FIXture 2016

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Jen, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Jen

    Jen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Part 1
    Rounds 1 - 9

    Welcome everyone to the 2016 season, below this the FIXture that we have been working on for the last month or so.

    You will note that we have old faithful rounds but we do have a few new rounds this year, also, just by chance, Bleak Week takes on a new meaning for four of the teams this year.

    Round 1 (AFL 1) … Fantasy Footballers Anonymous Round
    Placed in round 1 at the end of the most intense period in a fantasist's year. Raising awareness for the plight of those people (and their loved ones) who suffer from the rapidly emerging fantasy football addiction. Our version of the Gambler's Anonymous cards on the back of the toilet door at a Casino!

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Foul Bay Chickens
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Nunawading Nuffas v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Whitsunday Warriors v Marble Bar Misfits
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Venus Bay Vultures
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Birdsville Battlers v Cradle Mountain Devils

    Round 2 (AFL 2) … The Insomnia Round
    At one point or another all of us will suffer a sleepless night over this fantasy football game, with the worry of whether we have selected the right team, or if we beat that other team when the scores are so close. This round pays tribute to any fantasy footy-related insomnia, with special consideration to Saturday night where we will all have an extra hour to deal with.

    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Foul Bay Chickens
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Marble Bar Misfits v Nunawading Nuffas
    Venus Bay Vultures v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Whitsunday Warriors
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Birdsville Battlers v Charlies Opening Spelunkers

    Round 3 (AFL 3) … Goodbye to Prap and welcome to Tracey Round
    At the end of last season we said goodbye to one of our long time coaches in Prap, but to help us get over the sadness of this loss we have a new coach, so we would like to say welcome to Tracey, we welcome you to the madness and the fun of the ORFFA.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Foul Bay Chickens v Marble Bar Misfits
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Venus Bay Vultures
    Nunawading Nuffas v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Whitsunday Warriors v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Birdsville Battlers
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Charlies Opening Spelunkers

    Round 4 (AFL 4) … Mark Seaby Memorial Round
    Once again, we have Mark Seaby round in remembrance of pick 429 of our inaugural draft, where Foul Bay attempted to pick Seaby, but realised he had already been selected at pick 430 by Birdsville

    Whitsunday Warriors v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Nunawading Nuffas v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Foul Bay Chickens v Birdsville Battlers
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Marble Bar Misfits v Venus Bay Vultures

    Round 5 (AFL 5) … ANZAC Round

    We pause to remember the great men and women who sacrificed their lives to give Fitzroy the opportunity to continue their time in the sun.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Venus Bay Vultures
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Foul Bay Chickens v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Birdsville Battlers
    Nunawading Nuffas v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Whitsunday Warriors v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles

    Round 6 (AFL 6) … Fellowship Round
    This has proven to be such a great experience, so once again, we would like to propose that at an agreed time when everyone (even simonoz) can participate, that we all raise a glass (or a cuppa) to the other seventeen ORFFA coaches and acknowledge what a fantastic group of people have got together to have fun.

    Venus Bay Vultures v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Marble Bar Misfits
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Birdsville Battlers v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Foul Bay Chickens
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Nunawading Nuffas
    Whitsunday Warriors v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles

    Round 7 (AFL 7) … Snoz Wooden Spoon Round
    As a real life hero and a three year running wooden spooner, if any coach deserves a round dedicated to him, it is our erstwhile US friend Snoz.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Venus Bay Vultures v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Marble Bar Misfits v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Birdsville Battlers
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Foul Bay Chickens v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Whitsunday Warriors
    Nunawading Nuffas v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles

    Round 8 (AFL 8) … In Remembrance - Phil Walsh Round
    Last year it was with great sadness that we had to say goodbye to Phil Walsh, so this round we raise a glass and remember him.

