TS Fantasy NBA 2016/17: shoutout for new players

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 1, 2016.

By anthak on Oct 1, 2016 at 1:46 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We are about to commence our 7th season in a row of fantasy NBA on TS. Its been a lot of fun, ever since starting with a 20 team league in year 1, back in 2010/11, to more recent times where we have had 4 leagues of 12 teams in each since 2013.

    We've had 40 players register their interest for the upcoming season so far. Its great to see so many people interested once again, however we still need 8 more players to reach the same number as the last 4 seasons. If you are interested or know of someone who may be interested, any new players need to register their interest in this thread.

    Here is a little information about the comp for those that are new to this. Also feel free to ask any questions in the comments down below and the community here will be able to help you out.

    Firstly, it is free to enter. We use the fantasy NBA platform on the ESPN site. We use a points system that we have developed ourselves over the years and rosters lock daily at the start of the first game each day. All settings can be found HERE.

    We have leagues of 12 teams in each. with teams getting promoted and relegated at the end of each season. There is a Premier League, a Division 1, and all other leagues are conference leagues that feed into Div 1.

    We run a live snake draft with 1 min per pick, and the draft will likely be held on a Sunday evening (Australian time) within the last fortnight before opening night.

    We run all drafts at the same time and all leagues are exactly the same in terms of size and settings, so it is always interesting to compare teams from different leagues and see how we all go throughout the season.

    Our regular season is for 16 game weeks and the top 5 on H2H make the playoffs/finals. We usually have a new thread posted here on tooserious each week with results from all leagues, which is a good place for some banter with each other.

    Its been a lot of fun, and I can't wait for the new season :)

    We are now going to set a deadline of Friday COB October 7 for last years players to recommit for this season, so that we can set the leagues up accordingly. At that time, we will set up the premier league and Division 1 and 1 conference league, we will set the draft order and send invites to everyone to join their league.

    New players and last years players will still be able to register after this date, however last years players will not hold their spot in their league and will go into a conference league if joining late.

    Here is how the leagues are looking at present. Bold is recommitted, italics is Out, and we're still waiting on the others. Lethal sent me a message through espn, but we prefer people use this site. Everyone is in order to shuffle along if teams drop out.

    HEAVER, Rev, anthak, stowie, dabombers, bgt2110, Steve, karlos, Mick, rodgo, ddsaints, yumcha

    Div 1
    LiQuiD_SiXx, Ruddy, Chris White, costak, jasmine, pearcey47, crossy, twoeyec, doolz, Don_Cottagers, tasho, lethal (has confirmed via espn but not TS)

    G-Train, walesy, owen, headmandude, fez, nicksnow, underachievers, Rad_E_Cool, HEATalicious, maggots, OutKast_au, trav00, Spurs_jay, macca118, Danners, smokinjoemisiti, chris88, Lano24, Emes, that KI guy, Jamie___, Peaches, jmulldihno, BradM

    ViQBoZ, Bearfly, port_leschenault, Len, tyze1

    Spread the word. TS fantasy NBA is back again. Let's fill these leagues up. May be wishful thinking, but it would be excellent to have 3 conference leagues! :)
    • Like Like x 4


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 1, 2016.

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    1. Len
      Is there a post somewhere that explains the draft process and needs, I can see in the settings 7 positions required, 10 active players etc, but does that mean you need to draft 1 per position and then round out the squad?
    2. Mick
      @Len you can draft any way you like. Just keep in mind that each day of the season you have the following spots available to fill and score points from - PG, SG, SF, PF, C then F, G and 3 utilities (any position).

      From memory C is the only position that has any limitations - you can only have 3 or 4 max on your roster.
      • Like Like x 2
    3. Mick
      I've got a mate that was in the keeper league last year that is keen to play. I'll get him to post his interest in this thread.

      Anybody heard from or know Trav? - he was running the keeper league previously and seems to have gone missing. If we don't hear from him soon we'll have to look into alternative arrangements.

      PS. Might as well post in this thread if you want to go around again in the keeper league or are interested in joining if franchises become available.

    4. walesy
      You're looking for a well rounded squad. NBA plays just about every day, with byes all the time- so you'll rarely have a full team actually on the field. However, with an unbalanced line-up, you will occasionally wind up with a playing guy on the bench, and a gap on the field that he can't slot into.

