2018 ORFFF MSD - Banter/Discussion

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by TheTassieHawk, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lol, love that the same figure is read as both a positive and a negative :)
    It's a decent clip for sure, I am content with it, sometimes the FA's speed is a bit too fast, but in reality I like variances in approach
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It is fine how it is, but there were some very slow patches, as commented on by a few people as we went, including yourself Len. The speed was definitely improved by multiple picks being posted at once a few times.

    However, most of the big gaps seemed to be due to sleeping overnight or working during the day, and overall it was a good effort by all to keep it moving (after the rocket we got from Len early on) :)
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