Rate My Team (RMT) 2016 - Mid February Edition

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Feb 9, 2016.

By Jason on Feb 9, 2016 at 4:23 PM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The TooSerious tradition that is Rate My Team (RMT) is back in 2016!

    Let's set the ground rules for RMT, nice and clear.

    1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work. :)
    2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback, your post will be deleted. :mad:
    3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule. :cool:
    4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it. :eek:

    To kick things off, I'll put my current SC team up for discussion. :spoton:


    Find that value, search hard and follow your instincts!
    Or just tell me I'm dreaming and where I've gone wrong...
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Feb 9, 2016.

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    1. snoz
      Jase......going both Libba & Crouch has essentially enabled you to add both an F4 & a D4. That's being said, I think its one or the other for Libba & Crouch - not a fan of both in that there Mids. LOVE the Mills pick.
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    2. snoz
      Penske.....I think String & Menzel in the FWDs has to asking for trouble. I love Stringer but coupled with Menzel who could break at any moment? Suggest downgrading menz & upgrading Stringer. Agree on NicNat.....there is better value out there.
    3. snoz
      JELLY GUY - I had to get a magnifying glass to see your team !! And then I saw your DEF line & vomited :)
      KK-Doch-Rich-Smith ?? Really ?? Maybe......maybe.......maybe two of those mid price cross ya fingers & hope to hell Defenders get up into the top 6-8 defenders at years end. Maybe. You'll spend so much time trying to upgrade, and no cash makes to do it....

      ( I haven't even looked at the other lines yet - need to go wash my face)

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    4. Penske file
      Penske file
      waiting to see how d menzel gets thru Nab, stringer also experimental atm, toying with danger to wines and gain dpp.
    5. walesy
      Players tend to have a down year the year after they do an ACL. But from memory, tend to bounce back after that.

      If I wasn't so lazy, I'd look up a few recent examples (or- if anyone wants to play along at home! :D)
    6. snoz
      The problem with that Penske is Menzel could play great in the NAB, then break down in Rd3. You are stuck with a 260k player that you cant trade into a premo, so you have to trade down - which is a wasted trade. He may not of course.......but history says......
    7. Magic17
      First time I've tried this. Can I get some feedback?

    8. Penske file
      Penske file
      Like e.wood,conca. A lot of bombers there, kommer still injured I think.
    9. Jason
      Can I ask you to please read the rules at the top of the article again?
      • Like Like x 1
    10. Magic17
      Woops... Sincere apologies
    11. walesy
      What's the thought process behind Cyril and wood?
    12. Magic17
      I think Cyril is coming into the prime of his career and appears to be over his earlier hammy concerns.
      With Easton Wood... last year was his breakout year and as a point of difference I'm hoping he continues that form.
    13. Spirio43
      didnt Cyril play more forward with spurts in the middle last year which hindered his scoring ??? i would assume that the Hawks employ the same theory this year to keep him on the park...

      Jason: quick question 4 ya, with libba heading back into the middle and no crameri, will dahlhaus play closer to goal and pinch hit in the middle???
    14. Jason
      That remains to be seen. Dahlhaus has been training with the mids though, so not expecting him to stay close to goal. He is part of the midfield rotation.
    15. Spirio43
      Interesting... Thanks
    16. Jason
      Happy to give you feedback once you can provide some to the teams that have already been posted.
    17. Magic17
      I'm no expert at this caper... but isn't D.Rich a perenial underachiever... and I thought the Brownlow medalist has had a back complaint this pre-season, so I would expect a slow start to the year.
    18. Jason
      You've spent most of the kitty on the midfield, leaving your defence looking particularly shaky. Points are just as valuable on every line of course, but there aren't traditionally a lot of DEF downgrade targets through the season and you may find it hard to upgrade all of those DEF slots. You may also be missing out on cash cows in the MID area.

      Any reason why no Petracca? One of the easiest selections to make in my view. Lock. You're obviously not concerned about injury risk (Libba / Crouch).

      I don't want to spend any more than I have to on bench players, and I certainly wouldn't have a >200k player on my bench. Only reason I'm spending that amount is because I prefer their scoring onfield. Parish on your MID bench looks like a waste of $$$.

      I don't rate Conca or Cockatoo for SC, think you may be disappointed in those selections - but they seem popular so maybe I'm in the minority. Cockatoo has the worst kick rating of any player to have played 10 games. SC just isn't his thing it would seem.
    19. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      Ah I get it now. It all makes perfect sense.
      Simon Black was really just Daniel Rich in disguise..:rolleyes:
    20. Magic17
      Some excellent points there... no wonder I'm no good at this game!...Fantasy Freako (whoever he is) tweeted this morning that Petrecca may not play the early part of the season so I took him out, but you are right he's a must if available. I chose Conca as he's had an uninterrupted pre season so far (fingers crossed), something of a rarity for him.

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