Draft order set

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Dec 16, 2020.

By anthak on Dec 16, 2020 at 3:21 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's been tricky to decide when to hold the draft at this time of year.
    We've set up a poll with two options and it is only open for 24 hours, closing approximately Thursday 3:20pm AEDT, so get in and vote quickly.

    We have also set the draft orders.
    As follows:

    1. @crossy
    2. @smokinjoemisiti
    3. @nicksnow
    4. @costak
    5. @karlos
    6. @stowie
    7. @Rad_E_Cool
    8. @anthak
    9. @Bearfly
    10. @Steve
    11. @HEAVER
    12. @tyze1

    Division 1:
    1. @tasho
    2. @Mick Webb
    3. @bgt2110
    4. @Jet
    5. @Jmulldihno
    6. @headmandude
    7. @Brad666
    8. @Rev
    9. @Lethal
    10. @Daniel Sprigg
    11. @dabombers
    12. @Don_Cottagers

    Division 2:
    1. @Lano24
    2. @chris88
    3. @Danners
    4. @rodgo
    5. @Paul Dolores
    6. @Belmont383
    7. @Jacob Doole
    8. @Alliw
    9. @WingMan
    10. @Eggrobber
    11. @Sparks
    12. @Jasmine
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020

Which night should we hold the draft

Poll closed Dec 17, 2020.
  1. Saturday 19th - 11pm AEDT

    6 vote(s)
  2. Sunday 20th - 11pm AEDT

    11 vote(s)
  3. I dont mind, whichever

    5 vote(s)


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Dec 16, 2020.

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    1. Alliw
    2. Mick Webb
      Mick Webb
      I drive a public bus on Saturday nights! Don’t draft and drive.
      • Like Like x 2
    3. WingMan
      Can it start earlier in the day ?
      • Like Like x 1
    4. crossy
      I was pretty happy with the earlier timeslot on Saturday of 4.45pm. Is that out?
    5. anthak
      yeah, when we did the first poll, more than half of all respondents said they couldn't do that timeslot. that's way too many not available.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. anthak
      Hi @JC are you ok to run a team in Div 2? You are still in the league, from co-owning the team with Len last season, and I haven't removed you yet.
    7. anthak
      the first polls went against the earlier timeslot for both Saturday and Monday. Earlier on Sunday is no good because it clashes with the WNBL grand final which I imagine most of us would be watching ;) I know I will be
      Any other day has the same issues as the Monday being too early on a work day
    8. anthak
      Also, its physically impossible to select any time between 4:45 and 11pm unfortunately
    9. Mick Webb
      Mick Webb
      If there was one time of the week when most are doing absolutely nothing...it would have to be late Sunday nights.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      • Like Like x 2
    10. JC
      Count me out, mate. I'm not sure I was even involved last year - I think that was a carry over from the year before that.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. headmandude
      Good stuff Ant.
      I’m not showing up in a league when I log on to ESPN. Have you made the leagues up yet?
    12. anthak
      Yes, I noticed you haven’t joined yet. Maybe I’ve sent your invite to a wrong email address. Can you let me know the best email for you.
    13. anthak
      Same thing for @Daniel Sprigg still needs to join. I might have wrong email address, so let me know if you haven’t received the invite.
    14. headmandude
      All good. I missed the invite.
      My whole fantasy history seems to have disappeared though which is weird
    15. Jacob Doole
      Jacob Doole
      I'll go around again in Division 2 if you're still after someone!
    16. anthak
      We’ve set the draft for 11pm Sunday
      • Like Like x 1
    17. anthak
      Yeah for sure, I’ll send you an invite to the league later
    18. anthak
      @Jacob Doole I have sent you the invite and added you into the OP of this thread. Let us know if any issues.
    19. anthak
      Still need @Daniel Sprigg and @Jacob Doole to join the leagues and we still need to find one more person for Div 2..... or 13 more if we want to fill 4 leagues again haha
      • Like Like x 1

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