Mate, you gotta be..........when you're 0-2, haven't cracked 1000 and up against @snoz in the next round, you need everything going for you........and even then, it's not going to be enough....
Thanks for the encouragement but when your midfield averages 552 and mine 449(with the 2 newbies)........I'll need a lot going my way on the other lines..
@HOLKY.......each to their own and all that, but I'd love to know the reason behind cutting Jack Macrae. Yes I understand 'Bevo", but still. You were given priority picks this year to help us even up the comp and before Round 3 you've cut the top 4 forward from last year already ?
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT In the best interest of fair play and the spirit of the competition, Jack Macrae is being returned to the Magic Mountain Magpies by Tylo. As Commish, I have to protect the integrity of the league and have made this decision in the best interests of the competition overall. I would like to take this opportunity to advise all coaches that given the first in best dressed rule (not the greatest) that applies in this comp, high value players MUST be offered up for trade prior to being dropped, unless of course they are out for the season with an LTI. This can be done privately via PM, or in any of the sub pages like this one or the in round discussion page. PM me if anyone wishes to discuss.