2016 Round Review: Round 14

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jun 26, 2016.

By walesy on Jun 26, 2016 at 6:13 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    So, one more round of the byes incoming.

    How good were those Sainters!!

    Feels like a toughish round, but at least I had Collins on the ground instead of Tucker! :D

    And who held Menadue all this time? The little ripper *finally* paid off! :D

    How'd you go?
    • Option 5 Option 5 x 1


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jun 26, 2016.

    1. maxweas1
      1870 for me. Not what I was hoping for but looking around should hopefully keep me around the mark.
    2. RPritch
      Loving the byes, managed 1919 after a 1960 last week. Only had 18 players play this week, but they all did well other than Shaw and Davis. For some reason I own Jumping Jack Riewoldt who managed 160+
    3. port_leschenault
      1964. Is it a par score? Really strange week though when a rookie who lost money when coming off the bubble scores more than two prems.
      • Like Like x 1
    4. TheTassieHawk
      1841, which was enough to rise by 1000 places to 6100ish

      11 trades in hand, hoping to hold trades in Round 15
    5. Royboy Forever
      Royboy Forever
      A round to forget - an absolute disaster - only scored 1638. Was going in to the round with 17 players and then no Zorko, Wells, Hopper and Daw (could have sworn I had seen him named in Thursday's teams). Then two bench players scored 37 and Heath Shaw only managed 46.
      Dropped 2000 places, Stuffed up my year I think.
    6. walesy
      Stats are up
      • Like Like x 2
    7. maxweas1
      Back to 20th, hopefully a big week this week.
      • Like Like x 7
    8. TheTassieHawk
      Daw was a late out If I recall correctly
    9. benny01
      Had 17 players on the field (1 emg that didn't count :() and finished with 1827 which saw me drop down to 526th overall.
      Zorko Wells and Stewart all out from my team last week which hurt during the bye.
    10. jp
      Bit of a mixed bag this week, managed 1847.

      Villians: Zorko, Wells, Shaw, pendles
      Heros: collins, Smitch, ward, dusty

      also my 2 trade ins this week T Phillips and Deledio did quite nicely.
      • Option 2 Option 2 x 2
    11. anthak
      Anyone else having trouble logging out of supercoach on phone?
      Ive tried 2 different phones and its not working for me.

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