      So yeah, you don't have to draft to position early, but by the end (cause everyone you draft plays), you will want to have a balanced squad.
    5. walesy
      And just to expand on this- the F position can have either PF or SF, while the G position can hold a PG or SG. So there is only 5 positions, not 7.
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    6. Len
      that makes for sense, ta :)
    7. crossy
      yeah mick im keen on going around with the keeper league again, think costa k is too, hope trav gets on to it soon
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    8. crossy
      For those who want to join NBL dream team i have started a new league, the league code is -
      • Like Like x 1
    9. anthak
      @Rad_E_Cool was keen i think
    10. Bearfly
      PIST'NBROKE is in, looking forward to another challenging season :)
    11. Bearfly
      Anyone know where I can access up to date NBL team rosters? NBL site is absolutely hopeless for any decent up to date team news, as is pretty much all of the individual club sites (which so happens to be virtually the same set ups to the NBL site)!!!
      Was sure Jerome Randall had re-signed with the 36ers, yet he isn't even listed in the roster on the club site???
    12. anthak
      pickandroll.com.au is an awesome site. Check out their free agent tracker and all the squads are there, I think.
      Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
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    13. Bearfly
      Cheers Ant - awesome site judging by my first 10 minutes checking :)
      Some pretty deep squads have been put together for the 2016-17 season - looks like we could have a very competitive league this season
    14. anthak
      Looks like you figured it out, but it should've been: pickandroll.com.au
      Ive edited the original comment
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    15. Steve
      A few years ago I did a blog on how to play ESPN fantasy basketball but I can't find it here in TS.

      I will have a look at work when I get back on Tuesday to see if I saved it to my directory. If I can find it, I will paste it here. Will give the new players an insight as to how to play the game.
      • Like Like x 2
    16. Bearfly
      That would be handy @Steve - I had a crack at a public league on Yahoo last season, so I think I know the basics - just need to bring myself up to speed on draft strategies so I don't make a complete mess
    17. Steve
      For the all new players, have a read of this. If you have any questions, post them below and we will answer them.


      We use a snake draft whereby the person who has the first pick in the draft will then have the last pick in the second round (e.g pick24 if it is 12 team league). The order then reverses again for the next round and so on.

      You have 60 seconds to make your pick.

      If you don’t make your selection before the 60 seconds expires, the system will automatically select the next available player.

      You need to select at least one of the following (PG/SG/SF/PF/C)

      You can select a maximum of 4 C’s. There are no restrictions of any of the other positions.

      There are 13 spots on your roster.

      Each round you need to set your roster. Only 10 players can play on any given day depending on your schedule for that day. Sometimes you may have 13 players playing on a day, you will need to select what you think are the 10 best scoring players on that day.

      You need to save your roster for each day of the round.

      Waiver order

      Once the drafts are completed, all undrafted players will go into the waiver pool. It will take 2 days for these players to pass through waivers.

      The waiver order in each league is the reverse of the draft order.

      You can put a bid in for a player on waivers and that player will be assigned to you if you are the successful bidder depending if any other teams bid for that player (then it will go via the waiver order)

      A player will become a free agent once they clear waivers if no team has used their waiver claim on them.

      Players dropped from teams throughout the year will go directly into the waiver pool unless that player was selected and dropped within in a space of 24 hrs (in this situation they will fall back into the free agent pool).

      Trading block

      Once the drafts are completed, we recommend that teams update their trading block. This allows other teams in your league to see what players are available for trade and what players are untouchable. As soon as the draft is complete, you can propose trades to other teams in your league.


      Each week your team will play against another team in your league. You are allocated a maximum of 5 matchup acquisitions each week whereby you can add players to your team (you must drop a player for this to occur). The matchups commence on Tuesday (our time) and go through to the following Monday (our time)


      There is a daily lockout which commences at the start of the first game on that day. No players can be added to your team for that day once the lockout starts. If you do select a player after the lockout has commenced, it will apply to the next day.

      IR Spot

      There is one IR spot in each team whereby you can place an injured player. This player will need to have O next to their name in order to move them to IR. By moving them to IR, you can select another player from the free agent pool to add to your roster
      • Like Like x 7
    18. Jmulldihno
      Mick i'm keen for keeper league again if we can get it going again
    19. Jai Thomas
      Jai Thomas
      I am keen to participate if there is room

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