Reviewed the Who Dat's post CD positional hammer (nil effect tbh) and it looks like we are only Jason's squad short of being premiership favourites this year. Jack or Jones would look better as defenders, any one looking to turn a defender of similar quality into a mid should look me up, together we can defeat the Dark Side
Yes, sorry, forgot to post it Turns out, you can change the URL to make the past appear. Well played past walesy. Well played.
Am assuming no one is busy crafting a fixture? Will use this tonight and fix it up
Ex the Sc website Trades Centre - Trade Pool & Waiver List tab Depending on your league's setting, the Trade Centre's Trade Pool & Waiver List panel provides you with information and management options for all recently dropped players by other teams who are subject to Waiver trading rules or about to become Free Agents. The Waiver List provides a complete listing of dropped players who are in the Waiver pool, including information on any trade claims made by other teams. You may also initiate a trade claim on a player here. Further below, you are able to keep track of your squad's current waiver claims and manage the priority of your claims (from most wanted to least wanted). The players traded into your team under Waiver rules will depend on this list, as well as your league's Waiver Priority Order (available in the right panel). Your trade request under Waiver will be subject to your league's Waiver rules. The trade will only be completed depending on your priority order (and whether a team with a higher priority has also made a claim for that particular player) and after the time set in your league, in which a player must remain available in the Waiver pool (i.e. if the waiver period set for your league is 2 days, the player remains under Waiver for the full 48 hour period to allow other teams in your league to make a trade claim - the trade will occur 48 hours after the player was dropped into the Waiver pool). If no claim is made on a player during the set Waiver period for your League, they become a Free Agent at the end of their Waiver period and may be picked up by any team in your League on a first-come basis. Essentially a successful waiver claim drops you to the the bottom of the waiver list. I've not updated the waiver list to reflect the new teams, but it continues in perpetuity.
yes, and it has to be post draft. As far as possible we simply use the SC draft settings and rules, only modifying where it improves the league.
if my waiver is unsuccessful, have i then lost the player i have dropped? and all this is done via a thread?
the waiver period only applies for the first day or two after a round finishes. After that, open slather.
something like that, depends on exactly when the final game finished. Recall 7:30 pm being more important than midnight
You only drop the player if your claim is successful, ie you make the highest ranked claim, same as SC. Don't remember the exact timing on the waiver period and it ending would have to look it up, to be honest waivers don't get used a lot.
Pretty sure I answered the wrong question.. All you need to know is in this thread though mate, it's also where we do it and you can see how we have been doing it. Works pretty simply, every setting in this league is set to simple by design where possible