Champions League 2nd Group Stage

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 13, 2015.

By TheTassieHawk on Jul 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Champions League had 48 teams as per the pre-season nominations blog (

    The format of the comp is covered in full in thenominations blog. The 1st stage was played out at:-

    In the 2nd Group Stage 4 groups of 6 teams battled it out in a round robin of 5 matches each from Rounds8 to 15, with no matches during the AFL bye rounds.

    The 12 sides that survived will play off between rounds 16 to 19 to decide the Champions League title.

    There is a fresh blog in use for the knockout stages so please head over to:-

    We created 6 leagues with each league consisting of 2 or 3 Groups of 6 teams and the 12 team leagues have been topped up by teams with spare leagues available.

    Remember these leagues are handy for you to keep tabs on upcoming opponents. Youcanquite easily check your opponents progress scores within either of your shared leagues or set up rivalries against your Group opponents to check scores once lockout ends.

    Stage 2 Groups (round robin between Rounds 8 to 15)

    Group1 =Group A Winner (22 Ton Salute), Group D Winner (That's A Paddling) , Group B 2nd Place (EreCumDeOtStepperFC), Group E 2nd Place (Highly Fevolved), Group C 3rd Place (Lightning Bolt), Group F 3rd Place (Ad's Adventurers)

    Group 2 =Group B Winner (Team Stripey), Group C Winner (Fantasy Addicts), Group G 2nd Place (Beast Mode), Group H 2nd Place (Whoknows?), Group A 3rd Place (Below The Radar), Group E 3rd Place (Bafingwood FC)

    Group3 =Group E Winner (TheTassieTitans), Group G Winner (Oil Beef Hooked), Group D 2nd Place (We're Flying High), Group F 2nd Place (Wanderers), Group B 3rd Place (On a[Clenbute]Roll), Group H 3rd Place (BastowFC)

    Group4 =Group F Winner (ThruTheSticks), Group H Winner (SF Bulls), Group A 2nd Place (Heavymen), Group C 2nd Place (BlueSteele), Group D 3rd Place (WhoGibbsaFC), Group G 3rd Place (BLUEBAGGERS)

    reminder to everyone that wins, losses, drawsand points scored and conceded carried over from the first stage and a ladder was calculated on W/L/D then Stage 2 head to head record between tied teams as first tiebreaker and overall % s (using points scored and conceded over both group stages) as the 2nd tiebraker


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 13, 2015.

    1. PHIL
      Great effort again TTH. Has become one of the most enjoyable parts of SC.
    2. BigRon81
      Solid work mate. Cheers
    3. HeavyMen
      Good on ya TTH, great fun participating in this :)
    4. princeofmugs
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 6 (AFL Rd8) RESULTS,
      ,Group 2-1 Match 121 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 2075 def by That's A Paddling (JC) 2178
      ,Group 2-1 Match 122 EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 2076 def Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2035
      ,Group 2-1 Match 123 Highly Fevolved (POM) 2239 def Ad's Adventurers (Eddie V) 1952
      ,Group 2-2 Match 124 Team Stripey (stripey) 2107 def by Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2171
      ,Group 2-2 Match 125 BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2155 def by Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 2189
      ,Group 2-2 Match 126 Whoknows? (GRG) 2091 def by Below the Radar (Bjaensch) 2205
      ,Group 2-3 Match 127 On a(Clenbute)Roll (bigRon81) 2099 def We'reflyinghigh (Deano) 2087
      ,Group 2-3 Match 128 TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2006 def by Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2196
      ,Group 2-3 Match 129 Bastow FC (bgt2110) 2133 def Wanderers (LBJ) 2019
      ,Group 2-4 Match 130 Heavymen (HeavyMen) 2071 def by WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2133
      ,Group 2-4 Match 131 Blue Steele (blue Steele) 2237 def BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2163
      ,Group 2-4 Match 132 Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2111 def by SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2265
    5. BigRon81
      Jeez there are a couple of tight leagues. Gonna be an interesting couple of rounds.
    6. Mad_Mattigan
      Clearly I'm the Ross Lyin' of TS!

      Slightly down on points for, but much lower scores against! I've been SUPER lucky catching most of my wins against teams having a poor week.

