TS NBA - 16/17 promotion & relegation

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Sep 22, 2016.

By anthak on Sep 22, 2016 at 9:02 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For the past 3 seasons we have had 4 leagues of 12 with promotion and relegation between them up and down.
    This season will be the first under a new format, where there will still be a Premier league and a Division 1, however all other leagues will sit directly under Div 1 and all feed into it directly and equally. This will make the path to the Premier league quicker for new teams and other teams in the lower leagues.

    We need to decide how many teams will move between each league...

    Before we go there, first lets have a look at how the current commitments stand from last year's players.

    HEAVER, Rev, anthak, stowie, dabombers, bgt2110, Steve, karlos, Mick, rodgo, ddsaints, yumcha

    Div 1
    LiQuiD_SiXx, Ruddy, Chris White, costak, jasmine, pearcey47, crossy, twoeyec, doolz, Don_Cottagers, tasho, lethal (has confirmed via espn but not TS)

    G-Train, walesy, owen, headmandude, fez, nicksnow, underachievers, Rad_E_Cool, HEATalicious, maggots, OutKast_au, trav00, Spurs_jay, macca118, Danners, smokinjoemisiti, chris88, Lano24, Emes, that KI guy, Jamie___, Peaches, jmulldihno, BradM

    ViQBoZ, Bearfly, port_leschenault

    Thanks to everyone who has recommitted thus far. We're still waiting to hear from 7 people, and there's also lethal who sent me a PM on ESPN but I asked him to comment in here as well.

    Also, 5 players have dropped out (sorry to see you go) and there are 3 new players (welcome!).

    If anyone knows anyone who might want to join in, let them know to post in here.

    Onto the promotion and relegation rules for this season.

    Firstly, we propose that we keep the same exemptions as last season:
    ** Any teams that make the playoffs/finals are exempt from relegation.
    ** And the get-out wildcard clause if you do happen to find yourself in the relegation zone.
    - Anyone who wins all 3 games during playoffs/finals is exempt from relegation; and the lowest ranked at end of regular season will be relegated in their stead (that isnt already being relegated of course).​

    and, we propose that the same rules continue for the teams swapping between premier and div 1:
    The 3 teams going up from Div 1 to Premier will be:
    the GF winning team;
    the team with the best regular season 'Points For' (excluding GF winner of course);
    And (excluding 2 already promoted teams) the team with the best rank during regular season.

    The 3 teams going down from Premier to Div 1 will be:
    the bottom team at the end of the regular season;
    and (excluding the team with the worst reg season record) the two teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of our regular season.​

    Regarding how many teams swap between division 1 and the conference leagues. We would like to propose that the top 6 teams in division 1 are safe from relegation - this allows for both of the above exemptions to still be possible, giving more meaning to late season games. 6 teams would be relegated from Division 1. If there is 1 conference league, 6 will be promoted. If there are 2 conference leagues, 3 would be promoted from each. If there are 3 conference leagues, 2 would be promoted from each.

    Please let us know in the comments of this thread if you disagree with the above proposals and why. If there are alternative views, we could have a vote.

    Please comment in the thread if any questions.
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Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Sep 22, 2016.

