AFL Round 8 Review

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 13, 2018.

By TheTassieHawk on May 13, 2018 at 6:40 PM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My teams worst ever non bye round.

    I copped the Nic Nat donut like many others but could not break the 1800 mark.

    5 tons and 9 under 75, disgraceful.

    Hopefully your SC side managed far better this week, let us know all about it below.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 13, 2018.

    1. Jason
      Brought in Macrae (C) and Ronke.

      2224 for me.

      Think I dodged some of the bullets this week. Still copped a few with Witts, Mitchell, Martin and Petracca all misfiring.

      Props to Macrae, Gawn, Howe, Ronke, McLean, Caddy Neale and Sicily.
      • Like Like x 8
    2. Royboy Forever
      Royboy Forever
      2034 - my worst score for the year despite starting with a projection of over 2300. Big zero from Naughton didn't help multiple below par individual scores. Only won 1 out of 4 leagues
    3. anthak
      I didn’t watch any footy today. What happened to Dusty Martin? Was it Jacobs?

      I scored 2159 this week, which looks ok considering I won 8/10 league games, but my oa rank stayed pretty much the same around 4k.

      Looking forward to two more trades this week. Had planned to bring in MCrouch or Danger this week, but Tim Kelly is doing ok as M8 so I’m thinking I might prioritise other lines, probably the fwds.
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    4. Senator96
      Also didn’t see the game but I listened to most of it on the radio and they said he had the Jacobs tag. I find it quite ironic last year I had the Selwood and sloans who got tagged out of the game most weeks while Mitchell and martin killed me every week as no one ever bothered to tag them so they were my first 2 picked this year and suddenly...still neither of them are my biggest problems. Didn’t even crack 2000 this week and fell to 12,000 something after starting the year really well. Same culprits every week Billings petracca Goldstein omeara plus some average rookie scores but that can be expected. Enjoyed axing Bonner and Christensen though who served up their usual 60s

      And Jack Billings never, ever again! I’ll look forward to axing 2 more spuds this week
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    5. walesy
      uuuhghg. Rocked Gawn as captain, still only just cleared 2011.
    6. anthak
      Jacobs is getting some excellent scalps so far this season, almost every week he does a good job on someone!
    7. walesy
      stats are up
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    8. TheTassieHawk
    9. Len
      1887 lost every league and 11000 spots
    10. Owen
      2,047 - Naughton's zero, Cole's 36, Jaeger's 45 the highlights. Dropped 389 spots to 505. Ugh what a round.
    11. stripey
      Thanks for nothing Naughton!

      2060 sees me drop another 1,373 spots to 3,566. I’ve held strong but Billings/Petracca have finally got me at tipping point!
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    12. Micksdemons
      1976 lost 6/7 and got beaten by my wife in one she chose Ronk over Spargo and I had buddy and Nic Nat ! She had Naughton on the ground and still won
      Buddy out again this week - wtf
      Billings uggh !
      In Macrae or Danger or who this week - big week ahead
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    13. port_leschenault
      Absolutely woeful. Didn't even reach 1900. Swiss cheese has less holes than my team. Need back line rookies playing, need Josh Kelly to not keep being the next "one week" guy, Zerrett having a mare of a season except for 3 game period that had us (me) all fooled, NicNat better start playing like we know he can now he's rested and had me eating donuts. Petracca and Billings. #NeverAgain

      Maybe I shouldn't be writing Best Buys, it's KOD my own team :D
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    14. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      2175 seems pretty lucky all things considered! Felt everyone’s pain out there! A week is a long time in footy.

      Jumped up a little. 26 Trades.
      Last edited: May 14, 2018
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    15. St
      2,129, made right choice with C on Gawn and happy with Lloyd, Fyfe and Mclean but with that was about it, Pendle missing meant got Holmans 50 but that still beat Petracca's contribution. Went Spargo over Ronke and quiet games for Finlayson (again) and Doedee. Beaten by 4 in cash league by 4 with an op that copped Naughtons dougnut. Looking around it could have been worse.
    16. RPritch
      After 5 rounds my lowest score was over 2160 and my ranking was around 3000. Last 3 rounds I have scored twice in the 1900's and once just over 2000 to slide down 18000 spots overall. Team now has Sauce who may miss on Friday and is going shithouse anyway, Buddy who will not play again this week, Walters on the bench, Hurley gone for a few and a host of rookies on the field that need to be upgraded to premiums.

      Done a bit of research into Ronke and Keefe, according to the TooSerious Calculator Ronke will grow $1500 more than Keefe from now until the end of round 16 if Keefe continues with his average of 54 and Ronke goes at a significantly decreased average from here of 69. That would also get Ronke onto my field for now, as sad as that is, so I'm liking the idea of getting Ronke in this week. I'll be trading Naughton out for sure, but I don't know which one of Buddy, Hurley, Walters or Sauce to trade and which three to hold. Seems as though it is out of Hurley and Buddy for the trade, but if Sauce doesn't play this Friday then I have a donut
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    17. JC
      Ate my first SC donut of the year and finished with 2056. Dropped around 1800 spots to 3220 overall. Not moving Billings and Petracca on looks like a bad move.
    18. bunza52
      Seems I should be quite happy with a 2,239 this week. Was going to bring in this weeks best buy Crouch, but decided to spend a little extra and get Macrae instead. Popped the C on him after Tmitch didnt delivery, so got that one right for change. Would love to get Danger this week as he will go nuts against the mighty dons, but with Kelly at M8, knocking out tons most weeks, seems crazy to upgrade him at this stage. Another 1 up 1 down this week. Plenty of names putting their hands up to be cut, Petracca, Doodee, Finlayson and Naughton!
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      Can we start again? Starting with blokes like Zorko, Merrett, and Wingard, not starting with rookies like Tim Kelly when I should have is really disappointing.
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