He was tagged immediately after @chris88 's pick at 6.30pm last night. Chris cancelled that post and re-tagged him - the 1pm tag you refer to @Bandit
As I said, I know neither of those were valid excuses In light of my Trumpish behaviour I'm going to rename Wineglass Bay the Gulf of Bandit...
Not sure who added the Round 9 pick in for the Uglies, but it is not required. In fact, the Round 8 pick also isn't required.... numbers were out on the main sheet due to a typo made by me in earlier picks (I put in Mount Beauty instead of Mt Beauty) This has now been fixed
With half a dozen picks to go, can I please remind everyone to get your team lists updated in Leagues, and get ready for season kick off.
Sheet has Tracey now tracking 1 player short @Len? 7 delists and 6 drafted... am I missing something? Delists: Luke McDonald nth Conor McKenna Brisbane Lions Billy Frampton Collingwood Magpies Jake Riccardi Gws eddy ford nth Noah Long WCE Oskar Baker WBD Draftees: td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} Leonardo Lombard Cooper Hynes Angus Hastie Josaia Delana Matt Whitlock Callum M. Brown So I think the last pick should hold... but will await your read.
Added Jedd Busslinger back into the taken pool until we sort this out (I'm pretty sure I am correct, but need Tracey to confirm)
Definitely at 28 without Busslinger, looks like I either never added Lachie Cowan to her on my league sheets, or more likely accidentally deleted the assignation. I can see where she drafted him in the 2023 PSD but no movement since then. As the ts leagues count showed the correct amount it didn't red flag, she definitely has her allotment of players though
OK, then you can remove the addition I added to counter your deletion, that countered my addition because of a random deletion
I am guessing it is my pick next, but in the absence of advice I will hold off until tomorrow. It is 10.30pm here in Auckland. There are only two picks after mine so there should not be a problem.
Still awaiting confirmation that it is my turn for what might be a draft shaping pick. But then again it is probably pretty lame - like most of my draft to date.
Everyone who selected Saints players in the draft before I got a chance to. Get stuffed. #freehughboxshall
It all started with @chris88 and his procurement of Mr Knevitt, thus I was forced to claim Hugh (against my better judgment as Saints generally suck). I feel for you @CursingFijian cos for the most part, sanity generally prevails in our draft and Saints players are mostly overlooked (except maybe by Dean). So the moral of the story is… Get stuffed @chris88
I was tossing up between Messers Knevitt and Boxshall and could've gone either way. So ultimately, yes, I need to get stuffed. Is it my pick yet @Bandit ? Can I just sneak in a pick without telling anyone?