Round 8, 2020

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Jul 24, 2020.

By anthak on Jul 24, 2020 at 12:15 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The last somewhat normal round for a while.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Jul 24, 2020.

    1. choppers
      Grundy on 10 at halftime....
      • Like Like x 1
    2. anthak
      Yeah, the ups and downs of a SuperCoach weekend on full display!
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    3. choppers
      Finished with 60 before scaling so should be about 655K next week..
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    4. ike2112
      Yeah and Doedee played a lock-down role this week. Grundy having a dire one too - and I've got him already and needing to move Pittonet to Gawn next week :(

      I think this has taught me to just get the obvious Premo (Lloyd).

      Also that I shouldn't have upgraded Starcevich - he was still playing, and losing cash so I moved him on 2 weeks ago. But that left me no DEF bench (Rivers and Gould) so now had to find a transfer to bring in Day as cover, but who still isn't going to be a D6. In future I'll ignore the cash loss and keep the guy who's playing...
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    5. anthak
      I did the same thing with Starcevic a couple weeks back :eek:
    6. anthak
      I’m still not doing too badly this round so far.

      I’m on 2190, with Dangerfield + Simpson to come.
      Projected to score 2349.

      Lloyd instead of Doedee would’ve netted me an extra 126 points tho! And I probably won’t be bringing in Grundy straight away anymore, so could’ve grabbed a proper premium defender afterall.
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    7. anthak
      Hows everyone else going with one game remaining?
    8. choppers
      2214 with Danger and Duncan to come....
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    9. Owen
      2124 with Simpson to come. Was looking very poor until Gawn (C), Oliver, Viney, and Petracca saved my score. Docherty, D Smith, Simpkin, Cripps, all giving me the shits. D Smith will probably get the boot for B Smith when lockout finishes which might cost around $60K.
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    10. choppers
      I didn't have Cripps but had the other 3 plus Goldy and Doedee.
    11. ike2112
      What is the deal with Simpkin? I know he was off the field for a quarter last week, but this week?

      Saw him play 2 games earlier in the year, looked really classy. Moves in traffic like a young Pendlebury, the sort who would always get touches no matter the type of game. Now though... is he being tagged?
    12. choppers
      he was tagged by Curnow...and gave away 4 FA's
    13. anthak
      Duncan came up big for you
    14. choppers
      sure did and got me to 2450.......hope I went up a few spots...

      I see it but I don't believe it.....up to 3.
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
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    15. TheTassieHawk
      Make sure you screenshot that mate and I wish you all the best in taking down the 2 teams above you and keeping at bay the thousands chasing hard.
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    16. choppers
      Don't know how to screenshot...I'm still in the 20th Century...;)
    17. TheTassieHawk
      Take a photo on your camera or phone then mate
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    18. walesy
      Stats are on their way now. :) Gizz a sec
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    19. JPK
      For those who haven't seen it, thats @choppers there at #3


      Good luck for the rest of the season mate!!!!
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    20. walesy
      and done.
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