ORFFF 2021 temporary rule amendment

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by That KI Guy, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey ho,
    A couple of rule suggestions were put to the board recently and rather than grind out innumerable polls and sweat and mumble about options and sub-options, the board has considered these independently and provided a ruling.

    1. Suggestion of reducing ORFFF list sizes in light of reduced AFL list sizes.
    Verdict - not supported (but will review suggestion in lead up to 2022 if AFL lists reduced further)

    2. Suggestion of providing two (end of 2nd round) compensation picks to Port Lincoln Power to assist the club in climbing out of the cellar-funk.
    Verdict - supported
    PLP will receive 2021 PSD picks 33 and 34, with all other existing picks of 33 and beyond pushed back by 2 picks.


    Your beloved Board
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  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi mate, no worries, but I might’ve missed something. What’s happened to PLP to warrant this?
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  3. James84

    James84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  4. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not that we like seeing clubs at the bottom of the ladder all the time but it would nice to know what's happening.
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  5. leematty1

    leematty1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    So do we know why this decision was reached?
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah I was genuinely wondering. I can’t remember back to last season properly but I think PLP beat the Shags when we played. I might be wrong.
    What was PLP’s record last season? I assume they finished bottom? Was this their first year on the bottom, or multiple? I just can’t remember and I’m curious. To be clear, I’ve got no problem with the board making the decision to award draft picks.
  7. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    • over 1400 points less than the 2nd lowest scoring team
    • almost 900 points lower than the previous lowest ever season tally
    • drew vs 29ers (11th), 40 point win over boozers (15th) then 13 consecutive losses by an average of 276 points (both previous wooden spooners had managed 3 wins)
    • a combined 0-19-1 in 5 head to head meeting each against the Noahs, Whales, Dropbears and 29ers since 2016
    previous seasons ORFFF ladders
  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In the absence of Free Agency and a salary cap in our competition I personally believe draft picks are appropriate as a small equalisation measure in any circumstances where a team has 5 consecutive seasons outside the top 8, 4 consecutive seasons in the bottom 4 and a double digit current losing streak.

    Hence I also support the Board's ruling.
  9. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So here's the rub,
    Firstly, this action should be viewed as an exception, not to be considered as a precedence.

    Out of all 16 sides, only 3 have yet to compete in finals in our 5 yr history.
    These being the Pointers, Bucks and Power.

    The Pointers have a 10/12/16/10/9 finishing record over the 5 yrs. Certainly on the up and knocking.
    The Bucks and Power have similarly unsightly records but on team balance and growth potential, the Bucks are streets ahead (apols @MrsBear).
    Bucks actually looking tidy enough to challenge finals this year.

    The Power of Lincoln certainly needs a shake up, and regardless of strategy, are probably still 3-4 years from contending.
    Not quite soul-destroying.

    Now it could be argued that we're all grown ups here and in control of our own fates in this caper, so why the hand outs to the mediocre?
    A fair standpoint, but we're not the Khmer Rouge here.
    So in the spirit of fun, maintaining interest and levelling the playing field, we have bestowed these gifts to Nicky.
    May she seek the wisdom of the bear and continue her quest to discover the Holy Grail.
    A playing Ruck.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
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  10. leematty1

    leematty1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Hmmm not a fan of rewarding inactive coaches like this. Not to sound harsh, but if they don’t have time to play, then maybe this isn’t the league to be part of if it impacts the integrity of the entire comp. or hand the team over to a caretaker coach until they do have time to play again.

    For context, I finished only one draw ahead, PLPs only win was against me, I also was getting smashed losing last 5 games by about a 240 pt average. I had less wins then the two prior years wooden spooners.

    My list was decimated by injuries and early retirements, haven’t been able to fill a full squad or get a playing ruck. The difference is that I’ve been active, trying to trade to overcome these issues. I’ve been one of the most active traders in here for a few seasons now.

    While PLP has been inactive. If there list was so bad, that it warrants extra draft picks, why do they not participate in any preseason trades, no mid season delistings or participation in the draft, proxy used for the main PSD, and no responses over the course of the year to messages to try and help facilitate any trades to improve weaknesses. The only trade I do recall them doing over the entire year was to offload one of their highest scoring players for yet another port player.

    my season is already shot again, minimal chance of securing a playing ruck that becomes even less when another team gets free draft picks to try and fix similar issues.

    should I just become inactive this season and get some assistance next year then?

    not wanting to upset people, but we also need to face reality here and make sure we have all coaches participating to ensure a fair league. This response will probably add more coaches to the list who refuse to respond to any of my trade request messages, but if we aren’t going to be fair for all teams, then what’s the point of playing.
    Admin can’t play favs here, can’t be lenient for some and not others, I remember I requested time to post a trade (meaningless Westhoff trade) that had occurred before deadline but was hard to type up on a phone (work laptop blocked this site), and that was quickly shutdown even though it didn’t impact any other teams and was agreed upon by the two coaches and I requested a couple of mins to post it up correctly before the cutoff.

    if I have overstepped the mark, I am happy to give up my team if what I said causes too many issues for others.
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  11. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep opinions welcome here.
    TBH our view was that 2 end of second rounders in a fairly compromised draft year was not a huge concession.
    In the end, the underlying issue is probably consultation with the broader league.
    Not sure where the middle ground is as multiple polls has brought ire also.
    Anywho, the board and I made a judgment call/decision and it’s locked in.

    Open to suggestions on what the consultative sweet spot is...

    hang on do we need a poll?
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  12. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here's my 2 cents on the matter.

    I agree with both statements, when a team is down and possible needs some assistance and the board deems it then shall it be. And when the gifts are received perhaps an acknowledgement of the gifts to start with would be nice and then being more active in trading and then also during the year would say thanks as coaches would be able to see that the gifts are appreciated and haven't just been squandered.

    The site is call "Too Serious" for a reason, most of us have multiple team here, in supercoach draft, supercaoch, dreamteam etc and therefore can suitable wear the tag "Too Serious".

    Yes, life does get in the way, however we all know someone in OFF, because that's how we got here or a simple PM to a coach it doesn't matter as I'm sure we would all do the right thing and help out that's what cool about this community or if there's no phone a friend then simply PM a board member to assist with draft pick in a timely manner or getting your team sorted cause of rolling lock outs etc.

    Lets hope trades are plentiful and the draft hand you are dealt is kind to you :)
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