2015 TS Champions League Nominations

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Mar 26, 2015.

By TheTassieHawk on Mar 26, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]<strong style='font-size: 14px;][span style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 13px; color: #444444;]These are the 8 groups of 6 entrants each for the first stage as per the nominations in the comments below.[/b]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]<strong style='font-size: 14px;][span style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 13px; color: #444444;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]GROUP A

    Seed #1 - UnderAchievers - Aliir Squared - 128

    Seed #16 - bjaensch - Below the Radar - 818 - Admin tbc

    Seed #23 - schmicko - 22 Ton Salute - 1398

    Wildcard 3 - HeavyMen - Heavymen -

    Wildcard 4 - grav - Knights Who Say Ni - ADMIN

    Wildcard 9 - Zander - Test Eagles - ADMIN


    Seed #3 - Jason - The Floggers - 155

    Seed #9 - Seymour Skinner - Flick My McBean - 453

    Seed #21 - BigRon81 - On a(Clenbute)Roll- 1199 - ADMIN

    #30 (unseeded) - stripey - Team Stripey - 2739 - also an extra in the DE league &amp;gt;&amp;gt;

    Wildcard 1 - Malteaser - malteaser -

    Wildcard 5 - Mick - EreCumDeOtStepperFC - 5809


    Seed #8 - thokash - Lightning Bolt - 331 - Admin tbc

    Seed #15 - blue steele - Blue Steele - 739

    Seed #22 - Seany G - Carcinogenic Goats[span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;][span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;]- 1263 - Admin tbc

    Wildcard 6 - tonyc - Kangas Dynasty - 4552

    Wildcard 8 - Crafty Yarni - Crafty Yarni -

    Wildcard 11 - jamabadar - Fantasy Addicts - ADMIN -&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;also an extra in the DE league &amp;gt;&amp;gt;


    Seed #7 - port_leschenault - SimplyTheBreust - 287

    Seed #10 - PHIL - THE MEGREMS - 465

    Seed #17 - Deano - We're Flying High - 853

    #25 (unseeded) - peanuts - WhoGibbsa FC - 1796

    #27 (unseeded) - TopHeavy - The Old Gillsy - 2486

    #32 (unseeded) - JC - That's A Paddling - 2791


    Seed #6 - Doobs - Doobia Dominators - 253

    Seed #14 - Prince of Mugs - Highly Fevolved - 680 - ADMIN -&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;also and extra in the CH league &amp;gt;&amp;gt;

    Seed #24 - stevebbb - Bafingwood FC - 1757

    #31 (unseeded) - Jackos Dream - Jacko's Dream - 2755

    Wildcard 10 - Iain (BlueBeliever) - TheTassieTitans - &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;also an extra in the CH league &amp;gt;&amp;gt;

    Wildcard 12 - Anthak - anthak - ADMIN


    Seed #4 - TheTassieHawk - SuperSquad2014 - 237 - CHIEF ADMIN

    Seed #12 - LBJ - Wanderers - 605

    Seed #20 - WTC - Wu-Tang Clan - 1171

    #28 (unseeded) - Nick - Thru The Sticks - 2500

    #35 (unseeded) - sNoz (aka Simonoz) - Simonoz - 3058

    Wildcard 14 - EddieV - Ads Adventurers -

    [span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;][span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;]


    Seed #2 - Tailgunner - Beast Mode - 143

    #34 (unseeded) - DannyG - BLUEBAGGERS - 3028

    #36 (unseeded) - choppers - Banchang Bullies - 3686

    Wildcard 7 - Tylo - Tiger of Old - ADMIN

    Wildcard 13 - jpk - Mierda - ?????

    Wildcard 16 - Mad Mattigan - Oil, Beef, Hooked - ?????


