Rate My Team 2015 (3rd Edition)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

By Jason on Mar 27, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Again the old thread was getting really long so time for a new one. Links to previous threads:
    RMT 1st edition
    RMT 2nd edition
    Who knows how many times I will change this again before R1 lockout arrives. I suspect the rookie-priced options will move around a bit. But I think I'm mostly happy with the keepers and 'almost-keepers'.
    Presently my bye structure is 7/10/13 which not what I want it to be. 8/11/11 would be much better. I will need to be careful with early upgrades to be sure to improve this position. But it's not impossible to improve the balance before R11, so I'm happy enough for now. What does your bye structure look like?
    Who else is onboard the various bandwagons of some of the players in my team below?
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;][span style='background: #fcfcfc;]Just to repeat the ground rules for RMT:
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback,your post will be deleted.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

    1. Paxman
      So, I'm in a perpetual 'clear my team' and start again cycle and just not happy with the balance of the team... a penny for your thoughts...

      Smith / Shaw / Newnes / Lumumba / Goodes / Saad Dalgleish / Mcintosh

      GAJ / Fyfe / Beams / Danger / Griffen / Newton / Cripps / Ellis-Y Heeney / Vandenberg / Steele

      Burger with Sauce Cox

      Gray / Martin / Swan / Salem / Clark / Hogan Lonie / Lambert
    2. willy
      After the feedback another alteration here it was

      Backs - Gibson, H.Shaw, Newnes, Lumumba, N.Brown (pies), H.Goddard, (Dalgleish, A.Saad)

      Mids - GAJ, Pendles, Fyfe, Danger, Cripps, Rich, Wells, NVB, (Ellis Yolmen, J Anderson, Steele)

      Rucks - NicNat Jacobs (Cox)

      Fwds - Lids, Bont, Swan, Clark, Karnezis, Hogan (Saad, Lambert)


      Now it is

      Backs - Gibson, H.Shaw, Newnes, Lumumba, B.Goodes, H.Goddard, (Dalgleish, A.Saad)

      Mids - Ducky, Pendles, Fyfe, Ward, Cripps, D.Beams , Wells, I.Heeney, (Ellis Yolmen, J Anderson, Steele)

      Rucks - Burger, Jacobs (Cox)

      Fwds - Lids, Bont, Swan, Clark, Karnezis, Hogan (Saad, Lambert)

    3. Tomster
      If you are worried about balance, this team looks fairly balanced on the prems, midpricers and rookies side (not sure about byes, too much effort to check :D). The only issue I see with balance is the 3 rookies on field in the forward line, but if you are confident they will play.

      I would be worried about the midfield - for me, Fyfe is the only one that is sure to end up in the top midfielders by the end of the year. Gaz seems to be having problems with something, to have not played in the pre-season. I have him in my team, but am worried about spending that money on him. I hesitate to start with players in new teams, so would be questioning Beams and Griffen. Especially Griffen, after his poor end to last year I made sure I wouldn't start with him this year. Finally, I'm not sure about Dangerfield, but can definitely see the merits in him.

      Backline looks good, as do the rucks. My advice to anyone is to start with at least one player in the rucks who is sure to perform. In your case Paxman Sauce is a proven performer, while Leuey could go either way.

      Like i said earlier, I'd want another premium in the forward line. Possibly trade out Griffen to a midfield rookie and upgrade one of the forwardline rookies. You could even trade out Griffen, move Lambert to the midfield and then bring in a forward line premium, opening up the DPP link.
    4. Tomster
      Strong second team. EVen the first one isn't bad! Having a look, strong midfield means weak forward line. My only advice would be to trade one of Beams or Fyfe down to a rookie, and upgrade Karnezis to a Gray or Dusty. That would strengthen the forward line, but having Swan and Bonts is risky. Other than that, I think you have a good team, fairly cookie cutter. Good luck
    5. Waldo666
      Biggest concern for me Willy would be H. Goddard, can't see him getting games early on, I'd look at Oxley or McIntonsh (of course many things can change cup final teams). Sorry scratch that, your biggest concern is Karnezis, I can't see him suiting up Rnd 1, I'd be looking at ways to turn him into Salem
    6. Waldo666
      I think you team is actually pretty well balanced Paxman, I think however I would look for a cheaper option than Smith (Kelly/Murphy) down back and also a cheaper option than Newton (Miller) then upgrade one of your fwds. Not sure if it will give you enough cash to do anything meaningful however or if you have money ITB for that matter
    7. Waldo666
      I still think you are carrying major risks in both H. Goddard and Karnezis
    8. Waldo666
      Any thoughts appreciated on this lot guys...

