Rate My Team 2015 (3rd Edition)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

By Jason on Mar 27, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Again the old thread was getting really long so time for a new one. Links to previous threads:
    RMT 1st edition
    RMT 2nd edition
    Who knows how many times I will change this again before R1 lockout arrives. I suspect the rookie-priced options will move around a bit. But I think I'm mostly happy with the keepers and 'almost-keepers'.
    Presently my bye structure is 7/10/13 which not what I want it to be. 8/11/11 would be much better. I will need to be careful with early upgrades to be sure to improve this position. But it's not impossible to improve the balance before R11, so I'm happy enough for now. What does your bye structure look like?
    Who else is onboard the various bandwagons of some of the players in my team below?
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;][span style='background: #fcfcfc;]Just to repeat the ground rules for RMT:
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback,your post will be deleted.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

    1. Bucko
      Ok thanks for that Jason. Given your explanation, it does seem unlikely there will be any more rookie elevations prior to round 1 thought right ?
    2. maxweas
      Nice squad. The H&amp;H is the big risk for me. The only point I would add is given their price and your lack of cash it is going to make a correction trade difficult.
    3. maxweas
      I guess we'll find out tomorrow night. I don't believe that it has to be announced any earlier.
    4. Jason
      When it comes to SC, I learnt a long while ago that you have to be able to bury your personal prejudices. For example I have Judas Griffin in my team this year.
    5. Kel
      I've got them both Jason so thumbs up from me.
    6. Jason
      I think you need to spend more $$$ on your DEF line. 2 rookies onfield plus Goodes is asking for trouble.

      A few of your rookie choices are likely to be iffy for R1. Goddard and Krakouer in particular. Suggest you have a plan B if these guys are not named.
    7. Jason
      Maxweas is correct. It is still possible for rookie elevations right up to teams being announced. Vandenberg in particular is on the watch list.
    8. maxweas
      Thanks Jason, this is something I have been considering. The issue I am having is it difficult to lock in who I think will be the top 6 defenders to add one as another premium.
    9. Jason
      Sure he looks expensive, but hard to see how Malceski isn't in the top 6 DEF players in 2015.
    10. stripey
      And i have Tyrone 'average bloke' Vickery in the ORRFL, however given the Bullfrogs coach is an eagles supporter he will continue to train away from the group till a new home can be found for him :)
    11. stripey
      I take it Jason you dont see Goodes getting a regular gig, or is it his scoring that puts you off? As a doggies man, i assume you must have a good reason to leave him out?
    12. traviso

      B: Shaw, Hibberd, Newnes, Higgins, Oxley, Saad, (McIntosh, Hamling)
      M: Pendlebury, Fyfe, Beams, Parker, Swallow, Wells, Cripps, Heeney, (EY, Miller, Lambert)
      R: Goldstein, Minson, (Reilly)
      F: Gray, Bartel, Ryder, Salem, Clark, Lamb, (Hogan, Lonie)

      Tempted to down grade minson to nic nat, as i will have ryder as cover and upgrade oxley. Potentially higgins could go to geary and do the same to oxley.
    13. Jason
      Will play games, but not sure how many. Not about to mess with my structure to fit him in. At 250k or thereabouts, would need to score really well to make same money as a 120k option could make.
    14. Jason
      Your structure has exposed 2 DEF rookies and 3 FWD rookies on the field. Not sure that is the best way to run in 2015. Consider moving out some $$$ from your MID line to either FWD or DEF.
    15. BigRon81
      Possibly hibberd and bellchambers may be underdone, as will any of the other bombers under the drugs cloud, as they missed NAB.

      Like the mids and fwds
    16. BigRon81
      Good structure mate.

      I am the same as others on with Higgins, but he 'could' be through the worst of his injury proneness, time will tell.

      Still not sold on Bont beig a second year player. And unsure on Griff and the potential extra attention he will get at GWS but hey these are the risks we take.

      Don't really have too much to add solid side mate.
    17. BigRon81
      I have Goodes in def 5 at the moment but defo not 100% sold. Having him as def 4 is a big risk IMO.

      You could consider downgrade in mids and upgrade down back
    18. BigRon81
      Here is the latest team feel pretty comfortable with mids, ruck, and fwd. Still feel slightly light on in defence given limited cheap options.:

      shaw, gibbo, newnes, lumumba, goodes, saad (mcintosh, hamling)
      GAJ, Fyfe, Selwood, Lewis, cripps, anderson, heeney, Lambert (Ylmen, Miller, Vandenberg)
      Goldy, Nic Nat (O'brien)
      Gray, BArtel, Dusty, Swan, Salem, Clark (Hogan, Lonie)

      A couple of rooks still awaiting teams/upgrade due to LTI. But yeah defo not confident at the moment about goodes 50,600 in the bank
    19. huvaduva
      I also have them both :) They're on the high end of mid-pricers but I don't see enough rookies in defence with good job security to go all in on the GnR I'll take my chances on rookies elsewhere (mostly mid)
    20. Waldo666
      I would downgrade Wells to a rookie, do your Minson to NicNat trade and then spend the $$ in your FWD line

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