    Seed #5 - GRG - Whoknows? - 252

    Seed #18 - headmandude - Wafty Boxes - 929

    #26 (unseeded) - bgt2110 - Bastow FC - 2249

    #29 (unseeded) - jp - Tent Crotchin - 2599

    #33 (unseeded) - ViQBoZ - Ahmed myself Saad - 2939

    Wildcard 15 - Tyze 1 - SF Bulls -

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]---------------------------------------
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10pt; background: #fcfcfc;' itxtharvested='0' itxtnodeid='276]Competition Format
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]1st Stage
    [span style='font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]http://tooserious.net/Blog/tabid/90/Post/7515/Champions-League-1st-Group-Stage.aspx
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]48 teams playing in 8 groups of 6 in a single round robin from Rounds 3 to 7. <strong style='font-size: 14px;]A ladder is caculated based on W/L/D and % as a tiebreaker with the top 3 teams qualifying to the 2nd Round[/b] <strong style='font-size: 14px;][span style='background: #00ff00;][Schedule provided after Round 1][/b][span style='font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; background-color: transparent;] All 1st Stage matchups take place between teams that share 2 leagues and can therefore check their opponents progressive scores during each round, and the 1st stage fixture has been organised so that 49 of the 120 matchups (ie around 2 per team) between teams in Rds 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 also take place in a shared leagueto provide LIVE scoring.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]2nd Stage
    [span style='font-size: 14px; color: #444444; background-color: #fcfcfc;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm; text-align: left;] http://tooserious.net/Blog/tabid/90/Post/7580/Champions-League-2nd-Group-Stage.aspx
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm; text-align: left;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]24 teams playing in 4 groups of 6 in a single round robin in <strong style='font-size: 14px;]Rounds 8, 9, 10, 14 & 15. [/b]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='background-color: #fcfcfc;]Group1 =Group A Winner, Group D Winner, Group B 2nd Place, Group E 2nd Place, Group C 3rd Place, Group F 3rd Place

    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]Group 2 =Group B Winner, Group C Winner, Group G 2nd Place, Group H 2nd Place, Group A 3rd Place, Group E 3rd Place
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]Group3 =Group E Winner, Group G Winner, Group D 2nd Place, Group F 2nd Place, Group B 3rd Place, Group H 3rd Place
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]Group4 =Group F Winner, Group H Winner, Group A 2nd Place, Group C 2nd Place, Group D 3rd Place, Group G 3rd Place
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]Wins, losses and points scored and conceded carry over from the first stage and a ladder is calculated on W/L/D then Stage 2 head to head record between tied teams as first tiebreaker and overall % s the 2nd tiebraker. Group Winners qualify for the Quarter Finals and 2nd and 3rd in each Group qualify for the 3rd Stage/Repechage[span style='background: #00ff00;][Schedule provided after Round 7][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;] Around 60% of 2nd stage fixtures take place between teams that share a league and can therefore check their opponents progressive scores during the round for those matchups. It is unlikely that any of the Rds 8, 9, 10, 14 or 15 matchups (or matchups in the 3rd stage or later) will provide an opportunity for LIVE scoring.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]3rd Stage/Repechage
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]4 Knockout Matches in Round 16 (as above 2nd and 3rd in each Group will be drawn to play against 2nd and 3rd from one of the other groups, while Stage 2 Group Winners receive a Bye) [span style='background: #00ff00;][Schedule provided after Round 15][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;] The draw will not be random and will be determined based on maximising the number of matchups where the opposing teams share a league, with preference given to having the highest ranked 2nd placed teams (based on overall SC ranking) able to be matched with a 3rd placed opponent with which they share a league but did not play against in the 2nd stage.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]Quarter Finals
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]Stage 2 Group Winners playing Repechage Winners in 4 Knockout Matches in Round 17 [span style='background: #00ff00;][Schedule provided after Round 16][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;] Again the draw will not be random with the goal of maximising the number of matchups where the opposing teams share a league, again with preference given to having the highest ranked Group Winners (based on overall SC ranking) able to be matched up with 3rd Stage winners with which they share a league but did not play against in the 2nd stage.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]2 Prelim Finals and the Grand Final in Rounds 18 and 19<strong style='line-height: 18px;] [/b][span style='line-height: 18px;](Grand Final in 1st[span style='line-height: 18px;] week of SC finals)
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='background: #00ff00;][Schedule provided after Round 17] Again for the SF the draw will not be random and we will try to maximise matchups that have opponents that share a league.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;][span style='font-size: 14px; background-color: transparent;]----------------------
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]