      DEF: H. Shaw, J. Kelly, J. Newnes, H. Lumumba, B. Goodes, A. Saad (K. McIntosh, A. Oxley)
      MID: G. Ablett jnr, S. Pendlebury, J. Selwood, R. Griffen, D. Rich, C. Ellis-Yolmen, P. Cripps, I. Heeney, (T. Miller, J. Anderson, A. Vandenberg )
      RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (T. Read)
      FWD: R. Gray, B. Deledio, D. Swan, M. Bontempelli, T. Bellchambers, M. Clark (J. Hogan, K. Lambert)
      CASH LEFT: $14,100
    9. shark05
      Its a good mix of G &amp; R. A bit wary regarding Rich, unless your aim is to trade him up, not an undervalued keeper. Will be a toss up as to which rookies get the green vest, if they're picked to play. I have Vandenberg on the field as a mature age rookie. Not totally convinced on Heritier yet, will wait to see how the first few rounds transpire.
    10. Waldo666
      Cheers Shark, yeah Rich would certainly be getting upgraded somewhere along the way and I agree that Lumumba is a risk but I struggled to ignore the form he showed in the NAB.....by final teams however I could even downgrade him with the aim of upgrading Luey or even Rich
    11. G.Dubz
      I agree, solid team but D. Rich may not make as much money as you want him to. You'd be in a tough situation if he made 50k or so and be neither here nor there, scoring reasonably well but not at premo keeper level. I like your Bellchambers pick.
    12. G.Dubz
      Any tips greatly appreciated:

      DEF: Hodge, Newnes, Kolo K, Ibbotson, B Goodes, A Saad (A Oxley, K McIntosh)
      MID: GAJ, Pendles, Fyfe, Ward, Dangerfield, Cripps, J Anderson, I Heeny (Vandenberg, Ellis-Yolmen, Steele)
      RUC: Goldstein, Clarke (M Cox)
      FWD: Gray, Bennell, Swan, Bomtempelli, Salem, Clark (Hogan, Krakouer)
      Cash: $11,000

    13. stripey
      Is Steele guaranteed to play? I heard he was almost assured the vest if he did?

      Clarke is an interesting one, you obviously feel he is going to bounce back to 2013 scoring but that would rely on Sandi not playing.. a bit of a risk right there!

      Krakouer probably more of a downgrade target at this stage rather than a rookie to start with, i would look at a Lambert/Lamb/Lonie to fill that spot and hopefully earn you some $$$
    14. stripey
      DEF: Shaw, Johnson, Newnes, Lumumba, KK, Goodes, (Brown, Saad)
      MID: Rocky, Pendles, JJK, A Swallow, Sheed, Cripps, J Anderson, Ellis-Yolmen, (Heeney, Vandenberg, Miller)
      RUC: Maric, NicNat (O'Brien)
      FWD: Gray, Martin, Lycett, McCarthy, Salem, Clark (Hogan, Lambert)
      Cash: 277,500 - i really want to have Sheed and McCarthy but like my other rookies and have the cash to make the corrective trade if needed. Perhaps i am stretching myself too thin - McCarthy to Swan?
    15. stripey
      personally i feel a little cash should be set aside to make corrective changes, ie if say an Oxley or McIntosh needs to be upgraded before a price change who are you going to be able to afford?
    16. Bucko
    17. stripey
      I stand to be correct but I think that upgrades had to be done by that time to take their senior lists to the minimum number of required players. There are a couple of clubs that still have additional spots available on their senior lists, any rookie upgrades in those situations can occur whenever.
    18. Tomster
      Gibson, Hibberd, Johnson, Newnes, Goodes, Edwrads (McIntosh, Hamling)
      Ablett, Pendles, Fyfe, JSelwood, Cripps, JAnderson, Henney, Ellis-Yolmen, (Miller, Saad, Lambert)
      Goldstein, Bellchambers (Read)
      Gray, Bartel, Martin, Swan, Clark, Hogan (Byrne, Steele)

      187k left

      Tear it to pieces. I'm trying to figure out a way to bring in NicNat for Bellchambers, but can't get enough money together...
    19. Jason
      To clarify, there was a list lodgement deadline last week which required clubs with less than 40 senior listed player to nominate any of their rookies who would be upgraded to the senior list. The news article you mention has those players who changed from rookie to senior at this time.

      There is another process for rookie elevation however, which can occur at any time throughout the year. It is when a club puts a player on the LTI list (for a minimum of 8 weeks) and then can elect to elevate a rookie in their stead. The Bulldogs did this with Libba onto the LTI and Brett Goodes elevated. This was done independently and after the list lodgement mentioned in the news article that you linked above.

      Melbourne could still yet undertake a rookie upgrade for Vandenberg before R1, if they wish.
    20. Jason
      You are spending a significant amount of $$$ on players between $150k and $300k. These guys really have to come out an perform well to justify the extra price tag. Perhaps consider less of these guys and either another keeper or an upgrade of say Swallow to Fyfe. Right now you have all of Goodes, Sheed, Cripps, McCarthy and Salem in this space, which I think is too many top-price rookies to be running with.
    21. Waldo666
      Agree with Stripey here G.Dubz in that you need to look at a replacements for Krakouer and Steele and Clarke is a big risk for mine. You do have quite a few POD's which is good to see

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