Round 4 Review Thread

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jun 28, 2020.

By TheTassieHawk on Jun 28, 2020 at 7:22 PM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There are several big player scores around the traps and some injuries for the like of Naismith, Howe and Fyfe.

    How is your team going after 4 rounds and how many trades do you have left for the final 13 rounds of season 2020 ?
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jun 28, 2020.

    1. Royboy Forever
      Royboy Forever
      I having a woeful start. Can only just manage 2000 a week. Only used two trades when we came back and should have used the whole 5. Got some cash last week trading Dunkley to Bailey Smith and Whitfield to Jy Simpkin
      This week I have to do Howe and I think I am going with Maynard. I will hold Fyfe and use my cash to trade Tyler Brown (M9) or Marlion Pickett (M11) to to Mitch Duncan but I will wait and see who is in and out this week
    2. Micksdemons
      2090 shockingly poor week 24 trades but nothing exciting about - should I bring Green back ! .. .? Lost all leagues that matter
    3. Penske file
      Penske file
      Things are certainly grim, and that's no fairy tale. Howe to go may hold Fyfe awaiting report on him. So much for this weeks ruck upgrade.
    4. walesy
      Not without people fricking doing the right thing omg.
    5. choppers
      SA won't open their borders on July 20 either now.
    6. maxweas1
      Hi guys,

      180th after a poor 2,153, 26 trades left - kept Green, but have Fyfe and Howe.

      Unfortunately work is ridiculous at the moment (barely spending 10 mins on SC this year). I've got history of going OK - sat top 20 most of 2016 before finishing around 25th, and had a number of top 10 weekly finishes including a 2nd and a 4th.

      Was just doing a leagues team this year but now thinking it's worth having a crack. Anyone out there who's team is cooked due to the Essendon/Melbourne thing or just wanting to pitch in let me know. Would be keen to get someone on board who has done well in the past.

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    7. anthak
      nice one mate, good start!
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    8. anthak
      Looks like our best two TS leagues so far are currently ranked 23rd and 245th.
      A decent start from “TS NBA Crew“ at 23rd. This league has finished top 20 before, so hopefully can continue the good start and push up even higher.
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    9. ike2112
      Howe and Fyfe is likely a common problem.

      One other consideration is how good Stephen Hill looked; I think he pretty much needs brought in as given we'll have less rounds to get to Full Premo this year, if he scores 80-90 he'd be D6 or F6 easily and with the flexibility. If you've got Brander on either bench, its even better.

      I have enough cash to bring in Hurn (now playing at Optus, minimal risk to lose games to Covid-19 next 3wk) and Ridley for example (through moving Starcevich to M8, keeping Rivers on D bench as DPP).

      But I think Hill is a necessity, Maynard was scoring great and could get even better with Howe out, and Jy Simpkin I think looks like a top 6 fwd. Have seen two of his full games this year, he's the real deal - gets the footy, and is composed with it.

      What's everyone else's thoughts?
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    10. anthak
      Yep, I’d get Hill.
      I picked him up last week. His potential upside at that price is too hard to refuse
    11. ike2112
      I'm just trying to decide if I go Hill and Ridley or Hill and Simpkin, Hill and a Premo Mid, or Hold Fyfe and look elsewhere?
      I'm not sure this is the year to hold a premo for anything more than 2 weeks. Imagine he doesn't play vs Cats and Pies, then Freo get stuck due to Covid unable to get into Vic or host any Vic clubs after that...
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    12. Waldo666
      I've pretty much decided to get Maynard in for Howe, will likely hold Fyfe for now and bring in Hill or Serong for one of my rookies with the highest BE or maybe the selection table will make the decision for me. Trouble is none of the rookie moves will net much cash as the main options his week are close to the $200k mark.
    13. TheTassieHawk
      Mahony is cheap and has dpp, so if his JS isn’t a concern or he can be M10, M11 or F8 he could be an option for teams who can use some positional flexibility and the extra cash.
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    14. Waldo666
      His price is certainly right but admittedly I don't know much about him, you say he has good JS?
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    15. TheTassieHawk
      IMO if North are a finals contender then his JS may be poorer In the next 6-7 rounds than on teams like Freo who are 0-4.

      Whether he can stay ahead of Hall, Ahern, Bonar and others not currently in the team is key but some teams may pick him up and use him as a floating donut if that eventuates.
    16. Waldo666
      Cheers TTH, I have my fair share of rookie doughnuts as it is so not sure I can risk another!
    17. port_leschenault
    18. anthak
      He’s been right on the cusp of making his debut all season, I think he’s been an emergency every round so far. And he impressed a bit in round 4, so he could stick for a bit.

      In saying that, I’ve got other issues I want to deal with this week, so I don’t think I’ll be bringing him in myself
    19. anthak
      I agree it’s not a good year to hold premiums on the bench for more than a week or two.

      I have a similar decision I’m making this week, and FWIW I think I’m bringing in Ridley instead of a premium mid.
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    20. headmandude
      Does anyone know how serious Brander’s injury is?
      I’ve got Howe, Noble, Brander plus Zerk-Thatcher.
      I’ll probably go with trading in Hill plus either Maynard or Ridley
      Obviously Howe’s out Plus one of the other 3. If I make ZT the other trade then I’ll carry 270k in to next week so I can still bring in Simpkin for Brayshaw, just a week later than hoped.
      Or I could trade out Noble/Brander for extra 50 or 60k.
      Any thoughts?

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