2020 Too Serious ORFFW signups for keeper and annual (re)draft leagues

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Dec 26, 2019.

By TheTassieHawk on Dec 26, 2019 at 2:40 PM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi All,

    Too Serious will be holding our 2nd season of AFLW based competition in 2020 during the 2020 AFLW home and away season, building on the success of our 8 team, 7 week competition in 2019.

    As AFLW Draftstars is only a weekly comp we are one of the few full season fantasy comps on offer for AFLW next season – the other I know about is at SuperCoach Talk see https://supercoachtalk.com/aflw-fantasy-final-results/ for details of their 2019 competition. Hopefully success of our comp and others eslwwhere will lead to SuperCoach and RealDream team comps further down the track.

    We are looking to grow numbers substantially so whether you are an AFLW fanatic, general fantasy football or fantasy sports fan or both please consider having a crack at either a keeper league or (re)draft format competition (or both). Also pass on the word to your family, mates and fantasy league buddies if you think they would be keen. Multiple leagues can be formed depending on how many entries we receive.

    Whether you are a long time Too Serious member or otherwise we would love to have you joining in. If your fantasy football site of choice for AFL mens comps is elsewhere that is no issue and this comp will slot in nicely with those who compete in BBL supercoach and AFL Supercoach and AFL Fantasy comps.

    As the AFLW season commences on Friday 7th February, 2020 pre-season drafts for AFLW comps will need to commence on or around Friday 24th January, depending on league size (ie 6 to 12 teams). AFLW player positions, league draft order, league draft starting time and other details for 2020 will therefore be finalized and listed by Thursday 16th January.

    To join up for 2020 ORFFW comps either post below or send me a tweet at MystixORFFW @MOrffw indicating whether your preference is for a keeper league, annual draft league, or you are willing to sign up for one of each.

    Cheers TTH

    Keeper ……………. Re(Draft)
    1. TTH …………..... 1. TTH's Dad
    2. @Tracey ………. 2. @Len
    3. @Len …….….... 3. @FreoDockers
    4. @That KI Guy ... 4. @dmandrews
    5. @FreoDockers .... 5. @marconofrio
    6. @dmandrews ……. 6. 1 to 3 spots left
    7. @marconofrio …. 7.
    8. @anthak ……………….. 8.
    9. @HOlky
    10. @Tiny_doughnut
    11. @ver_redit_optatum
    12. @Nic Neg


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Dec 26, 2019.

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