    Iron Knob Codpieces v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Birdsville Battlers v Venus Bay Vultures
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Whitsunday Warriors v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Foul Bay Chickens
    Nunawading Nuffas v Mt Beauty Uglies

    Round 9 (AFL 9) … The Once in a Blue Moon Round
    Nobody likes a show-off. We pay homage to the modesty and humility of our lesser-lights as they rub their trusty Hen's Tooth and trot out a Supercoach ton for the record books.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Birdsville Battlers
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Venus Bay Vultures v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Marble Bar Misfits v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Whitsunday Warriors
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Nunawading Nuffas
    Foul Bay Chickens v Mt Beauty Uglies
    • Like Like x 4
  2. Jen

    Jen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Part 2

    Rounds 10 - 17

    Round 10 (AFL 10) … Geek Pride Round
    Geek Pride day is on May 25th. The universal Geek manifesto decrees the rights of the Geek to be many. Here is a taste: Right to be more geek. Right to stay home. Right not like it football or sport (WHAT! Ahh, must taking about Soccer. Phew!) Right to have few friends (or none). Right not to be fashionable. Right to overweight and myopia. Right to dominate the world.

    Birdsville Battlers v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Whitsunday Warriors v Venus Bay Vultures
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Marble Bar Misfits
    Nunawading Nuffas v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Foul Bay Chickens v Wagga Wagga Wombats

    Round 11 (AFL 11) … Football Players Scandal Round
    Over the years we have had many scandals involving our beloved footballers and coaches, from sexting, drugs, alcohol, nude photos ... the list goes on. But we’ve probably already said enough, so let’s just stop right there and get on with the game.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Birdsville Battlers v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Whitsunday Warriors
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Venus Bay Vultures v Nunawading Nuffas
    Marble Bar Misfits v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Foul Bay Chickens
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Wagga Wagga Wombats

    Round 12 (AFL 12) … The Spud Round
    In honour of the humble potato, or this could mean player as there have many a spud in the players of past and I’m sure in the future.

    Wineglass Bay Packers v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Whitsunday Warriors v Birdsville Battlers
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Nunawading Nuffas v Iron Knob Codpieces
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Foul Bay Chickens v Venus Bay Vultures
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Marble Bar Misfits
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Lovely Banks Lilacs

    Mid-Season break

    Round 13 (AFL 16) … NAIDOC Round
    After a one year hiatus in 2015, NAIDOC round is back in the ORFFA, celebrating the ongoing cultures of Indigenous Australian peoples. Check out the NAIDOC website for more info: and to find an event near you (except for probably Snoz, TiB & Chels):

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Whitsunday Warriors
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Birdsville Battlers v Nunawading Nuffas
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Foul Bay Chickens
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Venus Bay Vultures v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Marble Bar Misfits v Lovely Banks Lilacs

    Round 14 (AFL 17) … Bleak Week
    In the Southern Hemisphere, the third week of July is considered the Bleak Week. No better way to celebrate the cold, miserable Australian winter than chasing a bag of wind through the ankle-deep slush of a Tasmanian footy paddock. But for four of our teams Bleak Week has another meaning, we don’t want to be around these teams as husband and wife play against each other.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Nunawading Nuffas v Foul Bay Chickens
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Whitsunday Warriors v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Venus Bay Vultures
    Birdsville Battlers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Iron Knob Codpieces

    Round 15 (AFL 18) … Muso Round
    Each team can nominate the Australian (or Kiwi) muso or group they groove to and that inspires them; and hopefully have them perform for pre-match or half time entertainment.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Whitsunday Warriors v Nunawading Nuffas
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Foul Bay Chickens
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Birdsville Battlers v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Marble Bar Misfits
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Venus Bay Vultures

    Round 16 (AFL 19) … Walesy Appreciation Round
    Walesy, we thank you for all the time you spend making this possible for us.

    Nunawading Nuffas v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Mt Beauty Uglies v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Foul Bay Chickens v Whitsunday Warriors
    Wagga Wagga Wombats v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    Gariwerd Cockatoos v Wineglass Bay Packers
    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Charlies Opening Spelunkers
    Marble Bar Misfits v Birdsville Battlers
    Venus Bay Vultures v Cradle Mountain Devils
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Iron Knob Codpieces

    Round 17 (AFL 20) … Left Footers Round
    The fifth year running for this theme. If only we'd trademarked the naming rights three years ago, we'd be moderately wealthy. Goofies are celebrated this week for good reason, they rock!

