7 70+ players in last year's MSD alone. Not sure how that doesn't count as relevant. And 4 from the 2023 MSD continued to average 70+ in 2024.
Unless they are forwards 70+ isn't gonna get you far. As I said, there will be speculative picks that turn out ok but that's like saying round 5 of the PSD is relevant because occasionally one of them comes good.
Without re hashing what was said in the previous discussion as there were many good ideas. As in life and business we need basic rules to keep the competition honest but if you add too much red tape it stifles competition. I'm on the side that believes let coaches do as they please " live by the sword die by sword "
Youtuber I like to watch has the expression "Rules make rules lawyers." Happy to keep things as simple as possible. And I enjoy the MSD period regardless of how few top scorers are available.
I don't think anyone is suggesting adding extra rules. Just whether the timing of the draft is ideal for the competition to be as fair and enjoyable as possible. No red tape involved.
Another thought I've had... (oh crap, here he goes again) ...lets drop squads back to 26 players as of 2026. This increases the total available player pool. So prior to the start of next season, everyone delists 2 more players than they bring in. I'd also suggest going back to the "let coaches manage list turnover as they see fit" theory, so no minimum turnover or minimum trades or draft picks. We otherwise keep the PSD and MSD exactly how they are.
100% this. Id also like to change emergency players as any player not half points if we reduce team sizes
Set a permanent date for the draft each year. Australia Day or something. Then we all know in advance. Early draft is good imo. I like not having all the info needed for draft time. Also list cut is fine with me. Would keep the msd pool alive. As it is I always have 3/4 prospects minimum on my list so cutting lists wouldn’t worry me at all. Put more emphasis on having playing players. With squads this size I comfortably can afford prospects on my list with no dramas keeping a playing team Honestly I don’t think changing any rules will help coaches much. Rule changes won’t help decision making. As I’ve said before some coaches are better at the game then others. Im happy with whatever the majority decide. It doesn’t bother me either way. I’m just happy to be involved in such a great and long lasting community. It’s crazy to think we are still at it after all these years. Love you guys
Heck I’ve had Todd Marshall on my list as a prospect for 9 years, so it would be good to have an excuse to delist him
I assume the code can be adjusted to suit this - so 15 players on field (4 def, 4 mid, 1 ruc, 4 fwd, 2 int) and a single floating emergency that scores full points if any one player is out.
Endless discussion is pointless as 1/4 of the league isn’t active. we just go round in circles over and over but what’s the point? Get people who are committed for more than 2 weeks a year. Who consistently want to contribute. Who put in the effort to do match reports every time they’re supposed to. Everyone discussing rule changes but the current rules on being active aren’t even enforced. It’s tiresome
We might need a caveat for ruckmen though for example you only get emergency points if your ruckman is injured no points for just a DNP or keep emergency position for a second ruckman.
That is so exploitable. I know loopholing is not on, but we'd also need a rule to stop people just bypassing rucks with a midfielder.
I feel we hold the drafts at the right time, as others have said, the solution with SSP players is that they’re excluded until the MSD. I’m also happy to drop squads to 26 with no list mgmt conditions. However I’d prefer to leave match day teams as they are. Injuries are part of the game and if a defender misses then they should be replaced by a defender; It is a squad game after all.
Makes sense. Is there any danger seeing a lot more donuts with only 26 player squads and coaches missing say 3 players in a 2 team bye round?
Yes there is that danger as the reason we went from 26 to 28 were teams not being able to cover donuts, even more so now with so many bye rounds. Hence the reason I gave for my interchange change