2017 TS Leagues Thread

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Mar 9, 2017.

By TheTassieHawk on Mar 9, 2017 at 3:15 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Previous threads by @Tomster

    Please post below if you have general leagues to fill or you want to join any leagues that are not yet full.

    We will set up some TS leagues based on interest and amount of coaches we get. Please give details on previous rankings, preferably last three seasons., and we'll do our best to sort people into appropriate leagues.

    How to find your previous ranks.

    Step 1: Go to home page: http://supercoach.heraldsun.com.au/afl/classic/lobby
    Step 2: Click 'Team History'
    Step 3: Click appropriate seasons to find previous rankings
    Step 4: Screengrab or post details on TS!

    Example: @port_leschenault
    2016: 719
    2015: 1621
    2014: 287

    Entrants 50/54 coaches so far. Leagues will be created once we get enough coaches to fill 3 leagues.
    port_leschenault (719, 1621, 287)
    Micksdemons (unknown)
    stripey (2739, 20499, 29054)
    walesy (18850, 10089, 4299)
    Bearded Burbler (2443)
    warsaken (18796, 7314, 4858)
    homerj (~3000)
    Seconds (5423)
    Royboy Forever (16586, 25946, 42702)
    Jason (12961, 7648, 155)
    DannyG (2502)
    NedFlanders (36272, 3615, 2121)
    That KI Guy (6682, 22203, 28587)
    anthak (21216, 14821, 16373)
    snoz (3058, 6128, 8600)
    Grizzles (922, 23150, 9678)
    RPritch (14940)
    Penske file (2154, 17458, 41549)
    tyze1 (1024, 451, 79)
    Dekka (13827, 5238, 4350)
    HeavyMen (unknown)
    LiQuiD_SiXx (56385, 12861, 11056)
    drlok (30424, 5571, 14709)
    Buzzboys (180, 558, 189)
    Seanyg (7637, 35576, 1263)
    ViQBoZ (26560, 18655, 2939)
    TerryinBangok (unknown)
    Guru (24843, 16764, 32276)
    homerj (4043, 2875, 1635)
    kindapatty (23163, 23007, 18992)
    Boulderdash (8981, N/A, 72079)
    brownje (9897, 15424, 9897)
    clintwaight (3331, 2889, 8851)
    Don_Cottagers (8388, 20499, 2744)
    Saddo0042 (2083, 12117, 5079)
    NavyBlues (41032, 3820, 9789)
    pete_d (16061, 14686, 494)
    OziBatla (3306, 3427, 1434)
    kaiser (4836, 12651, 7608)
    jordy06 (11113, 473, 19040)
    choppers (20224, 7881, 3686)
    Stringer (2749, 11047, 6189)
    JoshyC (>10000, 877, 2200)
    keamos (15549, 34133, 40079)
    thokash (167, 5747, 331)
    Len (Last)
    bryzza (12797, 31463, 4562)
    bunza52 (23576, 929, 3995)
    YAD69 (10476, 18611, 39545)
    JC (7402, 10853, 5791)
    KFCFC (9000, 20156, 13889)
    Iain (4326, 3150, 9699)
    Pat (1077, 853, 1046)
    Batfink (40362, 33232, 93713)
    Cuz Bruz (705, 40000, 3000)
    Waldo666 (6025, 1682, 5567)
    St (7993, 27560, 44315)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2017
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Mar 9, 2017.

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