    <p style='margin-bottom: 0cm;]Thanks for entering and good luck in the comp, cheers TTH and the Champions League admin team[span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;][span style='font-family: inherit; background-color: transparent;]


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Mar 26, 2015.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      Will be the chief admin if it goes ahead (others encouraged and much appreciated)
    2. Jason
      The Floggers
      I expect to have less time available in 2015 than I did in 2014, but may be able to assist admin.
    3. thokash
      Lightning Bolt
      I'd spend most of my free time in the ORFFL circles, but may be involved in an admin role.
    4. Malteaser
      Would love to join, happy to go onto waiting list as last year I went crap.
    5. snoz
      Falling just outside the threshold, I'll go onto the waiting list. 2014 rank = 3058
    6. schmicko
      Old Man Par
      I'm keen just wondering involved with admin?
    7. Seany G
      Seany G
      Carcinogenic Goats
      Maybe admin if desperate.
    8. Doobs
      Doobia dominators
    9. port_leschenault
      Breuuust Juice


      Rather not commit to any admin work at the moment.
    10. TheTassieHawk
      i would like to keep admin short and sweet for everyone

      preseason would be starting up 2 private leagues and letting me know who has/hasn't joined up once the 48 teams are drawn into the 8 groups. Post Round 1 would be letting me know which teams are drawn to play each other in Rounds 3 through 7 as I can tweak the Stage 1 schedule so some matchups are 'live' in Supercoach.

      assuming we can get automated post round score lookups and I can code up a comp spreadhseet preseason then there shouldnt be too much heavy liftign each week. in the first stage we will have post round 3, 4, 5 and 6 writeups and I might need 2 admins each to do 1 of these - maybe half an hours work if all goes well.

      then once the 2nd round has been set up there will be post round 8, 9, 10 and 13 writeups and again there might be 2 of these weeks when I need admin help of half an hour or so from 2 people.

      In addition some of the teams in 2nd stage groups won't be in a league together, so it might be handy to get some Saturday night/Sunday morning score updates posted if the teams don't do it themseves which would be preferable so the teams and others can follow the matchups rather than just find out a result post round. Again might be 5-10 minutes once each week in Rounds 10,14 and 15.

      Similarly the Repechages (Round 16) might need mid round score updates but for less matches so 5 minutes might be needed.

      I would hope it ends up as a commitment of less then 4 or 5 hours total but hopefully much less - just to ensure that things run smoothly.
    11. HeavyMen
      Went crapola last year (&amp; the years before that :)), happy to be on standby list if numbers needed
    12. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      Yeah I'm in the same boat Heavy, not even prepared to utter my numbers from the last few yrs.
      Whack me on the standby list TTH.
      If ur lean I can chip in some admin.
    13. stripey
      2739 for Team Stripey having dropped 1100 spots in the final round... Big thanks to to Rocky, JJK, Beams, Stevie J, Buddy and Zorko for ruining my year...
    14. Mick
      Sounds like a good comp idea TTH. Whack me on the waiting list - 5809 in 2014
    15. tonyc
      Count me in for standby, please. Kangas Dynasty 4552 last year.
    16. headmandude
      Wafty Boxes
      2014 rank - 929

      wont be able to admin sorry
    17. UnderAchievers
      Aliir Squared
      2014 rank - 128
      Wont be able to do any admin work sorry
    18. TheTassieHawk
      i read somewhere we will have up to 10 leagues this year
    19. GRG
      Rank: 252

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