2019 AFL Round 10: Review & Discussions

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.

By stripey on May 27, 2019 at 1:36 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well, a massive 2648 was the highest score for the weekend (with Williams on the bench too)...

    2314 saw me go up 285 spots to 5,028 overall so I wasn't close but hopefully a few in the TS community were somewhere up there....

    Harley Bennell dominated with limited game time on the weekend... is he the one that's gonna change our fortunes??? Personally I'm hoping Hately after 36 disposals, 6 marks and 6 tackles finally returns to the seniors. Charlie Constable the big news from the VFL registering only 3 touches and a leg injury...

    How did you score, what trades are you planning, are you ready for the byes???

    Last edited: May 27, 2019
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.

    1. Nick
      2,391 which I was happy with especially as I don't have Grundy

      Atkins, Hore were nice tons and keeping Libba (not by choice!) was rewarded too with 110. Young's 17 not so much going early on him may have been a mistake!
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    2. TheTassieHawk
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    3. anthak
    4. TheTassieHawk
      Hopefully the same as those players picked in the pre-season SSP window - ie Stack and Gibbons were both $102.4k. Otherwise there might be pricing similar to the rookie draft where early picks are more highly priced (which is stupid).

      The exception might be Sutcliffe because he was AFL listed and played 4 games in 2018 so he should be priced per any other 2018 listed player.
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    5. Cuz Bruz
      Cuz Bruz
      Any idea when these new guys get added to SC?
    6. TheTassieHawk
      Only the people running SC can answer that one.

      Today would be great but as long as it happens by Thursday night teams there shouldn't be too many issues for Supercoaches.
    7. DanJS
      A disappointing 2189, Grundy VC but had Hore on the bench. Managed to have 22 playing, with Robbie Young. I left it too long deciding whether to trade Williams (I didn't want to) for Whitfield. I did in the end to give me a slightly better change in my cash league (still lost) and hopefully getting Whitfield relatively cheaply pays off in the long term. But I had to leave Hore off the field (and he scored more than Whitfield anyway).
      • Option 4 Option 4 x 1
    8. Owen
      Jeez Hore's been handy as a starting rookie, super consistent and now cracking the ton for the first time. I'm glad I kept him instead of trading him to Rozee after round two (though Rozee would have been handy too).
    9. stripey
      Yes Rozee and Miers are the two that I wish I'd been on board... funnily enough they both averaged 42.5 in the JLT - I didnt look at Miers at all but couldnt justify Rozee's high starting price based on what seemed to be poor scoring potential o_O
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    10. choppers
      Supercoach positions/prices for the newbies taken last night in the Draft, are now available

      Deluca Dunkley Riordan Snelling Sutcliffe Pickett Noble .......all MID
      Knoll...... RUCK
      Hosie Hirst Gardner Mayo.......all FWD
      Last edited: May 28, 2019
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    11. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      What's a bloke got to do to get a game these days?

      Jackson Hately (36 possessions and seven tackles)

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    12. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      The Million Dollar Question?

      Who gets a game?
    13. stripey
      Gardner apparently has been told he’ll play this weekend!
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    14. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      More likely given he’s come from Footscray and completed the pre season with them.

      As a doggies man it’s worth a go! But no against WC in Perth.
    15. choppers
      Plays R11, bye R12, plays R13.......on the bubble R14?
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    16. Cuz Bruz
      Cuz Bruz
      Ridiculous prices for basically rookie picks or +80 picks ND
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    17. IPOD
      2362 and chopped and changed my captain on sunday after i had it on J.Kelly all week went fyfe instead my opponent ha J.Kelly as vc and took his score and he beat me by 35!!! won my other league comprehensively and he had taken Grundy 330 and still belted him by 130 odd. Looks like time to boot Gus brayshaw who is pooing it up enormously
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    18. TheTassieHawk
    19. Penske file
      Penske file
      I'm now hearing Williams will miss again also MCrouch isn't looking to positive I don't think I can afford to hold them another week it's costing me, lost a few games last week by mere points. Trade decisions looming. Blast !!!
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