discussion as always. What are your thoughts to make it interesting again this year?

    Throwing this post up to gauge interest in this year's effort. It's getting pretty close to the deadline, so I'll get a team up shortly. Will be very cookie cutter I reckon (Unless there's any objections to that in the comment below)

    Will also have to throw a shoutout to the Two-Time champion, @Buzzboys - you gunna throw down for the triple crown this year?

    How to Join?

    Step 1: Sign up to the Trading Games group

    Step 2: Makes sure you have the correct team entered! Prior to the Melbourne-GWS game the team should look like this:

    Step 3: Choose your captain/vice captain and any emergencies. You could get the jump on the rest of the field with some astute choices even with an identical 30-man squad.

    Step 4: If you wish, you can use DPP to rearrange the 30 players shown above. e.g. Petracca could be brought to the MID line and Wells could become a FWD. Just don't change the squad of 30.

    Good luck everybody and happy trading!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2016


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

    1. Len
      Kelli is in, 12 spots left
    2. Jason
      Broad not named.
      Menadue in.
    3. Jason
      Next most popular cheap player that isn't currently in the team is Kommer. :eek:
    4. Jason

      Broad -> Ruggles

      • Like Like x 3
    5. anthak
      My mum, Carol just joined.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. TheOnion
      My identical twin brother Norbert is coming out this year. Literally.
      • Like Like x 1
    7. Len
      We loading this team for now guys?
      My 30 giants squad feels like a reasonable alternative if not :p
    8. Lucas
      Thinking CBF having a legit team this year and just using the Trading Games team and beating all other comers with this one. It does break rule 2 though. I'll also try to get my wife to join this comp with her team as well. It's not me trying to run two entries, she will have sole voting rights and she knows the game well enough to have a crack on her own.

      Is that all OK? I'm trying to ensure we don't have a league filled with 16 legit teams and 2 munged up ones that break the entire league.

      Also: I want the best possible rookies. Fine to debate these on Friday night on chat or in this forum...
      • Like Like x 2
    9. BrockyFreo
      Hi Lucas, thanks for your interest but there is no breaking the rules. You need to start a team with the exact same 30 players as everybody else. You can trade different players in ONLY AFTER Geelong/Hawks have completed their game (ie after round 1 and before round 2).

      Any teams that don't have the same 30 players will be kicked from the group after round 1 (and will disturb the beautifulness of the leagues and make people unhappy with you).

      That being said, it's a great starting team for your wife as long as she starts with these 30 players, then she can learn the game over the year (with your help of course!).
      Nothing stopping you from making a team in your grandfathers name and both of you joining though!
    10. The G
      The G
      Hi all, Just joined the league 362859 (CYRILICIOUS). Is Jason's team suggestion from 6.41pm Wednesday the confirmed starting team???
    11. BrockyFreo
      DEF: Weitering
      MID: Kerridge, Menudue
      RUCK: -
      FWD: Dusty Martin

      • Like Like x 1
    12. Jason
      I was under the impression that which line any of the 30 players was selected on for R1 was up to individual coaches.
      e.g. Menadue could be swapped with Wells/Kennedy if someone wanted to put him onfield at the start.

      Or were you thinking that we all had to score the same in R1 as a default?

      Captain selection would still be a POD in any case, also emergencies.

      I would have thought that as long as the 30 players are identical across all entries everything is good.
      • Like Like x 1
    13. Lucas
      Must also lock in position, right? Or is choice allowed
      Also I don't think you understand what I meant when I said I can't be bothered running another team in SC this year so I'll start with Trading Games if OK. The issue is I'll have only this team to manage while you all will have 2 and that might be considered unfair.
    14. Jason
      There is a chance that between now and the start of the 2nd match of the round (Saturday afternoon), we may all agree to change some of the starting players (e.g. if they are not named for R1).

      You should have that team as of the Thursday partial lockout and check back in on Friday to see if there are any changes to the non-Rich/Carl players.
      • Like Like x 1
    15. Lucas
      But if you slot a Martin in mids for example this might prevent putting the other rookie in. I think Tigers and Blues need locking in position.
      • Like Like x 2
    16. Jason
      Good point.
    17. Len
      I've already moved the spud Grimley to my bench tbh
      • Like Like x 1
    18. Jason
      As long as they're on the correct lines, can't see how that could be an issue.
      • Like Like x 1
    19. Lucas
      No one else is locked other than the 4 though. Team selections tomorrow and Friday arvo will have an impact on the players chosen here surely.
    20. anthak
      yep. can move players around, but Lucas is right. if we move ric or car off their line then that might cause problems if we change other rookies etc..

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