      Loving the concept though! Thanks again to TTH and the team behind it.
    7. Tylo
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 7 (AFL Rd9) RESULTS,

      Group 2-1 Match 133 22 Ton Salute (Schmicko) 2354 def Highly Fevolved (POM) 2287
      Group 2-1 Match 134 Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2403 def That's a Paddlin' (JC) 2189
      Group 2-1 Match 135 EreCumDeOtSteppa (Mick) 2360 def Ad's Adventurers (Eddie V) 2200

      Group 2-2 Match 136 Beast Mode (Tailgunner) 2471 def Below the Radar (Bjaensch) 2070
      Group 2-2 Match 137 Whoknows? (GRG) 2323 def Team Stripey (stripey) 2240
      Group 2-2 Match 138 Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 2371 def Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2214

      Group 2-3 Match 139 Oil Beef Hooked (MM) 2256 def We'reflyinghigh (Deano) 2224
      Group 2-3 Match 140 The Tassie Titans (Iain (BB)) 2327 def Bastow FC (bgt2110) 2118
      Group 2-3 Match 141 On a(Clenbute)Roll (bigRon81) 2448 def Wanserers (LBJ) 2292

      Group 2-4 Match 142 SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2527 def WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2175
      Group 2-4 Match 143 Blue Steele (blue steele) 2286 def Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2137
      Group 2-4 Match 144 HeavyMen (Heavymen) 2241 def BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2170

      Let me know if there's any mistakes. Will update ladders shortly.
    8. HeavyMen
      It's tough being painted RED! Much prefer the Green or Yellow :)

      Great work TTH
    9. TheTassieHawk
      Due to some technical difficulties these are somewhat belated 2015 TS Champions League Match Day 8 (AFL Rd10) RESULTS

      Group 2-1 Match 145 EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 2083 def 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 1974
      Group 2-1 Match 146 Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2063 def Ad's Adventurers (Eddie V) 1873
      Group 2-1 Match 147 That's A Paddling (JC) 1998 def Highly Fevolved (POM) 1814

      Group 2-2 Match 148 Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2060 def by Whoknows? (GRG) 2111
      Group 2-2 Match 149 Bafingwood FC (Stevebbb) 2240 def Below the Radar (Bjaensch) 2011
      Group 2-2 Match 150 BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2143 def Team Stripey (stripey) 1932

      Group 2-3 Match 151 On a(Clenbute)Roll (bigRon81) 2069 def Bastow FC (bgt2110) 1906
      Group 2-3 Match 152 We’re Flying High (Deano) 2118 def TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2096
      Group 2-3 Match 153 Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2107 def Wanderers (LBJ) 1961

      Group 2-4 Match 154 Heavymen (HeavyMen) 2054 def by Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2230
      Group 2-4 Match 155 WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2262 def BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 1908
      Group 2-4 Match 156 SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2183 def by Blue Steele (blue steele) 2195

    10. TheTassieHawk
      Congrats to JC and MM for clinching a top 3 spot in Round 10. Both teams will have tough Rd14 matches against the teams that are 2nd in their group (EreCumDeOtStepperFC and On a ClenbuteRoll respectively) but can lock themselves into top spot in the group and earn a weaks break in Rd16 with a Rd14 win.

      While Blue Steele has yet to lock in a top 3 spot it is as close as one can get to being a certainty. As he has won tiebreaker matches against both the 2nd and 3rd placed teams he will also lock up top spot and a rest in Rd 16 if he is able to notch a win in either Rd14 or Rd 15.

      Unfortunately another 3 teams have had their chance of Champions League glory snuffed out with Ad's Adventurers, Team Stripey and Bluebaggers all now on 3 wins and 5 losses after crashing to their 3rd consecutive defeats in the 2nd stage. I am sure these teams will be stocking up on big name talent over the bye rounds and looking to notch upset wins in their last 2 games and help to shape the top 3 in their respective groups.

      Of the other teams in contention the match between Lightning Bolt and Highly Fevolved puts the winner in the box seat for a top 3 spot while each of the Group 2 matches will all have a major bearing with 3 teams currently tied on 6-2 records.

    11. TheTassieHawk
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 9 (AFL Rd14) RESULTS,
      Group 2-1 Match 157 That's a Paddlin' (JC) 2175 def EreCumDeOtSteppaFC (Mick) 1967
      Group 2-1 Match 158 Highly Fevolved (POM) 2121 def Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2077
      Group 2-1 Match 159 Ad's Adventurer's (EddieV) 2009 def 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 1961
      Group 2-2 Match 160 Below the Radar (bjaensch) 2051 def Team Stripey (stripey) 1988
      Group 2-2 Match 161 Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2025 def by Beast Mode (tailgunner) 2119
      Group 2-2 Match 162 Whoknows? (GRG) 2039 def Bafingwood FC (Stevebbb) 2029
      Group 2-3 Match 163 Wanderers (LBJ) 2027 def TheTassieTitans (ian-bb) 1901
      Group 2-3 Match 164 Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2005 def by On a(Clenbute)Roll (BigRon81) 2066
      Group 2-3 Match 165 Bastow FC (bgt2110) 2148 def We'reflyinghigh (Deano) 2012
      Group 2-4 Match 166 Blue Steele (blue Steele) 2128 def WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2080
      Group 2-4 Match 167 BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2023 def by Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2126
      Group 2-4 Match 168 SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2158 def HeavyMen (Heavymen) 2062

    12. TheTassieHawk
      Congrats Mick, Prince of Mugs, GRG, Stevebbb, Bigron81, Blue Steele, Tyze1 and Nick for clinching a top 3 spot in Round 14, with Blue Steele also locking in top spot in their group.