    Lovely Banks Lilacs v Gundagai Grasshoppers
    Marble Bar Misfits v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Venus Bay Vultures v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Larrikin Lagoon Lefties v Foul Bay Chickens
    Iron Knob Codpieces v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Nunawading Nuffas
    Birdsville Battlers v Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Whitsunday Warriors
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Darraweit Guim Dirigibles
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm am honoured that the FIXture committee has picked the Spelunkers to go up against Tracey in her round :duck:
    • Like Like x 2
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good work Jen and everyone else on the FIXture Committee, JC, That KI Guy, Jimbowan (and me) :)
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep, we put a lot of thought into that one ;)
    Seemed the obvious option in the end...
  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Awesome stuff Jen Anthak et al :)

    Could you please email me the list if you have it in excel or csv format and I will update the league page.

    Getting close :)
  7. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Round 14 (AFL 17) … Bleak Week
    In the Southern Hemisphere, the third week of July is considered the Bleak Week. No better way to celebrate the cold, miserable Australian winter than chasing a bag of wind through the ankle-deep slush of a Tasmanian footy paddock. But for four of our teams Bleak Week has another meaning, we don’t want to be around these teams as husband and wife play against each other.

    Gundagai Grasshoppers v Mt Beauty Uglies
    Nunawading Nuffas v Foul Bay Chickens
    Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles v Wagga Wagga Wombats
    Whitsunday Warriors v Gariwerd Cockatoos
    Darraweit Guim Dirigibles v Lovely Banks Lilacs
    Wineglass Bay Packers v Marble Bar Misfits
    Charlies Opening Spelunkers v Venus Bay Vultures
    Birdsville Battlers v Larrikin Lagoon Lefties
    Cradle Mountain Devils v Iron Knob Codpieces

    Great to know that Bleak Week will be brightened by contesting the Riches Household Cup (really just a small chipped porcelain mug that I gulp coffee out of) with my wife. Huzzah.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    doesn't look like any of us have it in a spreadsheet format, Len ...
    If you copy and paste it from above, you will have just what we already have.
    Let us know if you want us to do anything differently.

  9. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No worries, I'll do it tonight.
    Once I've done it I'll send back the resulting file so it can be done as it's created :) (For next time obviously)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Locked and loaded, once again, thanks for the great work peeps, very much appreciated :)
  11. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys, could I please ask our fixture team to have a look at rounds 1, 5 and 12 and determine a lockout approach for them?

    These ones all have Monday games, 2 start on a Thursday and one on a Friday, I'm not sure when Monday teams will be named but am assuming it's not necessarily Friday, if it is we possibly don't need any alteration in approach?

    There are a number of other rounds starting on a Thursday, but they end on a Sunday, we have a precedent for them locking the Thursday game only and then the whole round on the Friday.
  12. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nice work. Seeing the fixture is reigniting the Nuffers enthusiasm for the upcoming season. We actually had four players leave the social club and run a couple of laps after seeing the fixture. We're starting pre season training early this year.
    • Like Like x 4
  13. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey mate, we've quickly discussed it and decided to recommend that we continue the same way as last year, that the full lock will take place at beginning of the Friday game (or the next game in the absence of a Friday game). This is regardless of whether there is a Monday game or not.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Perfect, I like simple too :)
  15. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Rd 7 - celebrated for being an annual loser.

    Is this like the participation ribbons I racked up as a kid that Mum said made me special?
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  16. Tracey

    Tracey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Better hid the wineglass and get serious with the training now I see the fixture ..:)
  17. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Despite being on the fixture committee, I promise I had nothing to do with you facing the reigning premier in this round.
    [insert semi-sincere, pinocchio-esque emoji]
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  18. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ha! I hadn't realised that. That worked out well :)
    • Like Like x 2
  19. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You two bassssssstards o_O
    • Like Like x 2

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