Unless something dramatic changes, we'll be having 2 more players on our team lists from 2017 onwards. This poll is to decide, with the two extra players, how many in total should be delisted / traded out, to get to the point where we all have the same minimum number of picks in the PSD. Basically: How many picks should each coach have as a minimum in each PSD? Please note that the 2017 PSD may be a little different, since we'll be adding players to our lists (expanding the list). I'll put together a complete other poll for this one! That's the reason this topic is for 2018 onwards.
This comment is coming from JPK the coach, not JPK the commissioner: I hope that everyone who's voting for only 2 picks realises that the intent of this was to create player turnover and give lower ranked teams more of a chance. If all we're doing is turning over the extra two picks we get (ie players that are currently in the FA list) then we're not really going to see any improvement. I'm happy to say that I personally voted for 6 picks in each PSD. This'll help to reduce hoarding, help out the lower ranked teams, and create some good player turnover. I can't see on any list, the 23rd-26th ranked players (by average or aggregate) that can't afford to be dropped and the coach given another crack to pick up someone else. Again, if all we're doing is cycling through the FA list with our new picks and delistments, we're not really gaining anything. Buts that's all just my opinion (although I'm hoping to sway some of you around to my train of thought).
a very simple solution divide sum of delistments by number of coaches and bang we have a number... do we round up or down? eg (3x2) + (2x3) + (3x4) + (4x6) = 48 / 12 votes = 4
Great I idea tyze1 . We could also remove the 1st two options and ask those coaches to vote again Sent from my GT-N7105T using Tapatalk
good idea, although the sum totals 48 not 44 so 48/12 =4.0........there's your answer....now you don't have to delist 0.66 of a player