TS Fantasy NBA

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Aug 25, 2015.

By anthak on Aug 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Its been great to see so many people recommitting to play again this season (and a shame that some have said they are stepping away).

    If y'all missed it, Steve posted an NBA thread a couple of weeks ago to welcome everyone back for the new season - our 6th year in a row running these fantasy NBA leagues at TS.

    Here are the leagues as they're looking for this season:

    Each division is ranked based on last season's final standings, and then teams promoted and relegates up and down accordingly.
    If there are any teams who drop out this year, all teams will move up in the order they are listed here:

    Teams in bold have recommitted already. Teams in italic have already stated they are out...

    <p class='p1][span class='s1]PREMIER: Stowie; Ruddy; HEAVER; Karlos; Rev; Mick; jet; Dabombers; Steve; LiQuiD_SiXx; bgt2110; anthak.
    <p class='p2]
    <p class='p1][span class='s1]DIVISION 1: Walesy; Owen; Fez; Pearcey47; crossy; Philosoraptor; costak; Jasmine; rodgo; headmandude; yumcha; ddsaints.
    <p class='p2]
    <p class='p1][span class='s1]DIVISION 2: nicksnow; 6'10; maggots; Don_Cottagers; trav00; doolz; underachievers; HEATalicious; OutKast_au; Rad_E_Cool; tasho; Spurs_jay.
    <p class='p2]
    <p class='p1][span class='s1]DIVISION 3: lethal; smokinjoemisiti; hawker; Lano24; doobs; Jmulldihno; Peaches; sparks1511; Jaammiiee; clintongary; BradM; insider.
    <p class='p2]
    <p class='p1][span class='s1]emergencies: Emes; chris88; grav; macca118;

    We're still obviously looking for a whole bunch of folk to recommit, however the main purpose of this thread is to propose and discuss a new structure of the leagues for the 2016/17 season and beyond.

    Back around this time last year, Walesy suggested this format and it seems to have a lot of merit. There were other suggestions at the time as well, but I reckon Walesy's idea incorporated them as well. With promotions and relegations criteria already decided for last season, we couldnt implement it straight away, however if we decide on it now, for '16/17, we can then work out how the teams will move into the leagues for next season, so that we all know what we're playing for this season.

    Here is the proposal verbatim:

    <table id='tblPostBody71774' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='left' border='0' style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px;]

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    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;]from Walesy:
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 40px;]One idea that I like (Maybe to think about for next year), is to structure the following.

    Premier league

    8 stay

    4 move down to

    1st Division.

    4 move up

    2 stay

    8 move down into

    4 conference leagues.

    Of which, 2 move up into the 1st division.

    Of course, would require more leagues. :D But I think it provides a good level of ability to move up through to the premier league without being too punishing on the guys already at the pointy end.

    What do you all think?

    Are we happy to change? Does anyone suggest any variations to the proposed structure? Is anyone against the idea and think we should stay the same?

    Let us know what you think in the comments below...



Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Aug 25, 2015.

    1. Lano24
      I prefer it how it was. My opinion is conferences are a bad idea
    2. Jet
      I'm in for premier
      Happy to keep relegation the same but don't hate the one thrown up here.
      Not sure if it's been discussed but I'd be all for having 2 IR spots too. I know people think it will get abused but everyone would have equal opportunity. I've had 2 years in a row with genuine injuries to players that weren't 'accident prone' and it would have helped me.
    3. HEATalicious
      I think leave it as is, I know everyone wants to play in PREMIER but I like the challenge of moving up the division
    4. Lano24
      Almost as bad as crossys idea in our other league. He thinks 16 teams in one league will work
    5. costak
      I'm in guys. Pearcey will be stoked ;)
    6. dabombers
      Hey all. I like the idea that Walesy is trying to put forward.
      Make Premier league the goal and the only way in to it is to reach the finals of 1st div.
      Which is made up of the best of the best from the conference divisions.
      This makes the pathway up and down easier. It also gives players a clear cut path up and down the leagues.
      If expansion continues in the current format of promotion and relegation where we have 6-7 leagues and it is left in its linear form I believe it is not creating the best competition we could have.
      We want everyone here being hungry for wins competing tooth and nail to smash their opponents, sledging (within a limit of course) to gain an advantage, and most of all trading!!!

      Also I'm against an extra IR spot. It would be nice to stash a top 40 player when the heat is on.
      But this game is about strategy and planning.
      If you draft a guy who has an injury history or your top pick goes down for half the season then that's the outcome.
      Try trading them! You mightn't get what you think their worth but then again you might pickup a guy on the rise. Take the risks and live and die by them.
      Or drop them!

      That's my rant over!!
    7. stowie
      ... oh and we had 0 IR spots then.
    8. stowie
      I do like the Walesy setup, wouldn't have any issues with us moving to that.

