TS Fantasy NBA 16/17 season

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 25, 2016.

By anthak on Oct 25, 2016 at 12:41 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The season is finally upon us! Yeah!

    The Knicks and the Cavs kick things off on opening night at 10:30am Wednesday morning Melbourne time.
    Should be a great season once again, with a lot of teams on the improve this year I reckon.

    Let us know your predictions in the comments - Champion, MVP, ROY etc

    Regarding our fantasy season, here are links to the 4 leagues:
    Premier League
    Division 1
    Div 2 - Conference 1
    Div 2 - Conference 2

    We'll try to get results from all 4 leagues posted each week throughout the season. Its always interesting comparing the teams across all leagues, but also check out the other league homepages from time to time, see who's getting dropped and picked up etc, see the different strategies played by your peers in other leagues.

    I notice that some of you have not set up your team name and abbreviation. For those that don't know where to do this, the team settings can be found through a link just under the main picture on your "My Team" homepage.

    Also, for the new players, ICYMI, Steve gave a basic rundown of how some aspects of the game work HERE
    Have a look there for details about free agent pickups, lockouts, and the IR spot.
    Every day a maximum of 10 players can score for you. Any players in your "bench" slots in your roster will not count towards your score. Make sure that you set your roster so that players playing games are in your first 10 roster spots and not in your bench spots unless you cant fit them in your scoring positions.
    You can set your roster in advance too so you dont have to do it every day, unless you want to ;)

    If anyone has any questions, ask us in the comments below and someone will be able to help you out.

    Regarding promotion/relegation for this year. I think this is what we settled on. Make sure to speak up if you have any major issue with this approach:

    Premier League
    3 teams will be relegated:
    the bottom team at the end of the regular season;
    and (excluding the team with the worst reg season record) the two teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of our regular season.

    Division 1
    3 teams will be promoted:
    the GF winning team;
    the team with the best regular season 'Points For' (excluding GF winner of course);
    And (excluding 2 already promoted teams) the team with the best rank during regular season.

    5 teams will be relegated:
    the bottom two ranked teams at the end of our reg season;
    and (excluding the two bottom ranked teams) the three teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of the reg season.

    Division 2
    5 teams will be promoted:
    the champion of each conference;
    the team with best record at end of regular season in each conference;
    and excluding the 4 already promoted, the team with the best points for - can be from either league

    ** Any teams that make the playoffs/finals are exempt from relegation.
    ** And the get-out wildcard clause if you do happen to find yourself in the relegation zone.
    - Anyone who wins all 3 games during playoffs/finals is exempt from relegation; and the lowest ranked at end of regular season will be relegated in their stead (that isnt already being relegated of course).

    Good luck to everyone. Have fun :)
    • Like Like x 4


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 25, 2016.

  • Tags:
    1. Steve
      That is correct.
      • Like Like x 1
    2. anthak
      Game day!
      • Like Like x 3
    3. Rad_E_Cool
      Great preview resource here:

      I can't be bothered making predictions, but I did place a few Over/Under bets and put a few dollars on MVP for Harden and Leonard.
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Steve
      How good is it to have ESPN fantasy cast back :)
      • Like Like x 1
    5. walesy
      Happy opening day folks!! Carn the Suns!~
      • Like Like x 1
    6. headmandude
      Can't wait for the start.

      You can't go past the Warriors for the Championship although I actually think the full Spurs team matches up really well with them. Warriors have lost in the rim protection area and Durant is a matador on D. So my big tip is to bet the over on Warriors games at the beginning of the season. The Warriors will score in bucketloads, but other teams will score against them easier than in the past.

      For those of you who like a punt, I send out a daily (at least I try to) prediction email. I've refined my model over a number of years. Anyway, I don't charge or anything like that and my results have been around the 60-65% mark over the last 3 seasons. If you want to join the email list, just send a request to thesportsturkey@gmail.com and I'll add you in.
      • Like Like x 4
    7. Bearfly
      Not unhappy with a start of 205/4 from opening day, hopefully a sign of bigger and better to come :)
      • Like Like x 2
    8. Len
      Lillard :thumbsu:
      Rose :thumbsd:
    9. Steve
      Looks ESPN updated some of the positions last night

      Simmons from Spurs was a SG. He is now a SG/SF

      Not sure if there have been any other changes.
      • Like Like x 1
    10. bgt2110
      Please someone, anyone stop the brow
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    11. HEAVER
      I think AD's play today is gonna be the highest score in TS NBA fantasy eva??
      • Like Like x 1
    12. anthak
      I would say so. wow!

      Tough to be critical but 1 more block wouldve been nice haha
    13. headmandude
      Have to say I'm pretty happy that I drafted the Brow.
      Just hope he can stay on the floor!
      • Like Like x 2
    14. anthak
      bad luck @ddsaints , you had a few injuries this week. Even still, I was really worried going into today thinking you would still do enough to win, but I was happy with my guys today getting the job done in a close game.

      I hope I havent spoken too soon though lol. Wes Mathews would need to outscore Ryan Anderson by 56 points in the last quarter for your mob to get up. I think Im safe now.
    15. bgt2110
      Screw you Popovich, resting players the first week of the season :mad:
    16. anthak
      Just having a good look at the alminac now. its awesome. thanks for sharing.
    17. anthak
      good one this. Im actually watching a game now streaming on youtube which is so much better than those dodgy sites

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