2021 AFL Round 4

Discussion in 'AFL' started by ike2112, Apr 8, 2021.

By ike2112 on Apr 8, 2021 at 7:57 PM
  1. ike2112

    ike2112 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    **I don't seem to be able to post onto the Blog/front page, forum only so not sure if someone else wants to do a Blog opener for Round 4**

    Big round for trade decisions - assuming a lot of owners have Young, and already had to burn 2 trades on Danger and Rowell, maybe even Caldwell. Do you still have room for correction trades?

    Some more rookies named this week:
    Will Martyn, Richmond, MID, 123,900
    Rhyan Mansell, Richmond, DEF, 102,400
    Beau Mccreery, Collingwood, FWD, 117,300
    Lachlan Jones, Port Adelaide, DEF, 139,800

    Not tremendous job security; seems Mansell is in for McIntosh. Richmond still have Riley Collier-Dawkins not getting a game too and McIntoch and Prestia shouldn't be out too long, so not sure I'd trust getting 3 games out of these guys but something to monitor.
    McCreery could be an interesting one as not many guaranteed starters in that Pies side...
    Will Jones keep his place in that strong Port squad?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
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Discussion in 'AFL' started by ike2112, Apr 8, 2021.

    1. ike2112
      Leon fking Cameron....

      Already traded in Warner and Ridley. Got Flynn as R2, Hunter on bench. Pass the rubber ring...
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    2. anthak
      I’ve just put this thread on the main page for you
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    3. anthak
      Im having a bad round this one :(
      I will be happy if I score >2000

      Grundy as captain
      Caleb Daniel
      De Goey

      not a great day today
      • Dislike Dislike x 1
    4. anthak
      Oh dear, I probably shouldn’t be complaining, that’s rough
    5. TheTassieHawk
      Since the rolling lockout came in I have always tried to hold onto trades until Sunday/Saturday night where possible.

      With rolling teams all season this now is a major risk management issue for all coaches. While this Sunday teams change hurts Flynn owners there will be times when it is one of the super high ownership premiums and those that hold trades will have a lot more options.

      With that said Flynn has a lot of cash to make so I think copping a donut will be the right strategy. Have a plan this week for if Flynn doesn’t come back in, I expect Hunter to Treacy is likely to be popular.
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    6. anthak
      Ended up scoring 1938. Very disappointing. Dropped down to about 14k oa rank
    7. walesy
      Meek picked a bad week to play 50% gametime! Meanwhile, fielding Jordan instead of Powell stings.

      Other than that, not a bad week with a 2150.

      Stats are complete!
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    8. walesy
      Also, I might have pressed a few buttons that will let you now do that, Ike!
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    9. Penske file
      Penske file
      I think Flynn owners will be OK. Mummy won't play every week Cameron only selected him to bash Grundy into the ground. My round started out looking bleak indeed, but a couple of rookies who I already had Chapman/Powell came to the fore, still struggling with Neale tho and I think big Joe is disposable.
    10. ike2112
      Yeah I did that the first few rounds (though R1 I had Danger and Rowell so was kind of a no-brainer). Just this week I felt I had a full starting 22 out there and with Ridley and Warner in such great form, missing them now would have been a big blow. Both scored well too. One of my mates traded in Sloane and got trapped with him! He was getting out of the Neale problem but stepped straight into another.

      I had already abandoned hope of the overall after some iffy decisions this year, so winning 2 of 3 leagues with Daniel on field and a donut from a R2 is something I'll take. Especially since I had Grundy as Captain so Mummy coming in hurt me in 2 ways!

      Flynn was listed as "managed" rather than injured, and rumour is that Mumford had to be talked into playing, so I don't think this will be a long-term thing unless Flynn does have an injury the Giants aren't letting on about - hopefully they more just asked Mummy to go beat up on Grundy one last time.

      I have 2 teams on the go as we have a work comp too that uses SC, and I took a donut on D6 in that team as I couldn't get out of having had all of Young/Highmore/Kosi/Sharp/Briggs. I wanted to bring in Chapman, or Jaith, but had to weight it up against Warner.
      Was thinking either of Jaith and Chapman this week for that side, purely because both now scoring well, good job security and are likely to get close to premo in price for a nice upgrade. This year defender scoring is all over the place - are we trusting Bowes? Dan Houston burned me last year. Will Houli and Short steal point off each other?
      Is Callum Mills now a must-have defender, especially with Heeney out?..

      My big question now is, to hold Daniel, or not to hold Daniel?
      He lost so much $ he seems more like someone you'd rather hold and see them out the other side of it, but then if his scoring never gets consistently back above 90....
      For that 2nd team where I still have Kosi/Highmore/Briggs in Def, that also might mean taking another donut.

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