Rate My Team 2017

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Feb 26, 2017.

By Jason on Feb 26, 2017 at 8:53 PM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The TooSerious tradition that is Rate My Team (RMT) is back in 2017!

    A quick refresher on the rules.

    1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work. :)
    2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback, your post will be deleted. :mad:
    3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule. :cool:
    4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it. :eek:

    Here's how my team looks as we approach the end of February:


    Find that value, search hard and follow your instincts!
    Or just tell me I'm dreaming and where I've gone wrong...
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Feb 26, 2017.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      As Len said we shouldn't think twice about paying "overs" for small number of high probability top 8 type Def, Mid and Forward players.

      It is worth picking some premiums you think can step up and be in the elite, other than the fact he is 25 I don't see a lot that convinces me Dusty can average towards the top of the 110-115 range but if he does I can still bring him in to replace an injured premo or as M6-M8 during upgrade season.
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    2. Urqkel
      Nice team. Like the decent amount of cash you have in reserve also. In previous years I've never left much on the table. I might post my team and get some feedback
    3. Urqkel

      Would be great to get some feedback. Rookies are still undecided for the obvious reasons. I've opted to use Witts for cash generation and thrown Strnadica in the FWD line for the loophole
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    4. TheTassieHawk
      VERY VERY VERY mid-priced mate, if you nail all of them you will be 90% of the way to the $50k.

      I actually don't mind the Witts pick if you can count on him to either make $150k or cover R1, R2 for any 1 week rests, injuries or suspensions.
    5. Nick
      Time for some thumbage

      Thumbs Up: Franklin
      Thumbs Down: Jack McRae

      • Like Like x 10
      • Dislike Dislike x 4
    6. Nick
      Can't fault any of your player selections as I can see they are all well thought out. I like the Touhy pick and want to get him into my side somehow. My only comment would be around structure and the level of mid pricers. I would try and turn two / four of them into guns and rookies.
      However, given the dearth of rookie options this year, we may all have to take a more mid priced approach to get playing players.
    7. stowie
      Voted McRae, but no option for both?
    8. Kovanator1
      I like the look of your team.
      The only concern for me is with Gawn if Melbourne name Spencer in the team.
    9. Kovanator1
      Team is looking good, but here is my 2 cents:

      Personally I would not include a player for purely a loophole option, you will end up with enough loophole options with players being rested, injured and dropped throughout the season.

      J.Kelly was initially in my team but I'm not sure that he will end up improving by the circa 20 point per game he needs to turn him into a keeper and at his current price if he is not a keeper he will not generate enough cash to be of interest to me.
    10. Kovanator1
      Here is my team at the moment.
      I have $1,700 in the bank.
      I am thinking about possibly downgrading Riewoldt to Higgins and upgrading Grundy to Gawn (assuming Spencer is not named).
      Appreciate any feedback.
    11. Urqkel
      I've always avoided mid-priced options in previous years and I'm obviously considering a different approach this year. I feel beams, sandi and roughy are must haves so I guess I'm rolling the dice on touhy, mills, kelly and nankervis. Might need to think about their inclusion a bit more. Cheers for the input
    12. Urqkel
      Thanks mate will give him some more thought. Perhaps drop another middy and go another premo
    13. IPOD
    14. IPOD
      People thoughts previously didn't have danger made some slight adjustments Z.Jones out mixed up the rookies. Wondering whether I should sacrifice a fwd Greene or petracca for a cheaper rookie (who would almost certainly start) like a WHE
    15. Urqkel
      @IPOD Your team is really weighted towards the front end. I'm no expert so just wondering the thought process behind this? Don't you like the FWD rookie options? Or simply unsure who will be at the top in DEF this year therefore waiting before locking too many in?
      Keen to hear more on the strategy here
    16. TheTassieHawk
      @IPOD - IMO Steele should either play in the forwards or not at all, otherwise you have 7 FWD premos/mid pricers which is at least 1 too many.

      Wigg is only likely to be considered if I run out of other options, hopefully he goes well.
    17. IPOD
      More for the fact I didn't really see many other rookie fwd with great JS like butler and who else..........?
    18. Urqkel
      Eddy, Taranto - pricey but the kid is a gun
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    19. benny01
      Alright here's my team as it stands. Not really looking for too much feedback but felt like I'd post my team here as I've been giving feedback to a few of the teams posted. SC2017 start.jpg
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    20. IPOD
      Eddy is on the bench in the fwd line, im not sure about 200k rookies for Taranto

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