2021 Round 2

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Mar 25, 2021.

By stripey on Mar 25, 2021 at 11:31 AM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Need to trade Rowell...

    I’m thinking...
    Williams via Laird
    T Mitchell

    Could also trade to Jordon but prefer to wait another week..

    I’m genuinely undecided - Titch would only leave $37k in the kitty

    What are all your trade plans?
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Mar 25, 2021.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      I definitely see the logic @walesy

      I think the decision to back Tex or not comes down to the best use of 2 trades this week which depends on an individual circumstances.

      For me if a team has all the top rookies (<$200k) and/or $100k in the bank then Tex is a possible buy.
    2. anthak
      I agree it comes down to situation.
      But I actually have all the top rookies, & >$100k, but I think I’m gonna take the chance to fix two problematic premiums - Cripps who looks out of sorts, and Fyfe who was concussed and playing fwd anyway.

      Looking to bring in Dunkley, and maybe even possibly finalise my defense if I don’t bring in a mid!

      I’m not sure though. Tex Walker is tempting, and I have the cash to trade Nick Cox to him and still sideways one of my premiums.
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    3. anthak
      So many solid defenders this season. Hard to decide which 6 to stick with
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    4. anthak
      I’ve heard Fyfe wasn’t actually concussed and might not miss any games. I’d have to keep him in that case, so I’m reconsidering options.
    5. NedFlanders
      Just Tom Phillips to James Jordon for me this week. I have Neale (and Cripps), but having made 2 correction trades last week (ROB to Josh Dunkley, by moving out McNeil), I can't justify a 4th trade.

      Maybe its just me, but I'm concerned that the pace of the game this year (off the back of however you want to describe last year) could impact on weeks missed through injuries. That being the case, even with the prospect of good $ generation by the fast-starting rookies, I have one foot on the brake when looking at trades over the next few weeks.
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    6. Micksdemons
      Ok so trade Cripps ,Neale or Taranto (rush of blood Pre Game1) or just do nothing - I’m only missing Impey
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    7. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      Very reason I’m leaving def upgrades to last. Not convinced the fwds will be that easy to pick either with kpfs looking to score well.
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    8. choppers

      Mate! you're not missing Impey. I don't have Impey, and he's not on my watchlist. Yes, he had a good scoring game and you're considering bringing him into your team. If you're going for overall, stop wasting trades.
      There's any number of players who had good games in Rd2. Will you consider bringing all of them in. Stop with the "chasing points"
      You selected your team at the beginning on what you thought was the right way to go. Trust your instincts. OK you might have got a few things wrong. Just like I did when I got the "which Premo has the rd 13 bye" totally wrong and now I have to waste a trade to correct that.
      But it is what it is.
      Trades are so important at the end of the year.

      If you just want to win your League, then forget everything I just posted, as it doesn't apply.:oops::oops:
    9. anthak
      Personally, I think it’s fine to use trades this early in the season. I think it’s important to use them now before prices change.

      Don’t worry about Impey though!

      If you’re trading both Neale and Cripps, which I think is fair enough because they’re both under injury clouds and will lose value next game; bring in two premiums who are good value and playing roles conducive to high scoring.
    10. anthak
      What do you think about switching Nik Cox to Impey? I’m considering it for my team. It’s just a cash grab. Cox looks like he’ll be burning so slowly that he’ll go nowhere, whereas Impey should go up in value fairly quickly for a few weeks and then can be upgraded fairly easily. Both have good JS I think. After reading your comment here, I’m thinking to stick fat with Cox and save the trade.
    11. ike2112
      I've made a ton of errors this year - had Danger, Rowell, Caldwell, Heppell, Higgins, Hunter (Caldwell was going well till injury, already had to trade Danger and Rowell).

      But now I can't help see that Neale out and Walker in... Even if Walker scores 60-80-60 he'll rise 100k and Neale would have dropped 120k - that's a better Net saving in 2 weeks than I'd make off a rookie in 6 weeks.
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    12. ike2112
      I think using a trade or two early to jump on the key rookies, is a good tactic if you can. There are some you just can't miss (say you missed Tim Kelly a few yr ago).

      That said I had Impey from the start but I wouldn't trade him in now. He's a bit too much more expensive than genuine rookies. I just didn't trust any of the Bombers lot or Brockman originally, so I went with Rowe and Impey on field. I could only do that as I went cheap on Rucks - I think everyone normally avoids more expensive rookies.
    13. Owen
      I've lucked out with picking all the rookies correctly, though I might have a couple of slow burners in Dow and Butts. I also don't have injuries to worry about. I'm tossing up:

      :1: Dow to Tex, Neale to MaCrae
      :2: Neale to MaCrae, Cripps to Ridley
      :3: Neale to Brayshaw, Cripps to Butters
      • Option 2 Option 2 x 2
    14. ike2112
      Lloyd / Laird / Daniel / H.Clark / H.Young / Highmore
      ( Koschitzke / Sharp )

      Neale / Oliver / Zorko / Cripps / Caldwell / Heppell / J.Clark / Gulden
      ( Dow / Powell / Scott )

      Grundy / Flynn / (Hunter)

      Martin / Higgins / Phillips / Ziebell / Impey / Campbell
      ( Rowe / Brockman )

      I have a few problems in there.
      I can switch Neale to Brayshaw, Caldwell to Walker and bump cash up to $338,700. Or is it better to bench Caldwell since he won't drop in price and instead correct Cripps or Higgins?
      Either way the extra cash will help me get to another premo quick.
    15. headmandude
      I’m going Caldwell to Tex and am tossing up who to trade Cripps up to.
      I’m thinking Brayshaw too. Do you reckon he keeps producing? I’m also interested in Boak. Power are flying but they haven’t exactly played great defensive teams so far

    16. choppers
      If you want Brayshaw and Walker in your team, then I'd trade Caldwell and Cripps before Neale. Higgins will most likely be playing so he's not a necessity this round and not sure about Heppell, but you have cover for both them.
    17. choppers
      I'd save the trade and if you have the other rooks, Gulden Powell Jordon etc, then there should be enough cash coming in there for upgrades. And in 7 seasons, Impey has only played a full season once. Too big a risk for me.
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    18. ike2112
      Higgins has been playing horrendous though - that promise of extra midfield time has happened... And it's already showing the Tigers were right to not play him there. He's not even gonna average 70...
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    19. choppers
      I haven't been following him, so fair enough. I just don't think he's your No1 priority this round as you have cover for him. Look at it again next round. Best of luck with whichever way you decide to go. Cheers
    20. benny01
      It's only been 1 quarter but I'm glad I kept Neale. (hope this post ages well)

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