      JC has also locked in top spot in their group, and both he and Blue Steele will have the week off in Round 16.

      5 teams were eliminated this week. Lightning Bolt, 22 Ton Salute, Below The Radar - who won against Team Stripey but were eliminated when WhoKnows defeated BafingwoodFC - WhoGibbsa FC and Heavymen. Thanks for participating and proving tough opponents throughout.

      In Group 2-1 Mick and POM playoff this week in a live match with the winner finishing 2nd in the group ahead of the other side.

      The top 3 in Group 2-2 all have chances of finishing first in the group depending on this weeks results while in addition Fantasy Addicts can pinch the 3rd and final spot in Group 2-2 from Beast Mode if they can knock off Below The Radar and Beast Mode also loses to the top ranked Whoknows.

      In Group 2-3 On A (Clenbute) Roll will finish top if they defeat TheTassieTitans or Oil, Beef, Hooked loses to Bastow FC. 3rd place will belong to TheTassieTitans if BB can pull off a win this week, with Bastow FC taking it if they win combined with a loss to BB's side. If both lose it most likely ends in a 3 way with the winner of We're Flying High and Wanderers, with BB favoured to hold on by % with a 1.52% or about 286 points advantage heading into the final matchday.

      In Group 2-4 SF Bulls finish 2nd if they defeat Bluebaggers or if Thru The sticks loses to WhoGibbsa FC.

      Best of luck peeps and remember that all 12 matches this week are between teams that share a league so if you are one of the 6 sides on a knifes edge this weekend be sure to check in once or twice to see how the matchup is progressing.

    13. BigRon81
      Thanks for the write up TTH, good stuff!

      Am glad I've been able to string a few wins together
    14. tyze1
      Group 2.4 The battle for top spot is well and truly up for grabs if Heavymen can upset Blue Steele. Thru the Sticks and SF Bulls are snapping away for an opportunity should Blue Steele slip up.
    15. HeavyMen
      Well I'm Cactus but hope to influence the final standings & cause some pain somewhere :)
      Thanks TTH, it's been a great comps to be involved in
    16. TheTassieHawk
      Given the tiebreaker used to split teams on equal wins and losers is head to head wins and losses blue steele is sitting pretty having defeated both teams in earlier 2nd stage action

      Good luck this weekend and also in the knockout stages amigo
    17. Iain
      Looks like I've just snuck through to the next round, cheer again for this TTH
    18. TheTassieHawk
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 10 (AFL Rd15) RESULTS, for the final stage 2 games are as follows:-
      Group 2-1 Match 169 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 2361 def by Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2417
      Group 2-1 Match 170 EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 2553 def Highly Fevolved (POM) 2377
      Group 2-1 Match 171 Ad's Adventurer's (EddieV) 2369 def by That's A Paddling (JC) 2500
      Group 2-2 Match 172 Below the Radar (bjaensch) 2354 def by Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2390
      Group 2-2 Match 173 Team Stripey (stripey) 2254 def by Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 2439
      Group 2-2 Match 174 BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2658 def Whoknows? (GRG) 2420
      Group 2-3 Match 175 We’re Flying High (Deano) 2077 def by Wanderers (LBJ) 2508
      Group 2-3 Match 176 TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2544 def On a(Clenbute)Roll (BigRon81) 2521
      Group 2-3 Match 177 Bastow FC (bgt2110) 2143 def by Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2560
      Group 2-4 Match 178 Heavymen (HeavyMen) 2487 def by Blue Steele (blue steele) 2593
      Group 2-4 Match 179 Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2545 def WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2427
      Group 2-4 Match 180 BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2289 def by SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2536

    19. TheTassieHawk
      Congrats to BB and Tailgunner for clinching the last 2 top 3 spots in the final round, with Beast Mode jumping from 3rd spot to top a very tight bunch in Group 2 ahead of Bafingwood FC with the team they defeated WhoKnows hanging onto 3rd spot.

      BigRon81 had a 5 game winning streak stopped in a close one by BB and Mad Mattigan cruised to a win over Bastow FC to take out top spot in Group 3 and earn a week off.

      4 teams were eliminated at the final hurdle this week. Fantasy Addicts who tied with the top 3 but were eliminated after failing to convert a 5-0 record in the 1st stage into a top 3 spot in the 2nd stage, with their inability to defeat any of the top 3 proving decisive despite earning 2 wins against the 5th and 6th placed teams.

      The Tassie Titans win in Group 3 eliminated Bastow FC, Wanderers and We're Flying High.

      Again thanks for participating and proving tough opponents throughout the comp and taking it down to the wire.

      I will be starting a fresh blog for the knockout stages so please head over to

      to check out the spiel for how things will proceed from here as well as see the Round 16 draw once I have settled the 4 matchups.

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