Well, a massive 2648 was the highest score for the weekend (with Williams on the bench too)...
2314 saw me go up 285 spots to 5,028 overall so I wasn't close but hopefully a few in the TS community were somewhere up there....
Harley Bennell dominated with limited game time on the weekend... is he the one that's gonna change our fortunes??? Personally I'm hoping Hately after 36 disposals, 6 marks and 6 tackles finally returns to the seniors. Charlie Constable the big news from the VFL registering only 3 touches and a leg injury...
How did you score, what trades are you planning, are you ready for the byes???
2019 AFL Round 10: Review & Discussions
Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.
Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.
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