2016 Round 1 review.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 28, 2016.

By walesy on Mar 28, 2016 at 4:23 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    So, footy's back- that's a good thing! :D

    How many of you are cracking 2200 this week? What's par?

    How good have the rule changes been!

    How good is ANZAC day gunna be?


    Stats are gunna be interesting this evening, what with a new codebase and stuff, so bare with me as we go. :D
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 28, 2016.

    1. Boulderdash
      Got lucky - managed 2367. GAJ as Captain, Danger, Priddis, NicNat, Libba, JJ all starring. No Fyfe. No Goldy. No loophole.
      Most of the Mid Pricers did their average or better & most of the rooks did well.
      Still have a problem though with the rucks. Just realised that NicNat & Sinclair (as a fwd) share the bye round, so I am thinking of trading Sinclair to Hickey (St Kilda) this week or next.
      Not quite enough to do a double of Gawn into Goldy but it is a plan.
      Questions - what are people's thoughts on Hickey and is it worth it to do a trade this early?
      Should I be looking to upgrade Gawn into Goldy?

      Thoughts on rule changes.
      Interchange rotation cap - excellent.
      10 metre clearance around mark - excellent
      Both of these have already opened up the game to make it faster & more one on one contests. Plus, long kicking seems to be coming back.
      Deliberate out of Bounds - umpires need to be careful when a player kicks under pressure and an opposition player doesn't make an effort to keep the ball in play. The ball did seem however to stay away from the boundary a bit more than last year.
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    2. Yani
      2243 and as I live on the proper side of the planet had Kolo on the park while he was apparently sleeping in his hospital bed..
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    3. snoz
      +1 with Kolo..........slept as he was rushed to hospital. No biggie, had super stud Tippa to fill his spot :(
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    4. Shagga05
      2265, Fyfe Cap which hurt. Main Duds Fyfe/Barlow/Houli, very happy with Parker/Danger/Priddis and two decisions - Greene late out to get better rookies and Goldie/Martin rucks to get 200+ each week. Lets just see how those decisions go throughout the season.
    5. sbe55430
      Happy with 2252 considering fyfe, barlow, martin and shaw efforts. Got bench right except for papley.

      Sent from my HUAWEI RIO-L02 using Tapatalk
    6. R0nan
      2334 with Kolodnashij on the park (Adams to the rescue) and Ben Ken and Papley on the bench :(.
      Aside from those errors - pretty content with that. Like others have said just gotta cop Barlow and Fyfe's poor scores and wait for them to bounce back. Went the vc loophole with Alfonse GAJitano.
      Good to see common sense prevail with the sub rule being axed.
      Worried about the lack of 3rd ruck playing rookies...
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    7. R0nan
      Assess Hickey's performance after this week, if he pumps out another big score than bite the bullet I reckon. I would have faith in Gawn too.
    8. Lion on the ground
      Lion on the ground
      2353 for me this week in a big first up round. Topped the 7 leagus im in which was a great start. Jason, i think i was the first to tell you to jump on J Johannisen. Did you start him champ ????
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    9. Penske file
      Penske file
      Had 2227 with a few downers, the same as everyone Dusty/Barlow/Pendles/Shaw. What is the problem with Rockliff's wrist, anyone know?
    10. HotPiesColdDrinks
      2255 this round.

      Had M.Brown on field with a 42 and Dea on the bench, Gresham on field with 44 and had Hewett on the bench and Greene up forward only got myself a 51 :(

      I also have Hannerbery, and had a 100, but didn't come back on after getting knocked by Sidebottom. I'll probably hold him, but will ask on opinions anyways. If Hannerbery isn't named this week, would you still hold him? Or sidetrade him to Parker or someone of similar value?
      Will probably hold him though as it would probably only be the one week (if any), and I don't like to waste trades.
    11. Jason
      My team sucked balls. 2074.
      My trading game team, much better. 2262.
      But my son Luke's team is ranked 198th - he got 2422!
      and my other son Rohan's team is ranked 10th - he got 2506!!!
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    12. Len
      I need to hire your sons as SC consultants :)
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    13. Jason
      So do I. :cool:
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    14. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      Guess there's gotta be some silver-lining in getting redwhite&blue-washed by your Dad.
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    15. Bearfly
      Way to go Luke and Rohan, make sure you keep it up and thrash the old man big time :p
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    16. benny01
      Good Bulldog names
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    17. GaryReal
      2400 - good start, which is crucial. I have serious concerns over D.Rich. He just stands around, was VERY lucky to scrap some points late in the game. To me the one player I feel I'll have to watch go by - a really good selection - is J Lonergan ($348Def/Mid). No point chasing him now, but he'll play onball for next 6-8wks at least. Very good value.
    18. TheTassieHawk
      Obviously Thursday teams may throw some curveballs but given the rookie Defender scores in Round 1 I am considering bringing in Weitering or a premium defender into D5 in Round 3, which would mean bringing one of Papley or Hewett in this week or missing out on one of them the following week

      TU - if you can only choose one get Hewett
      TD - if you can only choose one get Papley

      thumbs away TS'ers
      • Like Like x 11
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    19. Piklz
      2081, not bad considering...
      Barlow, Martin, Fyfe (C) and Pendles spudding it up. Adams, Kennedy and Papley sitting on the bench.
    20. ORFFWizard
      Fyfe 61 round one
      After your sense of what to consider after one round and bad score that is very unlike him
      Please use the green circle options to give feedback of what you consider, is the closest to your response of his round one performance.

      Option 1. Nothing to see here. Normal transmission resumes this week.
      Option 2. I can wear one 61 for the year after paying $670K for him.
      Option.3. That's bullshit, not waiting around to find out if this ship will sink. I'm outta here now this very week.
      Option 4. Don't have him and thankful about it too.
      Option 5. I'll wait and decide next week if I need to ditch him, but I got concerns.
      Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
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