TS Fantasy NBA: Leagues and Draft order set

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 7, 2018.

By anthak on Oct 7, 2018 at 11:42 PM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Its not too late for new people to join. Let us know asap in the comments if you're keen!
    We now have 42 confirmed for this season, still a few short of the 48 we usually get.

    A reminder that the draft is set for Sunday 14th Oct at 4:45pm AEDT.

    Here are our leagues for the new season, listed in draft order:

    Premier League:
    1. @ddsaints
    2. @HEAVER
    3. @bgt2110
    4. @stowie
    5. @walesy
    6. @yumcha
    7. @karlos
    8. @costak
    9. @anthak
    10. @Steve
    11. @Auron

    Division 1:
    1. @smokinjoemisiti
    2. @dabombers
    3. @Bearfly
    4. @Rad_E_Cool
    5. @rodgo
    6. @tyze1
    7. @Lano24
    8. @tasho
    9. @Lethal
    10. @Rev
    11. @Don_Cottagers

    Division 2, Conference 1:
    1. @ViQBoZ
    2. @Jet
    3. @Ekul23
    4. @That KI Guy
    5. @Jasmine
    6. @port_leschenault
    7. @Aram
    8. @maggots
    9. @nicksnow
    10. @HargyBear
    11. @Wombat100

    Division 2, Conference 2:
    1. @Peaches
    2. @MACCA2509
    3. @crossy
    4. @headmandude
    5. @Sparks
    6. @Trav00
    7. @Jmulldihno
    8. @Len
    9. @Danners
    10. @macca118
    11. @Hulkalicious

    Please spread the word that we're still looking for new players. Ask them to comment in this thread if keen to join.

    I will send out the final invites over the coming days and I will post in here when all done.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
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Now that we have only 11 teams in each league, what is your preference for our schedule this season?

Poll closed Oct 10, 2018.
  1. 11 rounds, top 6 make finals. (play each other once each and have 1 bye each), season finishes 10/2.

    1 vote(s)
  2. 11 rounds, top 10 make finals. (for finals, top 6 get a bye in first round), finish 24/2.

    1 vote(s)
  3. 22 rounds, top 4 make finals. (play each other twice each and have 2 byes each), finish 31/3.

    8 vote(s)
  4. I dont mind, whatever...

    2 vote(s)


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Oct 7, 2018.

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    1. Hulkalicious
      Gavin from HCA here. Keen to play.
      • Like Like x 1
    2. anthak
      Nice one, I’ll send you the invite shortly
    3. anthak
      All done.

      @Hulkalicious has now joined, so we’ve filled 4 leagues of 11....
      Except that @ddsaints still hasn’t joined Premier League!

      Does anyone know how to get in touch with @ddsaints ?
    4. anthak
      Just got a message from a potential new player:

      If @ddsaints doesnt join, maybe we can do a shuffle, move people up a division and let @protraj join Div 2.
    5. ddsaints
      Sorry been busy. I’m in. Thought draft was at 10/11....not 4.30.
      I can’t make that time.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. anthak
      Excellent, great to see you made it in time :)

      We had a vote a couple of weeks ago about the draft time and the majority picked 4:45pm. Sorry to hear you can’t make it!

      Do you know how to set up your draft list?
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
    7. ddsaints
      Yeah mate, just won’t be the same. I did vote 11 at the time so no big deal.
      Kind of sucks...finally made it to premier and have to do this.
      Anyways always fun, appreciate all the effort put in mate. Thank you
      • Like Like x 1
    8. anthak
      I wouldve preferred 11 too actually... but it sux to miss it completely.
      At least you know who you will get with your first pick ;)
    9. Mick
      Hey everybody. Sorry I’ve been absent from these threads. I just can’t commit any time for this season. It’s been a gradual decline over the last few years for the once great Westside Hardcore franchise haha.

      The recent addition of a 3rd baby + some other non fantasy commitments has greatly reduced the time I have available. It’s been great fun over the years and I wish you guys all the best for the season ahead!

      Thanks for everything - especially the OG’s and the boss @anthak
    10. Mick
      If you guys still need players, let me know. I know a few guys who are keen.

      • Like Like x 1
    11. Mick
      Shout out to the keeper league guys too - same as above applies. Feel free to hand over my franchise to the highest bidder!

      Cheers for the good times
    12. anthak
      I just sent you an email mate.
      Thanks for the messages!
    13. anthak
      We might be able to get up to 12 team leagues afterall.

      @Lethal would move up to Premier;
      @ViQBoZ & @headmandude would move up to Div1;
      4 new players including @protraj would join Div 2.

      If @Mick or anyone else knows of 3 new players who can commit to joining the league urgently.

      The draft is in 6 hours time!
      • Like Like x 1
    14. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      Hey @Mick are you referring to the FU here?
    15. anthak
      I assume he means the NBA keeper league, but good idea to confirm...

      Ping @Trav00
    16. Belmont383
      Hi Guys
      just wondering if i can join your league again Belmont383
    17. anthak
      Hi mate, yes, there’s a chance we might have spots.
    18. anthak
      Now 4 and a half hours until the draft.

      @protraj is keen, but I don’t have his email address.
      @Belmont383 is in
      And someone else has just committed on fb and will be posting here shortly.
      So we will need 1 more... 2 more if I don’t hear back from protraj

      Headmandude and viqboz are both ready to move up to Div 1 if required.

      I haven’t heard from @Lethal to confirm if he is available to move up.

      I’m not sure if we can pull this off in a short space of time, but it would be great to have leagues of 12, and it’s also a shame to knock people back too.
    19. anthak
      Just got another new person too.

      So we have 4 wanting to join.
      Only problem is I don’t have one of their email addresses. @protraj
      And also I’m not sure Lethal is available to change leagues.
      Might need to get someone else from Div1 to move up if I don’t hear from lethal in time

    20. jamesrobert
      Sign me up!
      • Like Like x 1

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