6. DRAFT (b) 12 hour time limit on picks. If you don't pick within time you will be given the highest ranked player on the previous year's averages. (c) Teams must continue to draft until their lists are at 26 players. (d) Teams must stop drafting when their lists are at 26 players. Please note that the draft time limit on pick is now a flat 12 hours. I'm not sure when this was changed, from memory there has been a few iterations over the year, but regardless it is now 12 hours and has been codefied into the rules as such. Which means if you check in to the draft thread in the AM and then the equivelant PM you sould be all good. PSD Order in 1st tab below. FL Squads in second tab
I don't trust myself to be around when my pick rolls up, so have send two options to the HornSwaggler. I'll try to keep checking in though!
Sorry for the delay gang, been a very hectic morning/early arvo for me Pick 10 - Lachlan Jones (Port) @walesy you're up Chief
If you could all select watch thread and with email alerts active it speeds things up a lot.. If you are already watching, unwatch then rewatch and select that option.
Does everyone know that Kel not only changed his name - to @Black Cat but moved his team out of Tarwin Lower to the ritzy beaches of Wondai?