2015 Round Review: Round 5.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, May 3, 2015.

By walesy on May 3, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Another Sunday afternoon and another weekend of football comes to a close.
    Did you manage to get Oxley onto the field this week? Perhaps Goodes finally did something good for your team? Or did he languish on the bench, Cripps-style?
    Either way, seen a couple of decent scores brewing across my leagues, would love to hear how you went!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, May 3, 2015.

    1. leematty
      The weekend the fantasy gods got me.

      2,000 in supercoach, two bad decisions, swapping capt from fyfe to goldy and trading lonie instead of Salem. Looks like savage correction on for this week.

      Also epl fox fantasy may be out of reach. Dropped from first overall. Still second but 20 it's adrift now.
    2. melbandy
      Worked the VC loophole to get Pendles great start.

      Got 2239 and 2 of 2 wins, including a win over Sir Les. WoooHooo!
    3. Ratatouille
      Was heading for 2250+ until Sloane and Smith spudded in last game. 2158 still good enough for 3/3 wins, including my first in TS DIV 5
    4. LBJ
      Supercoach sucks.
      TS Champs Grps ADF League:
      - Lost this round by 2 points.
      - Lost round 3 by 1 points.
      - Lost round 2 by 40.
    5. Senator96
      Same as Ratatouille, stumbled a bit to 2231 with Smith's woeful score, and Krakeour on the field in the final game, plus Salem's red vested 50. Looking forward to doing a double upgrade this week with the 400k I built up with bringing in Tarrant and Krak.

      Tarrant trade should be a good one I think, north seems to like getting the ball into his hand back there and he wont play on roughhead every week. Big thumbs up to miller who smashed out the ton this week and is now making some really good $ after looking very dodgy with the first couple of weeks.

      No luck at all for rockliff. He'll be a straight swap for a rookie before too much longer, even in the games he wasnt injured a 50 and a 70. His breakeven this week was 297 and he scored 0. Salary calculator says a price drop of about 130 grand this week alone. Surely no one has ever had a price drop as much as that in one week?
    6. Fitzy
      Scored 2,281, dropped 3 spots and now ranked 33rd! Bit disapointed with Sloane and Higgins, not to forget Newnes, but can't complain really! :)
    7. Ratatouille
      Not sure if any of you were in this position but one of the teams in one of my leagues had pendles as VC and Rockliff as C. After lockout he kept Pendles score as captain
    8. J_C
      Scored 2214 but a case of a good score gone begging this week as my last 3 players - Hibberd, Newnes & Sloane - combined for about 180 in total.
    9. walesy
      stats are up.
    10. TheTassieHawk
      Post Round 5 Trade Counter

      TU - 0 or 1 trades used
      TD - 2 trades used

    11. TheTassieHawk
      Trade counter ctd

      TU - 3 trades used
      TD - 4 trades used

    12. TheTassieHawk
      Trade counter ctd

      TU - 5 or 6 trades used
      TD - 7 or 8 trades used

    13. anthak
      really. thanks for letting us know. I didnt think it was supposed to do that anymore.
    14. anthak
      bad week for me.
      2083. lost all 10 leagues.
      almost doubled my rank.
    15. anthak
      lost my live champs league match by 35 pts. was good to be able to follow it live throughout the weekend tho.
    16. Grizzles
      Sounds the same as me Anthak! 2089 and went from 7900 to 14900 lol I did however cop mostly bad scores in all my competitive leagues to win 5/7 league games! Also have the money generated from getting Tarrant and Krak in to make some upgrades!
    17. anthak
      'Too Serious Div 6' now my best ranked league at 120th
    18. stripey
      2273 for me with a mix of high scorers and low scorers...

      Someone made a comment about the people that traded crips out in round 2. I wonder how many also dropped Touk after the first 2 rounds. After looking like he would make bugger all money he has exploded!!!
    19. Dino71
      2297 for me which is a complete turn around from the previous 4 weeks of sub standard scores. Managed to jump 21k in rankings to 39k, so hopefully a sign of things to come.

      Good: Shaw, Oxley, Fyfe, Danger, Martin, Bennell, Gray, Miller, CEY.

      Have a few concerns this week I think. Lewis, Sloanes calf and unlucky Kelly.

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