Ok, just confirming that I *have* seen this thread. Will get a fix in for it when I get home tonight (Or, maybe in the morning)
Ok, wont try to touch anything either. Agree with Jason. Clearing beforehand is a good idea. Not too much to expect people to enter teams at a minimum of two times a season. I rushed through on Thursday making sure teams were all updated and the lockout set. Didn't think to check teams.
I don't think you wouldn't have noticed anything out of the usual in the selected teams pre-lockout, because I couldn't see an issue when I took a look at the key selected teams after lockout. The only place it showed was in the "Matchday" area, which unfortunately was the what was used to determine the scoring for Round 15.
Something's wrong with the Queenstown/Sarah Island match scores too. I mean my players look right and I'm pretty sure it was how I picked them but I'm at least like 65% sure that I should have won that game. If an admin could fix that would be great, thanks.
Yes Yes, Milikipati still have Zaharakis on the field. Also Stanley on field for both Snakes and Dragons.
I'll bet that it doesn't look like that in "Edit my Team" though, so when I get home in about 40 minutes (if this hasn't already been done by another admin) can clear those teams and re-enter with what I can see in the "Edit my Team" section.
Have already cleared and re-entered the glamas. Hornsy seems to have maybe 6 too many players on the ground. Can you fix that please?
Are you joking or really only seeing 7 on field? Refresh should definitely see a full side. Exactly what was inputted last week, but I cleared them team first, was only AC on bench that was showing up wrong afaik