2016 Round Review: Round 17

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jul 17, 2016.

By walesy on Jul 17, 2016 at 5:36 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    So what do we think? Round about 2300 becomes par this week?

    Ablett last week, Barlow this week- injuries are definitely starting to pile up! Hopefully you have the depth/trades remaining!!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jul 17, 2016.

    1. maxweas1
      A poor 2,322 which based on a quick look will have me drop back further and lucky to stay in the top 20. My PODs struggled. I'm predicting the top 20 to have a par score of ~2,400 including 1 or 2 2,500s+. Hoping Buzz fared better.

      The good news is the leader's PODs failed to perform as well (Stef M, Rich, Shiel, Franklin).

      Avoided Barlow but copped Lid's injury. Will be a war of attrition and I still have a few trades left (hopefully more than those around me). Expect to be ~400 off the pace which I feel is too much of a gap to make up now.
    2. TheTassieHawk
      Par could potentially be a little higher walesy (at least at the top end) as in one of my leagues there were 9 teams scoring 2401 or higher !

      2297 for my lot - unsure whether I will see much movement from a current ranking of 6900ish, I still have 8 trades left so am expecting a late charge due to the number of injuries this year - the top 3-4k or so would be nice.
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    3. walesy
      Ouch. That stings. As you say though, the leaders pods failed pretty hard- but the war of attrition is well under way!
    4. benny01
      With Bartel and Laird out I was worried, lucky had 2 defenders playing on the bench.
      Managed 2406 hopefully I can move up a few spots.
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    5. Len
      Agreed, I never make par, my SC team hit 2386 and my TG team hit 2493, par maybe almost 2400?
    6. maxweas1
      Down to 27th :( Buzz still 3rd, well done!
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    7. benny01
      moved up 17 to 174 but further away from the new leader than I was to first place last week.
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    8. benny01
      well done buzz. 27th is still good you just need a lot of luck now.
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      • Option 1 Option 1 x 1
    9. walesy
      Stats are done.
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    10. walesy
      I got a 2,343 and dropped 29 spots, so yeah, 2350-2400 was par for the week I reckon. :D
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    11. Royboy Forever
      Royboy Forever
      At last a good week for me - 2475 and made up 2500 places to move closer to where I was before the byes. Only crook performances were Hannebery, Wells and AMT. Good to see a few of you hanging around the top.
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    12. The_Swert
      Trading out Kerridge for Hannebery lost me 33 points :(

      No more needs to be said.
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    13. TheTassieHawk
    14. TheTassieHawk
      hannebery's draw opens right up now, you will be ahead with that trade soon enough
    15. IPOD
      2390 for me which included a 6 point win in one league. That with 3 Defenders Rance JJ and Hartley 67 67 65, Hannerbery traded in 68 Neale 76. What could have been with there average or at least close to 2400-2500 ahh well
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    16. pollypies
      Phillips named in the VFL's best but no certainty to come back any time soon. Oxley is banging down the door and Goldy has "performed his role" consistently. Buckley tends to give the youngsters several games to get a good look at them, then if they play an average game it is back to the VFL where he leaves them. I suspect Josh Smith might be due for a stint in the VFL. Would not surprise me if they blood Rupert Wills who is probably leading our VFL B&F. Oxley and Phillips would also be in contention but still tend to think the latter will be kept in the VFL for an extended stint.
    17. TheTassieHawk
      someone else in the league mentioned above noticed that we had the second highest combined league score for Round 17, up to 91 for the year
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    18. Iain
      So now Luke Goetz has been fired, what happens to him in SC?
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    19. walesy
      Reckon you won't be able to trade him in anymore, but like any other retiree, you won't be forced to remove them.
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