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    1. Len
      I'm babes in the woods on fantasy NBA, but it's the off-season and the EPL can only sustain me so far.
      If there is a noob licence available I'm game.
      • Like Like x 4
    2. Rad_E_Cool
      So can I have this made absolutely clear? Under the proposal, Division 1 can only have 3 teams who stay there at the end of the season with 3 advancing and 6 dropping?
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    3. anthak
    4. walesy
      You can't do much worse than me mate! I've been doing this for years, been promoted once, and demoted 3 times. :D
      • Like Like x 3
    5. Len
      I had to look up a list of names :p
    6. crossy
      Gday Ant, good work with getting the leagues organized for this season, greatly appreciated. Just had a question about the 6 teams being relegated from div 1. Dont really have a problem with the number, just would like to see a team from the bottom 6 being rewarded if they are able to win all 3 playoff matches as stated here -
      ** And the get-out wildcard clause if you do happen to find yourself in the relegation zone.
      - Anyone who wins all 3 games during playoffs/finals is exempt from relegation; and the lowest ranked at end of regular season will be relegated in their stead (that isnt already being relegated of course).
      So I would recommend that 5 teams go down from div 1, of course you would need 5 to go up too, I suggest that from the 6 teams that had qualified to go up, whoever has the lowest points for, from those 6 teams, actually doesnt get promoted, gives the 6 non playoff teams in Div 1 something to play for. Anyway let me know your thoughts mate, cheers
      • Like Like x 1
    7. dabombers
      Good work Ant,
      All looks in order.
      I would suggest something a bit more competitive for Div 1.
      To make the cycle from up down quicker.
      The top 3 teams from Div 1 go to Premier.
      The next highest team stays in Div 1 plus the 3 relegated Premier League teams.
      All the remaining positions are relegated.
      Then filled up with promotion teams.
      And no get out of Gaol wild card in Div 1.
      Or remove the Wild card all together across all divisions.

      My thoughts are to make Div 1 a championship league filled up with thirsty players all trying to get into the Big Show!
      • Dislike Dislike x 1
    8. crossy
      I'm not sure relegating 8 teams from div 1 makes it more competitive. I'd keep it at 6 maximum. Happy to scrap the wildcard though
    9. crossy
      im assuming we will have 2 confernce leagues, meaning if 8 go up the guys finishing 4th in each would be promoted, and the guy finishing 5th in div 1 goes down, seems a bit unfair, i think if youre good enough for div 1 playoffs you stay there
    10. Steve
      I am ok with the relegation and promotion system that Ant has proposed.

      Also, let us know what your thoughts are in regards to timing of the draft?

      Last year we had it on the Sunday night which was 3 days before the first game started. As I was in the US this time last year, I am not sure if there was any negative feedback about timing of last year's draft? Was everyone ok with it? Did it give sufficient time for unclaimed players to pass through waivers before the first game?

      If we did the same this year, the drafts would be held on Sunday night 23rd of October.

      Or would people like the draft to be held a week earlier? e.g Sunday night 16th of October
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    11. anthak
      @crossy with 6 getting relegated, both wildcards are still in play.

      Top 5 make finals - all are safe from relegation.
      Bottom 6 in relegation zone. If any of those 6 win all 3 games, then the team that finished 6th will be relegated.

      @dabombers lets wait to see feedback from more others on your idea. Personally i dont really like the idea of teams who make finals being relegated.
    12. port_leschenault
      I have no idea of the system you guys have set up, but whatever is the most straightforward and simplest gets my support.

      Is this the site to sign up on? http://www.espn.com/fantasy/basketball/
      • Like Like x 2
    13. Steve
      Yes this is the site. Go ahead and sign up.

      Once we have the leagues sorted out, we will send out an invite to you to join your league.
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    14. tyze1
      fresh to NBA - but it is the FU & FF offseason so willing to have a crack at NBA if you need another participant
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    15. crossy
      Any idea when the draft order will be done Ant? Is there a deadline for people recommitting? cheers mate
    16. anthak
      We're gonna put up a new blog post over the coming days that we can use to promote the leagues. Hopefully get enough interest to run with 4 leagues again.
      Draft order wont be done until leagues are finalised which will probably still be a couple weeks away.
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    17. crossy
      On a sidenote I was hoping the draft could be held on the 16th of October, only if it fits in with everyone else of course, will be out of town on the 23rd :(
    18. anthak
      hey @walesy , you have been granted a reprieve! With a couple not coming back for more, you and @G-Train are back up into Div1 ;)
    19. walesy
      Yeahyeahyeah!! #OhSixteen is back in business!!

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