ORFFL 2017 Pre-Season Draft

Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by thokash, Feb 25, 2017.

By thokash on Feb 25, 2017 at 3:08 PM
  1. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Next pick: SAR

    Welcome to the ORFFL 2017 Pre-Season Draft Blog!

    CONCLUDED 2016 Pre-Pre-SeasonDraft Trade Period - Now - Feb 23rd 9pm AEDT
    ONGOING 2016 Pre-Season Delistment Deadline (lists at no more than 20 player) - Feb 26th 9pm AEDT
    2016 Pre-Season Draft - Feb 27th 0:00AM (or earlier the night of the 26th if you want)
    2016 Post-Pre-Season Draft Trade Period - End of draft - 22nd March 9pm AEDT


    BDB - Jack Grimes, James Gwilt, Jimmy Toumpas, Nicholas Graham, Blaine Boekhurst, Sharrod Wellingham
    BUN - Jack Leslie, Tom Lamb, Daniel Howe, Tyrone Vickery, Shane Edwards, Jayden Laverde
    COU (7) - Corey Ellis, Brendan Ah Chee, George Hewett, Jesse Lonergan, Jay Schulz, Corey Enright, Brad McKenzie
    GLE - James Bartel, Ben Jacobs, David Mackay, Sam Gibson, Alex Sexton, Tom Downie
    HDH - Sam Wright, Jeremy Laidler, Jarrad Waite, Ben Griffiths, Sam Gray, Dean Gore
    JIM - Dane Swan, Daniel McKenzie, Drew Petrie, Tomas Bugg, Paul Seedsman, Michael, Rischitelli
    MAL - Jarrod Harbrow, Jack Hombsch, Tom Ruggles, Jack Redden, Nick Dal Santo, Courtenay Dempsey
    MBD (5) - Danyle Pearce, Adam Tomlinson, Cameron Sutcliffe, Mitch W Brown, Reece Conca
    MIL (7) - Matthew Pavlich, Ryan Harwood, Jimmy Webster, Kane Lambert, James Stewart, Jonathan O'Rourke, Koby Stevens
    PBR - Jed Adcock, Adam Cooney, Mitchell Grigg, Heritier Lumumba, Hayden Ballantyne, Nick Suban
    POO - Rhys Palmer, Connor Menadue, Trent McKenzie, Adam Oxley, Levi Greenwood, Sam Fisher
    POP (5) - Ricky Henderson, Lynden Dunn, Will Langford, Troy Menzel, Zachary Clarke
    QUE - Andrew Walker, Chris Yarran, Tendai Mzungu, Ivan Maric, Jack Sinclair, Jonathan Giles
    SBS - Sean Dempster, Aaron Mullett, Cory Gregson, Sam Gilbert, Harry Cunningham, Josh Wagner
    SAR - Brent Harvey, Jonathan Simpkin, Kyle Cheney, Ciaran Byrne, Jed Lamb, Garrick Ibbotson
    TLP - Daniel McStay, Matt Buntine, Shane Kersten, Jared Polec, Josh Bruce, Jack Trengove
    WAR - Andrejs Everitt, Nick Malceski, Will Minson, Nathan Van Berlo, Jake Kolodjashnij, Aaron BLACK
    WOY - Mark Jamar, Jonathon Marsh, Ben McGlynn, David Myers, Eric Hipwood, Callum Ah Chee

    Draft list below.

    2017 Completed Trades:

    QUE P35 to POP for Sam Collins + P90

    QUE Scott Thompson + P53 to MIL for P26 + P62

    MBD Honeychurch + P99 to POP for Tomlinson + P72

    MBD Tom Phillips to COU for MSD R1

    COU David Zaharakis to MIL for Tom Nicholls

    Previous Trades Affecting Draft Order (2016 MSD period):

    1. Smiths Beach trade Jack Newnes and their 2017 PSD R1 Pick
    Mallacoota for Harley Bennell and their 2017 PSD R2 Pick

    2. Warburton trade their 2016 R1 MSD pick (P2)
    Mallacoota for their 2017 R1 PSD pick

    3. Mallacoota trade Blake Acres, SBS 2017 PSD R1 pick, and MAL 2016 MSD R1 pick (P15)
    Woy Woy for Eddie Betts & Leigh Montagna.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2017
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Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by thokash, Feb 25, 2017.

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    1. thokash
    2. port_leschenault
      Haven't heard from @Lucas but he does have the next player on a list of players to take before auto-drafting so to keep the draft moving:

      Pick 83 - Danyle Pearce (Fre)
      @LiQuiD_SiXx you're up

      Hopefully we can go back to the decent clip we were drafting at before the weekend.
    3. LiQuiD_SiXx
      SBS drafts another Cameron from Freo

      P84 - Cam McCarthy (Fre)

      • Like Like x 1
    4. Iain
      I'll be online from around 7pm and have picks 89 & 90 so hopefully we can get through a few tonight.
    5. Iain
      Hampson added to long-term injury list. Thanks Tiges, I was under the impression he was touch and go to be available for round 1 (even if he wouldn't have played anyway).
    6. Kel
      Will check in when i can this evening. Hopefully we can keep this moving.
    7. port_leschenault
      • Like Like x 1
    8. thokash
      Think it's actually 8:34am deadline.

      Not to be a pessimist, but if the live draft thing doesn't happen next year I can see a lot of people not wanting to put up with this.
    9. Len
      To be in the FA I have to have your mobile number and or your personal email address.
      Speeds shit up like you wouldn't believe
      • Like Like x 2
    10. port_leschenault
    11. port_leschenault
      You're right. Didn't add/subtract properly when converting timezones.
    12. Len
      meh, they get used 3 or 4 times a year, but the fact that I have them helps immensely.
      The majority are pretty punctual, you just need to be able to get the attention of the recalcitrants or those that actually request the reminders due to travelling etc.
      Was a good book though
    13. port_leschenault
      I don't know. I'd be uncomfortable with that [being a forced requirement]. I think if you enter a drafting league voluntarily then you should have the motivation to participate already.
    14. Len
      Yep, and yet you wait, repeatedly, because some people have less of a sense of timing than you..
      To be honest I don't think we ever said you must give over, simply that we had a commish dissapear with a word o anyone, as a group we agreed being able to communicate outside of ts would be a good thing.
      You give far more detail to the HUN when you sign up for SC and I know what I take more seriously ;)
    15. Doobs
      Sorry all

      GLE 85 - Tory Dickson
    16. Doobs
    17. HörnsySechsZeit
      P86 Dean Kent - SAR

      I don't really rate him but I'll have fun calling his name out this year.

      @Kel You're up.
      • Like Like x 1
    18. Kel
      H is going to love this one. Welcome back to the TLP Nick Robertson.
    19. thokash
      Why not go for another Hawthorn recycled player

      P88 - Ricky Henderson

      @Iain is up for back 2 back
    20. Iain
      Of course I manage to leave my draft list at home on the one day I need it.
      Queenstown pick Ethan Hughes (Fremantle) and Jarrod Pickett (Carlton) with picks #89 & #90
      @Jason is up now.
      • Like Like x 1

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