NBA review round 10

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Steve, Jan 9, 2015.

By Steve on Jan 9, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With only 6 rounds to go before the finals, it is a good time to remind everyone about the promotion and relegation rules that are in place for this season.

    For the 2014/'15 season, the set up is as follows:


    The 5 that get promoted from Div 3 are the following:

    2 grand final teams;

    then excluding 2 gf teams, the two teams with best 'points for' during our regular season;

    then excluding those 4 already promoted, the best ranked team at end of our regular season.

    The 4 going up from Div 2 to Div 1 will be

    the two grand final teams;

    and (excluding the two GF teams) the team with the best 'points for';

    and (excluding said Points For winner) the best ranked team at end of our regular season.

    The 3 teams going up from Div 1 to Premier will be

    the GF winning team;

    the team with the best Reg season 'Points For' (excluding GF winner of course);

    And (excluding 2 already promoted teams) the team with the best rank during regular season.

    and for relegation:

    The 3 teams being relegated from Premier will be:

    the bottom team at the end of the regular season;

    and (excluding the team with the worst reg season record) the two teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of our regular season.

    The teams being relegated from Division 1 to 2 will be

    the bottom two ranked teams at the end of our reg season;

    and (excluding the two bottom ranked teams) the two teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of the reg season.

    The 5 that get relegated from Div 2 are:

    the bottom two ranked teams at the end of our reg season;

    and (excluding the two bottom ranked teams) the three teams with the lowest 'Points For' at the end of the reg season.


    ** Any teams that make the playoffs/finals are exempt from relegation.

    ** And the get-out wildcard clause if you do happen to find yourself in the relegation zone.

    - Anyone who wins all 3 games during playoffs/finals is exempt from relegation; and the lowest ranked at end of regular season will be relegated in their stead (that isnt already being relegated of course).

    Onto the reviews for Round 10

    Premier League

    The Ticking Time Bomb (5-5) 1522 defeated Too Seriouseses (0-10) 1088

    Games played were 44-37 in favour for Ticking Time Bomb
    Walesy is still searching for his first win of the season and the Time Bomb was not going to let that happen by getting out to a big lead after day one. Bledsoe led the way with (215/4), next best were Greek Freak (165/4) and Butler (157/3). The best players for Walesy were Dragic (157/4), BroLo (147/4) and Love (140/3).

    Team Stowie (9-1) 1607 defeated Ruddy's Cavaliers (7-3) 1261

    Games played were 47-41 in favour of Stowie
    Stowie continued on his merry way and has proven to be a dominant force since being promoted from Division One. On the other hand, Ruddy has hit a road block and that is now 3 straight losses. Once again the Beard was the most dominant player for Stowie with (224/4), followed by Noah (169/4) and Oladipo (179/4). Ruddy will be looking to bounce back this week and his leading scorers this round were Gobert (155/4), Gay (143/4) and Ellis (135/3).

    King of Karlos (4-6) 1370 defeated Hersey Hawkins Athletic Club (9-1) 1331

    Games played were 43-38 in favour of Karlos
    The winning streak for HHAC has ended after 9 wins in a row. This match was close affair right throughout and Karlos did just enough to hold HHAC. CP3 was the best for Karlos with (168/3), next best were Wiggins (147/3) and Hayward (147/4). HHAC are virtually guaranteed a finals spot and this round were best served by Knight (171/4), Conley (146/3) and Markieff Morris (120/4).

    Wade Machine (4-6) 1369 defeated Westside Hardcore (5-5) 1317

    Games played were 44-39 in favour of Wade Machine
    Wade Machine was has snuck under the radar the last few rounds and has posted another win this week. Wade showed some signs of life with (182/4), followed by Curry (145/2) and Manimal (132/3). Westside is right in the thick of the playoff race and this round his best players were Monobrow (162/3), Teague (189/3) and Rondo (119/3).

    The Jug O Naughts (3-7) 1370 defeated Straight UpBallin (4-6) 1041

    Games played were 43-33 in favour of JON
    JON made it 2 from 2 with a comfortable victory over Straight UpBallin who were without Lebron. JON jumped out of the blocks and this game was over at the end day 4. Pau Gasol has been a surprise this year and once again he was the leading scorer with (242/4), next best were CJ Miles (151/4) and Drummond (156/3). Straight UpBallin will need to bounce back next round to keep their finals hopes alive. This week there leading scorers were Kobe (179/3), Draymond Green (156/2) and Lowry (143/3).

