ORFFF discussion on trade period duration and timing

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by That KI Guy, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Opening up discussion around the duration and timing of future post-season and pre-PSD trade periods.

    Give us your thoughts on:
    - how long the post-season and pre-PSD trade periods should be
    - when these trade periods should be timed (which month?)
    - any justification/opinion on responses to above

    Based on feedback provided, the board will review and consider a way forward.

    Historical ORFFF trade periods for reference:
    2016 post-season trade period - 6 weeks starting early Sept
    2017 pre-psd trade period - 3 weeks starting end Jan
    2017 post-season trade period - nil (unsure why, commish transition?)
    2018 pre-PSD trade period - 4 weeks starting mid Jan
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I remember we were waiting on bear to post the dates but it never happened
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There was a bit of talk about this when we were setting up the rules.
    Some people wanted non-stop trading at all times. Others wanted minimal trade periods.

    I’m not really fazed about it, myself. I’m happy to go with the flow on this one.
  4. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Participation is voluntary

    I like the idea of a trade period that that starts pretty promptly (before people start forgetting about this for a while) and extends beyond the AFL Draft as the reality of draft jewels often encourage trades around picks.
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  5. leematty1

    leematty1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I second that
  6. James84

    James84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Personally not fussed. We all tend to disappear until major events such as trade week, draft time, preseason. So having it as an open window won't likely see much, if any action anyway.
  7. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If we all disappear then it makes no sense to have it open.

    Keep it to being an actual post-season trade period, not a most-of-offseason trade period. It should end before AFL list changes happen, definitely shouldn't be open over AFL trade/draft periods.

    Saying those that don't wish to trade, don't have to is disingenuous, they're still part of this league so affected by whatever happens within it.
  8. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am not disingenius by nature, habit or intent.
    Even in leagues where trade periods are full of activity somepeople simply don't get into it, there is no reason I can think of that should prevent two coaches wmaking a trade on the 1st of or the 12 of November simply because two other coaches not involved would rather not be around at that time.
    If some people have a preference to only be on here for a few weeks after and before the seaon good luck to them, though not ideal for site traffic, others are here all the time tinkering, projecting and planning, why should one group be any more or less advantaged by arbitrary lines in teh said, thus I stated Participation is voluntary.

    I believe we are mostly, with precence as a reason, reflecting the general practices of our original leagues.
    From experience, the ORFFA has always had longer and quite active trade seasons (the only quiet ones we have are immediately post draft), whereas the ORFFL barely trade at all other than pre-season and even then at comparitively low volume.

    Ideally the best time to trade is when the most people are around to do it, and length or period be determined by how often those around want to do it, and prove the want by actively engaging.
    What that looks like for this league I have not yet got a very good handle on and is no doubt why @That KI Guy guy has asked for input..
  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As previously stated I believe short ORFFF trade periods are ideal and my main reason is that it allows for better ORFFF-life balance outside of the season.

    I expect that a similar number of trades can be completed in a shorter time span and previous trade periods shows most of the activity will occur in the final days/hours anyway.

    I would support the 2018 ORFFF model (ie no post season trade period, preseason starting in January) but would be keen shorten the trade period slightly to commence from Australia Day (or the day that SC opens) rather than a mid January start.

    I also believe the best postseason option is to wait until after AFL list changes are largely completed so the 2016 example of a fit and mostly able Jim Bartel retiring at Geelong's request with a year to go on his contract doesn't end up with ORFFF trade consequences. Those list changes are normally close to being finalised as we reach mid November so a 3-4 week trade period prior/to and post AFL draft would be my preference if a pre XMAS post season trade period is happening.
  10. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What ever the trade period is it just needs to be advertised so that coaches know when its on particularly so that if there are trades that are questionable that coaches have the opportunity to veto or make comment.

    There are different reason why we should and shouldn't trade straight away. Some like to get take lots of risk and get a player in now even they might injure themselves in the coming weeks, there those that want to see which clubs pick up players, some players may not even get a gig.Some may get different/new positions per SC and of course trading to get pick to pick up that coolest looking rookie.

    With all that said I reckon a window now to the end of September or October. Then a break and start again start of January before the draft.
  11. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry if I am in the wrong thread. Just tossing it out there should any coach decide not to re-up for 2019, I am interested in a franchise.

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  12. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for reminder. Will reach out to all trippers to confirm attendance next yr.
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  13. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is how I see it. It's closed league with 16 coaches. Any changes affect everyone involved. Having a trade period open affects everyone because it's you then treat it differently than doing nothing at all (the off-season). Completed trades change the league (big or small) whether you take part or not. That to me, is straightforward so I don't see "you don't have to trade if you don't want to" or similar as a valid reason for an extended trade period.

    Tbh I'm still not convinced by any reason in thread for why there needs to be a long off-season trade period. If people disengage the further into the off-season of the actual AFL, that doesn't really challenge having a short post-season trade period. All thebetter for it.

    There's no one suggesting not having one at all, just make it short and before AFL's Trade Period.

    Let's have an actual off-season.
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  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fair enough, as I've said before I enjoy the counterpoints that the different leagues provide me, I've stated my preference but don't see it as a big deal either way, firm believer in majority rules, even if they are wrong :)
  15. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't mind having a trade period during the AFL finals series - most of us would be still mildly engaged here during the finals anyway (even if not actively posting, but checking in to see what activity is happening - I'm guilty of that).
    But I do believe post finals we should have an "off-season", mainly because this is when the AFL list changes occur followed by trade period and draft.
    Not too fussed when pre-season trading starts, but it does make sense to wait until SC positions are known (we would all most likely have at least 1 or 2 of our squad members potentially getting SC position changes, or DPP additions/removals).
    Anyway, because of having several medical trips to Adelaide with @MrsBear over the next 2-3 months we will both "go with the flow" and accept what eventually gets decided.
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  16. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks everyone for taking the time to whack your thoughts in here.
    To date we have responses from 8 coaches.
    Neither myself or the board members have put our personal thoughts out there, which I think is fair so we can be seen to make an unbiased judgement.
    Anyways, i'm comfortable with this 8 out of 13 snap shot.
    I'll flick this to the board for consideration and come to an agreed position based on consensus opinions here.
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  17. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ok all, consensus from this thread leans toward a short post-season trade period which avoids the AFL trade and draft periods.
    The board has convened and agreed to a 2018 post-season trade period of roughly 5 weeks: 9pm 26/8/18 - 9pm 1/10/18.
    I will make an amendment to rule 4b which pertains to trade and draft timeframes.
    The rule will not be ultra-prescriptive in respect to duration other than specifying the post-season trade period to be no longer than 5 weeks and that it must not commence until the ORFFF grand final is completed and must conclude prior to the start of the AFL trade and draft periods.

    In regard to the pre-PSD trade period, there was not a huge amount of feedback on this other than a couple of preferences for trading to commence once SC positions are released.
    I'll put up a poll on this for everyone to vote one way or the other.

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