2015 Round Review: Round 2

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Apr 12, 2015.

By walesy on Apr 12, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Your captain knocks up a 142, your other team doesn't crumble in the second half and salutes by two points and you don't need to ask yourself 'What to do with Ablett' due to not owning him.

    Sometime this footy caper can give up some good weeks. :)

    (Unless of course, you had Ablett as captain and support the Hawks, then you get my sympathies :D)

    As the final game rolls to a close, let us know how you've gone! Bench Goodes for Oxley? Get on in time to ditch Cripps? Enjoyed a blinder from Martin after last weeks debacle? Let us know!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Apr 12, 2015.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      Rory Laird might be 3rd option if you are looking up to $320k, of these 'stepping stone' players I would back whoever you think will keep their current form the longest as you need them to score big for at least 2-3 more weeks or the $$$ gain could potentially be pretty small

      If you have 2 of Saad, Oxley and MacIntosh on the pine at the moment, you might perhaps look at going Goodes to N Brown then spending the $$$ generated on another line
    2. JPK
      One for the thumbs: Is Nakia Cockatoo worth Keeping?
    3. RPritch
      This is a tough one, Josh Bruce has been on fire and has kicked 11 goals in his last 3 games (3rd NAB game and first 2 rounds). However, the Saints have been on fire as a team and if they drop off the ball won't be coming into there forward line much, especially against the top teams. Where as Hunt has been racking up the ball in the middle, but like Bruce has a high chance of losing his scoring ability if he doesn't play in the middle or just stops playing well.
      My thoughts:
      Hunt safer
      Bruce more potential
      (I clicked like)
    4. jp
      Well I have most of the good rookies, premos are doing their job too. My only major problem is I'm missing Bonts.

      So GAJ -> Bonts and Cripps -> VanBerlo is looking good. Will leave me with 200k and probably a fair few more points as well.
    5. Iain
      You also drew with me P_L, so not quite perfect
    6. maxweas
      Happy with my rookies (missing NVB but have the rest). Thinking a double trade this week:
      Ablett -> Sloane
      Cripps -> Bonts

      I have $100k in the bank to make this possible. Bonts would stay mid until I upgrade a fwd rookie.

    7. maxweas
      Probably not, but the real question is his it worth the trade to dump him. That can only be answered if the options of who you do not have and can afford should you trade are known.
    8. Senator96
      Thanks anthak. He sure doesn't look like kim Kardashian!

      I'm very wary about bruce. If I recall last year the saints started the year on fire as well and then fell in a bigger heap than NZ in the world cup final. I also have goodes who really should get flicked but already have saad, Oxley and McIntosh leaving brown as the only cheap option and his scoring isn't exactly flash. I had enough cash left over in salary cap to grab McDonald or Lumumba so one of those might be a better option for me? At least you know the ball will spend a lot of time down back for the dees.

      Spot on there stripey, and I don't think Brendan McCartney is being made to look too flash either...
    9. JPK
      If he averages around 45 from here on out (his highest score was r1 with 46 - I know, small sample) then he'll be worth $220k by his bye. On a start of $170k he'll only make $50k. I'm pretty sure I can get that cash and some more points out of most other mid rookies!
      I'm strongly leaning towards dropping him.
    10. TheTassieHawk
      PL may have seen the 'Tassie' in the name and thought it was my team BB, for the record my side was 2233 this week
    11. Ratmata
      yeah, thinking the same thing this week. Would love to grab smith but think I'll miss the boat and have to get him later when he's a zillion dollars.
    12. jimbowan
      Thanks for the feedback guys.

      What about Jackson Ramsay? More expensive than Brown but better scoring output and likely to earn more $ , whats his JS like?
    13. Natha
      I must admit, I've caught myself barracking for the opposition a couple of times.
      I like close games.
    14. Ratatouille
      I have 5 problems to fix …
      Goodes, Ablett, Cripps, Vandenberg and the fact I already have $250k in the bank. I could go Ablett > vandenberg and Goodes to a premo, and fix Cripps later on or Im thinking that maybe I'll hold Ablett as (wait for it) M6 as a pod and save the trade. I've got all the other rookies. Back line is definitely weakest, (Higgins, mcIntosh, Shaw, Saad, newnes, Oxley, Goodes, brown).

      Never thought I'd have Ablett as M6
    15. Natha
      Hmmm, from a Pies supporter, he's not got either good or bad JS.
      If scans for T. Adams and B. Sinclair reveal injuries, it would improve his chances dramatically.
      That being said, Langdon and Ramsay play similar roles on the field.....
      It pretty much comes down to Buckley's chance (pun intended).
    16. Natha
      I'd keep Gazza (if I had him).
      Sure, he might leak cash, but as you say, he's likely going to be a POD very very soon.
      And wouldn't that be something.
    17. Jason
      Goodes -> Rance
      Cripps -> Van Berlo
    18. jamhead
      I like it as long as you are going for league wins and not overall
    19. LBJ
      Gaz will be my correctional trade......consider it a 'Reverse Cash Cow'
    20. JM
      Any particular reason why Luenberger scored 27? I'm putting it down to a bad game because I haven't found anything otherwise. Thought he might have been vested or injured.

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