AFL: Round 16 Review

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jul 7, 2019.

By stripey on Jul 7, 2019 at 10:06 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This week was tough man.... next week already looks worse...

    Hows your team looking now, with all the carnage over the last couple of weeks it looks unlikely I'll ever quite get to the 'complete' team.... it's probably going to be a case of do whatever needs to be done from here on just to field a full squad!

    Weekly Score: 2320
    Overall Position: 1,099 from 1,117
    5 trades left and now $24k short on my planned Hore to Whitfield trade :spew:
    Injury watch on Josh Kelly and his corked calf, come back soon Crippa!
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jul 7, 2019.

    1. walesy
      Stats are up though - #winning
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    2. port_leschenault
      I see its not just the SC Gods buggering me, it's the Disappointments too! :D #losing
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    3. stripey
      The Bullfrogs haven’t returned from the mid season bye yet... #wakeupjeff
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    4. Nick
      Wow what a horrible round
      Macrae and Josh Kelly as captain choices were horrible, would’ve won cash league if chose any of 150 club from Cogs, Neale, Danger, Oliver.
      Hore injured on 3 losing $50k
      Upgraded smith instead of Hore - smith pumps out a 97 and Hore injured on 3.....classic SC!!
      Cogs, lycett, Josh kelly, Boak, gawn all now on injury watch with only 3 trades left.
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    5. stripey
      My likely team after a Hore to Sicily trade....

      2,475 projected
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    6. Penske file
      Penske file
      Covered Boak with Parker's glorious 38ish, however Gawn dun me in, lost games by 15's and 20's , the donut was a bit stale as well. Ah well maybe next week, can Kelly, Lycett , Cripps and the aforementioned get up, wait and see.
    7. ike2112
      What site do you use for screenshot links? I can never get it to fit the right size like yours.
    8. stripey
      Most computers (dont know about apple) have a program on them called 'Snipping Tool', click on the Start button and search for it and it should come up. Create a new snip, Copy it (an option up the top), then paste it into the chat
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    9. ike2112
      Wow, this is so much easier - I was snipping, but then saving as jpeg, uploading that to imgr or similar then pasting a url to the image. This could be a metaphor for my SC decisions too, where for all my tinkering I've ended up having Logue as D6...
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    10. TheTassieHawk
      You have done extremely well to trade into that position @stripey

      The mid bench looks particularly strong.

      F7 could be upgraded to a Toby McLean/Jack Newnes dpp type if you are feeling like you need F7 cover and Moore is not in this week
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    11. stripey
      Thanks mate, I would have preferred to have better DPP cover at this stage but all my post bye trades have been to cover specific issues... Toby McLean definitely a value pick, surely cant go lower and has been flagged to start getting more midfield time by Bevo. Provides a looping option with Jezza Cameron in 4 of the 7 rounds left too
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    12. walesy
      Also, Shift-WindowsKey-S works a treat :D
    13. stripey
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    14. IPOD
      Well i am in some strife some big calls Hore - Sicily looks all i can afford (gonna be 20 odd k short) but going to have to move on JKelly. To facilitate the above move will need to move Kelly - any mid under 590k so likes of Cunnington, Oliver, Sloane, Treloar, Shuey, Zorko etc. Although with all the carnage still gonna have to play one of Duursma, Hind or Clarke on field
    15. dabombers
      Lots of us in the same boat.. Time to get imaginative!!
    16. TheTassieHawk
      Logue out. Friday night squad culling had better be kind.
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    17. IPOD
      Mmmmmm Logue Omitted not great news with Hore inured, Duursma on extended bench have cover in def with Answerth also in the mids with Hind and Clarke but looks like a JKelly to a mid under 590k to help generate the Hore to Sicily trade. So who comes in for JKelly

      Option 1 - Cunnington
      Option 2 - Oliver
      Option 3 - Treloar
      Option 4 - Sloane
      Option 5 - Shuey/Yeo/Gaff
      Left out Zorko off the list as i have SC Black banned him after pooing it up all last year
      • Option 2 Option 2 x 2
    18. stripey
      I feel there is a certain risk/reward with Oliver I couldnt go past... he's the most likely to throw up a few huge scores I reckon

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