      1 IR is enough IMO, 2 will just get abused. Sometimes, you have bad luck... I always think back to year 1 where we had 20 teams and I took Brandon Roy with my first pick, #20. Dammit haha.
    9. walesy
      That's exactly why I proposed it. The idea of a new player needing 5 seasons of winning to get from entry level to the premier league seems a little daunting.

      2 season wins seems achievable though.
    10. LiQuiD_SiXx
      Hi everyone! Welcome back to another season :)

      I'm for the newly proposed structure. Anything that makes the competition more appealing for those new to our game and lower down in the leagues gets my vote.

      Each season we add more leagues, which is great, but with every added league it adds another year to the long term goal of making it to the Premier League for those new teams. Currently it would take four perfect seasons back-to-back to do it, and we all know the toughest step is moving up from Div 1 - it took me four seasons of Div 1 playoffs to finally make it haha!

      I think it will give those is the newer leagues a little more incentive to work harder, take the risks and make better decisions as managers knowing they have an equal opportunity of making Div 1. It would make for a more exciting contest and I know I would pay more attention to what's happening in those leagues.

      I'm against having a second IR spot... Yes the amount of long term injuries have increased in recent seasons but I believe it would take away critical decision making and would make the game more 'easy-mode'. Plus it would reduce player movement throughout the league and even affect drafting strategies with the possibility of managers hoarding injured players from the draft. My thoughts on both issues echo what dabombers explained above.

    11. Rad_E_Cool
      I'm for this suggestion, for similar reasons as dabombers gave. A new starter now who was really good and committed would only be playing the best of the best if they finished in promotion zone 3 consecutive years. This suggestion only reduces it by one year, but that's still significant.

      It would also be interesting to see how much having first pick or certain players impacts performance by looking at the makeup of the teams battling it out in the conference leagues for promotion. They could have all picked first or had similar core players and we could see if having X player or X pick was a ticket to Division 1.

      I suppose it would be dependent on us getting 6 leagues up and running. We only have 5 right now and we would want to have a uniform number of teams in each league. I'm sure we could do a recruiting drive if necessary though.

    12. LiQuiD_SiXx
      If we don't get a sixth league by season 16/17, Div 1 can just remain as a 12-team league with six players moving between it and the conference leagues. That could still work or have I missed something?
    13. OutKast_au
      I'm in for Division 2 this year. Happy with the existing structure but won't complain if any changes are made
    14. LiQuiD_SiXx
      Whilst we are here, I would like to bring up another idea... a little nit-picky it may be but I'd be interested to hear others thoughts.

      Currently in our 12-team leagues we are split into 6-team divisions and for the schedule we play those within our division twice and those outside once. Now, I like this current format as it is relatively fair and loosely reflects how the real NBA schedule is fashioned.
      However, we have no real format for deciding which teams fall into each division. In the past it has kind of just been whomever gets promoted takes the position of the team that was relegated and we just leave it at that.
      What if we structured the divisions based on draft position? So those with picks 1-6 are placed together in one division and teams with picks 7-12 in the other. That should make the schedule just that little bit fairer.

    15. stowie
      But what about the Rivalries - we need crossy, costak and pearcy in the same division!
    16. HEAVER
      1. agree that teams in each division is based on draft position

      2. I vote for just 1 IR slot

      3. open to idea to re-structure relegation as incentive for new players. Conferences sound good - depends on how much interest there is to get 12 team leagues. Means have to work pretty hard to stay in Premier League - been there since year one 20-team league!
    17. Jmulldihno
      I'll echo dabombers et al opinion as well for the aforementioned reasons. I'm at the arse end of the comp and anything that fast tracks promotion to a higher league if you're good enough I think is a positive move.

      Also like the idea of teams allocated into divisions based on draft position, just makes it a standardised thing throughout all comps.

      Keep the IR spot at one- would be abused without a doubt IMO
    18. Steve
      Thanks for the write up Ant.

      Walesy's proposal does have some merit as others have said it would provide extra incentive for people in the lower leagues to advance more quickly.

      IMO I think we keep it the same this season and then we could change it for the 16/17 season. By doing this it would make it fair to everyone that they know what the structure will be in advance and some people may have lost interest at the end of the last season in the Premier League and Div One as they knew they were safe to stay in that league without any chance of being promoted or relegated but with the proposed changes they could now possibly drop down.

      Just my 2c worth

      I think switching the teams in each division based around draft position is a good idea. I think we should go ahead and implement that.

      I would only vote for one IR slot. Injuries are a killer in this game but it is just the luck of the draw.
    19. Rev
      I am in for premier again next season. Although with a mid-season trip to the US, I fear my drafting may be directed by who I am going to see live as opposed to best available.

      Happy with promo/relegation suggested. Extra competition won't hurt anyone. Not fussed re: IR spots.

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