Rate My Team 2015 (3rd Edition)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

By Jason on Mar 27, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Again the old thread was getting really long so time for a new one. Links to previous threads:
    RMT 1st edition
    RMT 2nd edition
    Who knows how many times I will change this again before R1 lockout arrives. I suspect the rookie-priced options will move around a bit. But I think I'm mostly happy with the keepers and 'almost-keepers'.
    Presently my bye structure is 7/10/13 which not what I want it to be. 8/11/11 would be much better. I will need to be careful with early upgrades to be sure to improve this position. But it's not impossible to improve the balance before R11, so I'm happy enough for now. What does your bye structure look like?
    Who else is onboard the various bandwagons of some of the players in my team below?
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;][span style='background: #fcfcfc;]Just to repeat the ground rules for RMT:
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback,your post will be deleted.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

    1. choppers
      Agree with Wells being a risk but in 2011 he had 21ga 104av, 2012 19ga 99av, 2013 22ga 96av, and now he's priced at a 67av. I guess I'm hoping he can get back to an 80-90av.and play the majority of the season. Time will tell I guess, and theres still 10 days to go....lol!
    2. Jason
      Lamb and Darling are hardly competing for the same spot in the 22 though.

      I had MJ most of last year until the carnage of the last few weeks, he's as good as any of the options this year, slightly cheaper and I've got too many R13 bye players as it is to look at some of the alternates.
    3. TerryinBangkok
      Iteration #2:

      DEF: Malceski, H. Shaw, Jaensch, Newnes, Ibbotson, K. McIntosh, S. Edwards, A. Saad.
      MID: Ablett, Beams, Sloane, Wines, Kavanagh, Heeney, vandenberg, Ellis-Yolmen, T. Miller, Krakouer, Lambert.
      RUC: Lobbe, Lycett, Nankervis.
      FWD: Gray, Bartel, Goddard, Bontempelli, J. Martin, M. Clark, Membrey, R. O'Brien.

      Will be looking at ways to fit Cripps in there.
    4. Iain
      Rainbow will likely get a run, but I don't think it will be either early on or consistent.
    5. TerryinBangkok
      Would not Lamb's JS be on the line if Darling were to return?
    6. Jason
      Where is Jaensch at these days? Didn't play NAB2 or NAB3, which isn't a great sign. A bit of a concern perhaps.

      Lycett / Naitinui both disappointed a bit in NAB3 I felt. Unconvinced that Lycett is about to go large for you.

      What is plan B if Krakouer and Lambert don't get a gig for R1?

      Kavanagh selection obviously depends on ASADA investigation outcome. Do you think you'd still select him if no penalties apply to the other Dons players from 2012?
    7. Jason
      Only if the coach wants to alter the team balance. Darling plays tall and Lamb plays small.
    8. choppers
      How about if I go Wells to the Bont and Salem down to Hogan, and left with 72K.....
    9. choppers
      How about if I go Wells to the Bont and Salem down to Hogan, and left with 72K.....and if GAJ doesn't come up, then I'll still have plenty to go to Fyfe or JPK or the like
    10. Jason
      I think Bontempelli will outscore Wells, but Hogan probably won't outscore Salem.

      Not much in it, but probably a slight improvement. What does it do to your bye structure?
    11. choppers
      Pretty strong defence and forward lines. Not sold on R1and R2, and keep working to get Cripps in your mid.
    12. Gottabegold
      Can't go without GAJ for mine
    13. Steve
      Not a bad team TIB

      I am considering Lobbe but I want to hold off and see what happens with the Essendon saga as I can see Lobbe only doing 60-70% of the ruckwork if Ryder is free to play.

      I logged into SC for the first time last night and here is my first draft for this season

      DEF - B Smith, Shaw, Newnes, Lulumba, Saad, Hambling, H Goddard, Bryne

      MID - Pendles, Fyfe, Duckwood, Danger, Swallow, Bontempelli, Anderson, CEY, Heeney, Miller, Steele

      RUCK - Nic Nat, Z Smith, O'Brien

      FWD - Gray, Dusty, Tex, Swan, Hogan, Clark, Lamb, Lonie

      $21.9k left

      I am prepared to go light in R2 with Zac Smith. I would rather use the money elsewhere.

      I would like to get Cripps into my team but I think he is a tad expensive for my liking.

    14. Gottabegold
      I've got Nic Nat, potential to be the top scoring ruck man, potential also not to be fit and sink you, lets hope the punt pays!
    15. Gottabegold
      Will Goodes and Hamling both get a run at the Dogs?
    16. Gottabegold
      My team is similar to yours, I don't like the options down back, so gone thin there and hoping to make money and upgrade, whilst loading up on the midfield to carry the side for me!
    17. Gottabegold
      Like I said above, going thin on the backs chasing midfield points. Hoping Nic Nat can explode come season time. Will try to squeeze ryder in up forward if he plays, which will have implications for Bellchambers too. Would've like to have Gibson or maybe Lumumba in too, but chasing the bigger midfield scores. Rookies subject to games, mainly in backbone and Karnezis up forward, reasonably happy with the rest, keeping an eye on Saad, Hamling. Cox will be the Ryder link.

      Here 'tis!

      Def: Newnes, Ibbotson, Geary, P Davis, Jaksch, Smedts, Byrne, Edwards
      Mid: Ablett, Pendlebury, Fyfe, Griffen, Neale, J Steven, Rich, Cripps, Anderson, Heeney, Ellis Yolmen
      Ruck: Naitanui, Bellchambers, Cox
      Fwd: D Martin, Swan, Walker, Thomas, Salem, Clark, Karnezis, Hogan
    18. Gottabegold
      I don't think Z Smith is such a bad option anyway, he can score well, I'll be looking at him for Bellchambers possibly
    19. choppers
      From 10..10..10 to 11..10..9

      I can still fit Salem in for Hogan if I choose.Decisions, decisions....
    20. cotchytime
      Nice team Jason, especially like the mids and rucks. I'd reconsider Lumumba though, he has never averaged 90+ and only once in the 80s. Don't think he is SC relevant even with his pre season scores. Johnson is a nice pick, trying to fit him into my team somehow.

      Also, Harley Bennell should be in the mix in the forward line despite the plethora of talent available there. Great player with a proven supercoach record that can only improve, huge ceiling also.

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