Changed my vote here too. I think +2 players with mandatory delisting of 3 players would increase the competitiveness of the league and really add to the draft.
I have also changed my vote after reading @choppers post . We need a competitive league and don't want coaches leaving . My vote now forces a change in list sizes ORFFL 26 PLAYERS ORFFA 28 PLAYERS ORFFU 26 PLAYERS ORFFF 30 PLAYERS @walesy @Len @anthak ..... Maybe these coaches could give us some insight to how there leagues are going with different amount of players per team
Might be too early to tell on the FF. For the FA we have don't have a delist number, nor a "movement" number. Our rule is: "1. It is a requirement that you draft 6 compulsory picks per year, these can be done all in the preseason draft, or over both drafts. - A minimum of 4 of those compulsory picks must be taken in the preseason draft, that is you must enter the 2016 preseason draft with a maximum of 24 players. - It is not a matter of how many players you de-list, that is potentially irrelevant as the list size can be traded down or up in the trade period prior. - If you enter this draft with more than 22 players you must participate in the 2016 midseason draft." This method has worked for us, my personal belief is the cuts should be higher, ie 6 at PSD and MSD be optional, but it's only personal opinion and I don't carry the majority. Not wanting to preach but be plain speaking, self interest is the enemy of a healthy league, it's important that people consider this when thinking about issues like this one. Not much point having the most fantastic team in the world if no-one wants to play you, it's therefore important to all that teams in all phases of development and strength have an incentive to participate.. /2c
I agree with a healthy competition. If the same 4 teams are always at the top, then everyone else will eventually start losing interest. I think a strong turn over of players is helpful for the greater good of the league. I made a tough choice between keeping Miles and Cam-Ellis Yolmen and got that completely wrong! If we all have to make tough choices keeping fringe players, then we all will benefit in the long run.
I agree with these sentiments. Someone will be as stupid as me, and give up a Lachie Hunter for nothing, that I'll be able to pounce on!
Agree with the above; I didn't agree wen we polled this at the start of the season. I do think however that trades should not be included as they return nothing to the pool. Also think all mandatory picks should be taken pre-season as the MSD is optional; also helps with policing.
100% agree with @Len ""1. It is a requirement that you draft 6 compulsory picks per year " but i'd say that they must be done in PSD only, as MSD is not compulsory
We still don't have everyones vote in this, but it needs to be discussed as it will shape how people draft and trade in the upcoming MSD. There's currently 9 votes to keep things as they are, 0 votes to reduce the list size, and a total of 8 votes to increase the list size. I haven't gone through to recount everyone who indicated they've voted (and made sure we don't have "ring-ins") so lets just assume that we're one coach short. Does anyone wish to change their vote? Please do-so promptly. This one and the delistments / turnover do run somewhat hand-in-hand, as some coaches believe that we should only create mandatory delisting if we have an accompanied increase in list sizes (but with more delistment requirements than the increase in list size).
I'm just basing my count on who stated that they've voted. which I did earlier, and can do again tonight...
@JPK I've voted for no increase but my vote really is dependant upon delisting/list turnover. I'd vote for an increase only where delisting is the democratic majority and the increase to sizes is at most 2/3 less than the delisting requirement (eg need to delist 6 at year end, max squad increase in my view is 3/4). I haven't changed my vote but something to take into account when looking at these results.