    Run TMC (4-6) 1389 defeated TS Heaver (6-4) 1383

    Games played were 44-39 in favour of Heaver
    Once again Run TMC were able to come away with a close win and this was a good effort considering they played 5 less games than Heaver. Wall has been on fire as of late and he led the way for Run TMC with (173/4), followed by Vucevic (153/4) and T Harris (144/4). For Heaver the best players were Walker (189/4), Burke (168/4) and Millsap (160/3).

    Division One

    CK Nicks - 1384 def Biggest Losers - 1374

    Top Scorers: CKNY - E Bledsoe - 215, BL - T Burke - 168
    Games Played: CKNY - 42, BL - 47
    After a much anticipated contest this game sure did not disappoint, with the final result coming down to the last half of the last game for the week, with CK Nicks winning the contest by a mere 10 points. There two GM's have traded barbs over the past few weeks over some moves by GM CK, but he has had the last laugh and shown GM Pearce that his plan had merit. GM CK has another big game this week against his best mate Crossy and his Crusaders.

    Jasmine's Mob - 1601 def The Raptors - 1383

    Top Scorers: JMOB - P Gasol - 242, RAP - J Wall - 173
    Games Played: JMOB - 47, RAP - 48
    With a full-strength line-up Jasmine led her Mob to an easy victory over The Raptors. As mentioned last week, when the Mob is fully fit they are going to be tough to beat and they proved that this week in a dominant performance. Jasmine would be hoping her team stays healthy for the rest of the season to give her a good shot at a playoff berth. Her only concern is the limp Pekker she has sitting on her bench. If the Pekker would harden up Jasmine would be one very happy GM! The Raptors seem to be all healthy but just ran in to a better team this week. GM Mr G will be hoping to get back on the winners list next round.

    Hinrich Manoeuvre - 1353 def Broady Broncos - 1315

    Top Scorers: HRM - K Bryant - 179, BB - B Beal - 159
    Games Played: HRM - 37, BB - 42
    In another close encounter HRM got across the line in the last NBA game for the week to take home the chocolates. This would have to be HRM's best game of the year, winning with 5 less games played and his superstar number 2 draft pick LeBron James on the injured list for the entire week. The Broncos were hurt in more than just the W/L column with a serious injury to Al Jefferson, who strained (pulled?) his groin and now will miss a month.

    Crossy Crusaders - 1632 def Adelaide Maggots - 1250

    Top Scorers: B Knight - 171, AM - G Alphabet - 165
    Games Played: CC - 47, AM - 39
    Crossy notched up his 3rd win on the trot, and his 7th win for the season, with this easy victory over the Maggots. This win takes Crossy to the top of the league and he has now taken the mantle of championship favourite. His mate GM CK will be hoping to knock him back down to earth in the next round. On the flipside the Maggots fall to 1-9 and they are almost certain to face relegation at seasons end.

    Ant Hak - 1369 def Hall of Famers - 1292

    Top Scorers: AH - C Paul - 168, FAME - T Lawson - 172
    Games Played: AH - 40, FAME - 43
    Another close match=up here, this time won by the red-hot Ant Hak. GM Hack has strung together 5 wins, taking his record to a league lead-equalling 7-3. His team is firing and GM Hack will be hoping he can keep the streak alive. Whilst GM Brett T will be disappointed in the loss, he can take solace in the fact he does not have any major injuries and is still top of his division. No doubt we will see the Famers back on the winners list before too long.

    The Real MVP - 1233 def The Fab 5 - 1225

    Top Scorers: L6 - V Oladipo - 179, F5 - K Walker - 189
    Games Played: L6 - 38, F5 - 40
    In the closest contest of the round The Real MVP hung on to win by only 8 points. This was another marvellous contest that came down to the last game, which saw a battle between Swaggy P and Carlos Boozer, with Swaggy P just falling short of being able to drag the Fab 5 over the line. The Fab 5 have now fallen to 4-6 and star player Carmelo Anthony is sitting on the sidelines with a knee injury so a playoff berth may be slowly slipping away, whereas The Real MVP are now sitting at 6-4 after their hot start to the season.

