TS NBA 2017/18

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Aug 19, 2017.

By anthak on Aug 19, 2017 at 1:36 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    NBA starts a little earlier than usual this season with opening night on Tuesday October 17th (Australia time).

    Its shaping up to be a great season again. I'm not sure if anyone can challenge the Warriors, but there's still plenty of intrigue, especially with a lot of big name players changing teams over the off-season, and the emergence of other teams who have stuck together. Not much going on for my Bulls though as they have already put their cue in the rack! Looking forward to finally seeing Ben Simmons in action as well!

    Some other dates worth keeping an eye on are 2/10, 8/10 & 13/10 where 3 Aussie NBL teams are set to take on NBA teams during their pre-season: Sydney v Utah; Melbourne v OKC; and Brisbane v Phoenix which are all shaping up to be huge games for Australian basketball.

    TooSerious fantasy NBA:

    As many of you know, we have been running a fantasy NBA comp here at TS, and this will be our 8th season on the trot!

    Past champions of our premier division are:

    16/17: @stowie
    15/16: @stowie
    14/15: @stowie
    13/14: @Mick
    12/13: @Ruddy
    11/12: @Jasmine
    10/11: @dabombers

    Safe to say Stowie has had a stranglehold on the chip the last few years, winning every season since being promoted back up to the top league (after he won the Division 1 title in 13/14!)!

    For the past 4 seasons we have had 4 leagues of 12 teams, with promotion and relegation each season.

    It would be ideal to continue with at least 4 leagues again this season, and that means having at least 48 participating coaches.

    If you are keen to play this season, please register your interest in this thread.

    We use the ESPN site as a platform for the gameplay, and the rules/settings/scoring can be found here: http://games.espn.com/fba/leaguesetup/settings?leagueId=23530

    Once we know who is playing, we'll work out the promotion and relegation from last seasons results and then set up the leagues in ESPN. We will also likely discuss rules and such at a later date.

    Let us know in the comments below if you're in or not.

    New players are of course welcome to join in too! Encourage others to play if they haven't been involved before.

    For any new players, any available spots will be given out to those who register their interest first in this thread.
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Aug 19, 2017.

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    1. anthak
      actually, Ive just decided to drop him, considering season starts at round 3.

      Im gonna balance towards players I think will rise in value. Creek is fairly expensive, so may be someone to grab later. Only thing is we cant be sure yet how the prices will change this year, so I may regret it.
    2. anthak
      Ive just set up our NBL league to start in round 3 too. Silly to have league games scheduled when scores arent counting to overall.

      Whats with starting overall in round 3 anyway?... very strange!
    3. walesy
      I reckon they are aware that people don't know the NBL well, thus are giving us a chance to have a look around before committing to a team. I know that I'm just riding this blindly on the basis of an excellent prize. :D
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    4. Steve
      Just to let everyone know, the drafts will be held on Sunday 15th of October at 9.30pm (AEST)
      • Like Like x 4
    5. Bearfly
      Cheers Steve, that helps me out a hell of alot - let's me relax for a touch before getting in the draft :)
    6. Len
      I expected live scoring, I was disappointed :)
    7. Len
      And then it happened, influence :)
    8. anthak
      I just realised I didnt save the settings for the NBL league last night after I changed it to start at round 3... damn
      So we're starting at round 1!
      • Like Like x 2
    9. anthak
      This is where we are at:

      Premier: @Steve @stowie @HEAVER @Rev @karlos @yumcha @anthak @bgt2110 @rodgo @G-Train @costak @walesy
      Div 1: @ddsaints @dabombers @Mick @LiQuiD_SiXx @doolz @Lethal @Don_Cottagers @Rad_E_Cool @Peaches @Belmont383 @Auron @headmandude
      Div 2, Con 1: @Chris White @Jasmine @tyze1 @ViQBoZ @Bearfly @maggots @The Royals @port_leschenault @nicksnow @BallDontLie @OutKast_au @HargyBear
      Div 2, Con 2: @crossy @tasho @Lano24 @macca118 @smokinjoemisiti @Trav00 @Jmulldihno @Danners @Len @Emes @Sparks

      Im gonna try do all the invites now.

      Looks like we still need 2 more.

      Con 2 currently has 11 teams.
      @BallDontLie in Con 1 hasnt gotten back to us yet to say yes or no.

      Could go with 11 in each div2 league, but 12 in all is better
      • Like Like x 1
    10. anthak
      All invites have been sent.

      Anyone changing leagues, please check your emails and let me know if you havent received it.

      We still need two more people!
    11. HEAVER
      any chance of knowing draft orders this weekend for the leagues that are full? Starting mocking!!!
      • Like Like x 1
    12. anthak
      I was wondering this too...
      @Steve usually does it.

      Hopefully we can find the extra 2 we need quickly and then all could be done at same time anyway.
      But yeah, I'll leave the draft order up to @Steve
    13. anthak
      Thanks for this offer, mate. I have been thinking to ask you for help, but I think its all good now.
    14. Bearfly
      @walesy @Len @anthak how goes your NBL teams after opening night? Am pretty happy with Creek (C) Shorter & Hodgson, but disappointed in DJ - but can't sneeze at 174 to start with and having those 4 going around again Saturday evening.

      Think Shorter and Hodgson should make me a few quick $$$'s early.

      Should be another Sixers import coming in over next week or 2 as well with Roberts officially released due to knee injury - hopefully I can get some quick cash generation to take advantage.
    15. Len
      Not sure mate, so far;
      Sobey VC 46
      Creek 37
      Anderson 33
      Adnam 1

      But I have zero idea on what is par
    16. Bearfly
      After just game 1 Team of the Week requires:
      Ware (C)

      but that will change with Rotnei Clarke having a pretty solid start for the Hawks
      • Like Like x 1
    17. anthak
      @BallDontLie confirmed today they are out
    18. anthak
      I dunno, my teams a bit up and down, but I wasn't expecting big points round 1. I'm playing with $1.3m still in the bank.
    19. Steve
      I will sort out the draft order later today based on @anthak list of Too Serious user names above for each league.

      I will create a new thread to advise everyone of the draft order and what time the drafts will be held.
      • Like Like x 3
    20. tasho
      Hey ant can you resend my invite? Didn’t get one. Cheers
      • Like Like x 1

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