2018 TS SuperCoach leagues

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Mar 12, 2018.

By anthak on Mar 12, 2018 at 12:23 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JLT is finished, RMT is underway and there are now only 10 days to go until the first bounce of the 2018 season.
    Time to get your leagues sorted.

    1st thing is to join the TS group. The group code is: 768499, or, join HERE (You might need to make sure you’re already logged into your team before clicking that link).

    The last few years we have gone with leagues based on overall rank, however this year we'll be going back to the previous model: fill a league then create a new one. There is also room for people to create novelty leagues such as a TS Expats league, or TS Vic Country etc.

    We will still have a TS Platinum league again this year for the top performers. If anyone is keen to join that league, please let us know in the comments and advise previous ranks of note. We'll send an invite to the top 18.

    When setting up a TS league, the main rule is that the league name must include the words Too Serious or TooSerious or TS in it.

    Here's how it will work:
    1. There is currently a league called TS Donuts that @TerryinBangkok has posted in the league thread, so that can be our first one. The league code is 112302. Anyone can go ahead and join that league.
    2. If you attempt to join that league but it is full, then create a new league and post the league name and league code in the comments of this thread. Remember to use the words TooSerious or similar.
    3. Whoever finds that 2nd league to be full, create a new one... and so on and so on...
    4. Only make a new league if the previous one is full.
    I will keep a record of all leagues and league codes down the bottom of this OP.

    Obviously if anyone wants to start up a novelty league for specific groups of people, it should go without saying that you can go ahead and do that any time! Post any novelty leagues in here and I'll add them to the OP too. There is already one that TiB has created called TS Expats which I've listed below.

    Current 2018 Leagues:

    TS Donuts (112302)
    TS Seriously? (151747)
    TS ORFFA (176491)
    TooSerious Donors (185542)
    TS Trading Games 2 (341290)
    Too Serious Abroad (372210)
    TS Trading Games 1 (446649)
    TS Donut Holes (458496)
    TS - Eagles League (502432)
    TS Just Be Awesome (503699)
    TooSerious Vic Tas (545437)
    TS Good to Go (562689)
    TS NBA crew 2 (622689)
    TS Lets do it (674508)
    TS Tigers (699315)

    TS Platinum (703031)
    Too$erious Ca$h (714859)
    TS Expats (732238)
    TS - WA League (747590)
    TS South Australia (785715)

    TS ORFFL (793221)
    TS Dawdlers (798869)
    FFUK V TS ASHES (809440)
    TS ORFFF TRIPPERS (812935)
    TS Whorks (828996)
    TS NBA crew (857808)

    TS Misfits (958074)
    TS ORFFU (995594)

    So, that’s 31 leagues in total that we know of.

    Good luck for season 2018 everyone!
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
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Discussion in 'Leagues' started by anthak, Mar 12, 2018.

    1. Jason
      TS Just Be Awesome 503699 currently has 5/18
      TS ORFFL 793221 currently has 12/18
      TS Donuts is now full
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Bearfly
      Will jump in the ORFFL league over next day or two Jase
    3. Bearfly
      Cheers mate, much appreciated - although not entirely unexpected, it's still been quite an upsetting few days since getting the news
    4. Polly
      I'll happily jump in a Platinum comp if one gets going, always great to be in strong leagues.
      My rankings for the past few years are below, hoping to push back up this year :)

      2017 ranking: 2021
      2016 Ranking: 2335
      2015 Ranking: 128
      2014 Ranking: 43
      • Like Like x 1
    5. TN
      Not sure if good enough for Platinum League, but last two years
      2017 Ranking: 2907
      2016 Ranking: 2497
      • Like Like x 1
    6. Seconds
      Be careful letting Penske in a league. Valerie won the TooSerious Div 2 last year. Gun
    7. port_leschenault
      Ah ok, that's explains it. I didn't get the email. Cheers :thumbsu:

      Good that there's a Game 3. Shame the GF series is between two awful teams ;)
    8. Jason
      TS ORFFL is supposed to be for the 18 teams that make up the ORFFL, but the owner of at least one of those team's hasn't played regular SC for several years and we have needed a few extras to top it up.
      • Like Like x 1
    9. thokash
      Wow that's pretty cool didn't know there was your finish history on the SC (back to 2014) site now.

      Platinum League hopes:
      2017 - 1144th
      2016 - 167th
      2015 - 5,747th (lol)
      2014 - 331st
      • Like Like x 1
    10. anthak
      cool, so thats 12 people expressing interest in joining the platinum league... 6 more spots to fill...

      @walesy you should join it for sure!
    11. walesy
      I'll join in if you need a body, but man, my record over the past 4 years only has one Sub-5k effort :D

      Those who can, do- Those who cant, teach :D
      • Like Like x 3
    12. OziBatla
      2017 - 14,366 :(
      2016 - 3,306
      2015 - 3,427
      2014 - 1,434
    13. Fitzy
      2017 - 595
      2016 - 5134
      2015 - 76

      Platinum if possible!

      And condolences @Bearfly about your Pop, hope you're travelling alright.
    14. port_leschenault
      Thought I had posted my league positions.

      '17 - 1492; '16 - 719; '15 - 1621; '14 - 287

      Yeah the SC history tab is great, shame it doesn't do leagues too.
    15. clintwaight
      I’d love to join the platinum league if there is still space. My last 3 years I have ranked: 2,889; 3,331 and 15,006.
      Team name: WolvesOfClinterfel
    16. clintwaight
      I’ve been running a TS league called Too Serious Abroad for TS members that live overseas. If anyone lives outside of Australia and wants to join, the code is:
      Too Serious Abroad: 372210
      • Like Like x 1
    17. jordy06
      I’ll put my hand up for the Platinum League.

      2017 - 14367
      2016 - 8743
      2015 - 473
    18. tyze1
      SF Bulls - keen as always

      2015 -292
      2016 - 1024
      2017 - 3014
    19. churchboy
      Hey all, started a TooSerious Vic Tas league. open to all Too Serious peeps. I won't judge :) 545437
      • Like Like x 1
    20. Bearfly
      Cheers @Fitzy - haven't been too bad (the odd few minutes or so of complete devastation here and there), but am expecting emotions to swell the closer it gets to the funeral.

      Would also like to thank everyone else here on TS who have passed on their condolences either in a post or via PM, has been very much appreciated
      • Like Like x 2

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