    Division Two

    SmokinJoeMisiti (4-6) 1375 defeated Enter Team Name Here (6-4) 1328

    XYZ Elbonz (6-4) 1527 defeated Wafty Boxes (5-5) 1364

    Nahla vs Little Dee (9-1) 1615 defeated Cyrils33Crushers (5-5) 1356

    Nettin Blatche (5-5) 1384 defeated Doobia Dominators (1-9) 817

    Paky Ballers (7-3) 1457 defeated Laino's Nuggets (3-7) 1119

    Pegs Men Lethal (5-5) 1394 defeated Travy's Boys (4-6) 1287

    Division Three

    Big Shot Bob (7-3) 1660 defeated Morris Magic (3-7) 1229

    Team HeatNation (6-4) 1407 defeated Hoop Dreams (6-4) 1317

    Team Short (8-2) 1505 defeated Ararat Aramdilllos (2-8) 1391

    Yesterday's Heroes (7-3) 1290 defeated San Diego Anchormen (6-4) 1279

    Perth Red Power (6-4) 1343 defeated Hoop Hunters (3-7) 1272

    Bonafide Spuds and Hacks (3-7) 1385 defeated Run T Mull C (5-5) 1177



Discussion in 'Blog' started by Steve, Jan 9, 2015.

    1. Steve
    2. stowie
      He will have a fair highlight reel this season, done a few funny / stupid / odd things.
    3. Mick
      A billion dollars can buy a fair bit of crank!! Pass that sheeeet!!....
    4. walesy
      Well, just popping in to report that my high-risk strategy of drafting injured players deep in the draft-

      failed spectacularly.

      Time to tool up for the finals to avoid relegation.
    5. anthak
      Had a great game this week against P-Rap. I was trailing almost all week and I didn't ever genuinely think I would win. Turns out I was being pessimistic. I started today 120 behind and we both had 7 players playing, and I've won by 53 I think!
      My 7 fellas scored >300 today FTW

      Great game Raptor. And bad luck to you. I thought you had it.

    6. Steve
      Looks like you are well on your way back to the Premier League Ant.

      Congrats Karlos on the win this week.

      Dieng really came back to haunt me this round. I drafted him with my second last pick and then for some stupid reason I dropped him before the end of round one. I should have known that Pek would go down again with injury.
    7. anthak
      Oh, I dunno about that. Still a long way to go. Lots can go wrong between now and then. Also, others are doing better than me so far.

    8. karlos
      Thanks Steve, good clash, was very happy to get the W.

      You've a good squad and very surprised to see you have the 2nd most total points yet have only won 2 games.
    9. Steve
    10. dabombers
      I thought I might have a chance at a win this week watching J.R Smith have a shooting spree. That was until he got fouled out and suffered not 6 but 12 disqualifications.
      Is there a trophy for that in our system.
      Also was espn playing up for anyone else today???
    11. stowie
      ESPN boxscores were broked for me, I'm blaming Mo Williams dropping 52pts!
    12. Steve
      Sorry people, I won't be able to get the review done for round 11 this week. I have had a few things come up at work and home which I need to sort out.
    13. Steve
      Congrats on the win this round Stowie. You have been far too good. I reckon it is between you and HHAC as to who wins the title. Your team is very deep.

      I have lost count the number of times this season where my opponent has scored the most points for that week in our league. I must teach my team to play defence.
    14. stowie
      Cheers Steve. Would've been very different had DMC and Jrue played their full compliment of games - so I got lucky there.

      Still liking HHAC and HEAVER teams to take it out.
    15. anthak
      Well done beating Crossy, Pearcey :)
    16. crossy
      I thought you would like that Ant! Slyly moving past me and into first place hahaha! No easier for me this week, taking on the mighty jasmine, but i have one eye on our matchup, first week of February mate :)
    17. anthak
      Haha, yeah, I was pleasantly surprised to see myself at #1 :)
      But I'm still not even in the top 2 for total points scored, so realistically I'm not #1... These last few weeks will be really interesting. I still gotta play both you and Jasmine, who both of you are smashing the points for! I've also got Pearcey too, so it'll be a tough few weeks.

    18. anthak
      I also shoulda mentioned my current opponent - 'The Fab 5'... They beat me earlier in the season, so I'm hoping to square the ledger there, but looking at the rest of the week, it should be a close one!

    19. bgt2110
      Lets be realistic here, the rest of you guys are only fighting for 2nd spot and lower. With only 3 games of the season to go i can quite confidently say i've got top spot wrapped up with my 9-3 record (soon to be 10-3). A bye first week of the finals and easy passage up to premier league next year awaits me. now firmly removing my tongue from my cheek :)

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