TS Fantasy NBA

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Sep 2, 2015.

By anthak on Sep 2, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Less than 2 months to go now before the season starts.

    Here's how our leagues are looking:

    Each division is ranked based on last season's final standings, and then teams promoted and relegates up and down accordingly.
    If there are any teams who drop out this year, all teams will move up in the order they are listed here:

    Teams in bold have recommitted already. Teams in italic have already stated they are out...

    <p class='p1' style='color: #000000;][span class='s1]PREMIER:Stowie;Ruddy;HEAVER;Karlos; Rev;Mick; jet;Dabombers;Steve;LiQuiD_SiXx;bgt2110;anthak.
    <p class='p2' style='color: #000000;]
    <p class='p1' style='color: #000000;][span class='s1]DIVISION 1:Walesy; Owen;Fez;Pearcey47;crossy;Philosoraptor; costak;Jasmine;rodgo;headmandude;yumcha;ddsaints.
    <p class='p2' style='color: #000000;]
    <p class='p1' style='color: #000000;][span class='s1]DIVISION 2:nicksnow; 6'10;maggots;Don_Cottagers;trav00;doolz;underachievers;HEATalicious; OutKast_au;Rad_E_Cool;tasho;Spurs_jay.
    <p class='p2' style='color: #000000;]
    <p class='p1' style='color: #000000;][span class='s1]DIVISION 3: lethal;smokinjoemisiti; hawker;Lano24; doobs;Jmulldihno;Peaches;sparks1511;Jaammiiee;clintongary; BradM;insider.
    <p class='p2' style='color: #000000;]
    <p class='p1' style='color: #000000;][span class='s1]emergencies: Emes; chris88; grav; macca118;

    Premier and Division 1 are both full up. We are still waiting on 1 from Division 2, and 4 from Division 3.
    Emes, chris88 and grav are all in Division 3, I just haven't moved them in yet for transparency.
    macca118 is still waiting in the wings, and probably likley to get a spot.

    In the last thread, we opened up discussion on a proposal made for a different structure of our leagues. 4 people stated they would prefer not to change, however 2 of those mentioned they would be fine with the change as well, whilst 10+ people expressed they were in favour of the proposal. Given this feedback, I feel it is ok for us to go ahead with the change. If anyone feels strongly against the change, please express your dissent in this thread and we will work through it.
    Apologies to Lano and HEATalicious. I found it really interesting that you are both in the lower divisions and still favoured the current setup, however the numbers were against you on this one.

    Presuming there is no further dissent, this is how the leagues will work for the '16/17 season:

    All leagues still with 12 teams in each.

    <li>A Premier League</li>
    <li>A Division 1 league</li>
    <li>Any other leagues as conference leagues, could have 1, 2, 3, 4 or any ammount of these leagues with sit at the same level of the hierarchy and all feed into the Division 1 league through promotions.</li>

    We do still need to work out how many teams move between the leagues at the end of the season, but we can work that out prior to the '16/17 season.

    What we do need to work out now is how the teams from the current leagues will move into the new structure for next season. ie the promotion and relegation setup for this season.

    I propose the following:

    Keep the promotion/relegation rules between Premier and Division 1 exactly the same as last season.
    5 teams move from Division 1, ]downinto the Conference leagues (allows for the wildcard to still come into play)
    4 teams move up from Division 2 into Division 1 (same as last season)
    1 team moves up from Division 3 into Division 1 (Grand final winner)

    I believe this allows for a transition into the new structure, keeping much of the current system in place, whilst also having a sneak peak with 1 team jumping from Div 3 up to Div 1. This is mainly to lessen the impact on those teams who were promoted last season and not further disadvantage teams that were relegated last season. This is why I felt we could not implement the new structure for this season after we had already determined promotion and relegation guidelines for last season, because it would have rendered them essentially meaningless, and teams would have had less to play for last season.

    What do you all think?
    Please let us know in the comments if you agree or not with this proposal for this season.


    In the comments of the last thread, it was also proposed that we add an extra IR spot.
    This has been raised several times before and we have never been able to reach any consensus on it so I have set up a poll on each of the league homepages on ESPN. Please everyone vote on this, and if anyone has any comments or questions on it, please let us know here in TS down below in this thread.



Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, Sep 2, 2015.

    1. Emes
      count me in if there's a spare spot :))
    2. Danners
      I would like to play if there is a spot
    3. Steve
      I will remind BradM once again to sign up.

      He sits right next to me here at work and I have told him a number of times to login here to register his interest again.

    4. Steve
      For those who follow the NBL

      Fox Sports will be showing every game live this season under the new tv rights deal.

    5. Spurs_jay
      For what it's worth I like the approach of changing the structure to allow a quicker rise through the ranks. So long as everyone is still active and competitive in the lowest league levels.
      Not sure on the double IR. Having multiple injured players in a total points league is a big disadvantage week to week. But on the flip side you loose a tactical component of the league. There will be no injured players in the free agent pool any more, who you can take a punt on, and no tough decisions on whether you carry an injury to a fringe player or let him go.
    6. stowie
      Going to be great for the league. Gotta capitalise on the Bogut / Boomers / Simmons hype.
    7. karlos
      Guys Lethal from Division 3 is in.

      Also like the proposed league structure change and echo the sentiments of those who have spoken on the pros of it already.
    8. anthak
      It seemed that the poll in Div 3 was not working properly, so I removed it and re-set it up. In the process, wiping all votes that had already been cast.
      Ive emailed everyone in that league about it, asking them to vote again.

      Looking at the other 3 leagues, it seems most people are keen for just 1 IR spot, but we'll give it a bit more time, because not a lot of votes are in yet.

      Make sure to get in there and vote.

    9. anthak
      Cool. Looks like you may get a go.
      We currently have 5 emergencies and 6 potential spots. Still waiting to hear from 3 teams who played last year.

    10. Jmulldihno
      Like the proposed changes and the above seems to be a fair way to do it.
    11. Jmulldihno
      Also what's the hap with the Keeper league?
    12. stowie
      It's back up and running, no dates set yet as far as I am aware.
    13. Steve
      I have found another person for the emergency list

      His name is Brett.

      He does not have access to TS at work.

      Ant, I will forward you his email address.

    14. anthak
      Cool, but he'll need to post on TS before we give him a go.

      Thats great though. Means weve got enough emergencies if the other folk from last season dont recommit.

      Ill set up a new thread sometime over the next few days (hopefully tomorrow), with a deadline for last seasons players to recommit by.

    15. port_leschenault
      Not keen on the NBA but was wondering if fantasy NBL was going to start up soon and is a thing? Would be interested in putting name in for that. A cursory look suggests only VirtualSports will have a game on it.
    16. stowie
      We normally manage to have enough to fill a league in NBL DT. I'll post the details once it's open for this season.
    17. crossy
      ESPN mock drafts are open ;) on that note, how long till we know the draft orders? cheers dudes
    18. stowie
    19. anthak
      man, ive been hoping to have the leagues sorted by now, but have been hammered at work lately! I'll try to get a new post done today to give old players a deadline to recommit.

      then we'll set up leagues and draft order after that.

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