This is the spot to either check in for the 2018 flight or cancel your boarding pass. Failure to confirm one way or another by the 1st Feb will result in your seat being allocated to another coach, who is also probably a better person, just quietly Len - In JC - In snoz - In Tylo - In dmandrews - In Kel - In TerryinBangkok - In Bryzza - Out - Now BigWoof Jason - In bgt2110 - In TheTassieHawk - In HOLKY - In 12 Confimed
Do we have any takers for the vacant chair? Very simple league, originally was coducted in the SC portal but it didn't support trading and a few other things we wanted so moved here to the AFL keeper league central. Try to stick to that same basic format, with a keep it simple mantra..
Ok, handed team over to @BigWoof Remeber please, no squad changes until we get PSD delists etc setup, per this thread
Throwing my hat in the ring early for next season...pls let me know if a spot opens up. good luck for this year guys.