Round 13 Review & Discussions

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 16, 2019.

By stripey on Jun 16, 2019 at 11:05 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    so week 2 (the round of death) of the byes is done and dusted...

    How did you go... did you have 12 on the field, did your rookies stink it up, at what point did your best laid plans come unstuck...
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 16, 2019.

    1. ike2112
      I suspect a lot of people have this issue - mine is with Gawn though as I have Grundy and ROB, Gawn can't surely keep the scoring so high and ROB should make another $70k next couple games (over 3 weeks).

      Anyone who didn't start with G&G, or did and decided to trade down, will likely have one of them and Goldy, ROB or Mumford.
      Both Gawn and Grundy have peaked at awkward times though; Gawn could barely be more expensive, and Grundy is about to drop $. So really in the interests of team budget you should wait a couple weeks... but then that defeats a lot of the reason that people held ROB, Mummy or Goldy anyway which was to save money initially and get through round 13.
      Last edited: Jun 20, 2019
    2. ike2112
      Neale is the cheapest he's been, and Macrae might be too along with having plenty of games left at MS.
      Treloar is extremely consistent, not a very high ceiling, he's an ideal M8 if the other positions are sorted.
      When Hurn comes back from injury he has a big BE and could drop $50k in 2 weeks.
    3. ike2112
      On his own games too.

      And for a total of $36. Which he lost.

      Must be the saddest reason to get suspended I've ever heard...
    4. Nick
      Not sure who to bring in for Libba...

      TU: Bont
      TD: Treloar
      Option 1: Oliver
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      • Option 1 Option 1 x 3
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    5. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      My biggest issue (for team balance) is Rotham OUT!

      Option 1:
      Baker / Duursma / Smith (OUT) > Boak / Walters / Clarke (IN) - Fielding 19 (14 Premo On Field)


      Option 2:
      Stocker / Young / Smith (OUT) > Boak / Logue / Clarke (IN) - Fielding 19 (13 Premo On Field)

      * both assuming Gardner, Parker and Bewley play
      • Option 1 Option 1 x 1
    6. Nick
      Can Sonny keep it up? He's in a purple patch, but not going to kick 6 goals every week surely. I'm worried he won't be able to maintain the scoring of recent times. Maybe fool's gold?
      I'm also giving Logue another week before bringing him in personally.
    7. IPOD
      Just a final one Walsh out for Clarke to make room for Walters and Dunkley or Duursma/B. Smith out for Logue to make room for Walters and Dunkley
      TU - Walsh for Clarke
      TD - Duursma/ B.Smith for Logue
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    8. dunny29
      Yeah, it's more thinking for those like me struggling for cash. Treloar is/will be $80-100k cheaper than those 2 currently/next week, may score within 10-15 points per week of them on the run home. Could be better to get him and someone else in sooner for some than waiting/spending more and perhaps not being able to finish the team.

      I'm thinking of taking a bit of a punt and spending more than I wanted to this week.
      In - Macrae, Bont, Clarke (I need the potential cash generation)
      Out - Brouch, Duursma, Scott

      Next week I should be able to get Butters and Gibbons to Sloane, Leaves me a Hurn and Gawn short with a bunch of cheap rookies not scoring well and 7 trades.
      I'm at risk needing 2 of my 3 Def rookies to play until Whitfield comes back (which may only be a week or 2 more) and needing Mummy to play, play well, and close the $ gap to Gawn. If Mummy misses a match or 2 I'll be forced to cop a donut until he closes the $ gap much more or not get Gawn. Probably not ideal.
    9. ike2112
      Personally I think I'd try go some combination of Duursma, Butters, Gibbons and Scott to Macrae and Clarke now, and leave Brouch in your team eventually looking to upgrade him to a premo either in MF or DEF later.
      Your own point around Treloar scoring only a bit lower than a true top 8 premo can be said for Brouch, he's only 15 points off the pace roughly and low-risk, high-floor, you know he's not getting dropped and you know you're getting anywhere between 70-110 out of him each week.
    10. IPOD
      Look out Folks Max Lynch as one of the inclusions for sunday i smell a late Grundy withdrawal on the cards
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    11. ike2112
      Good spot. A potential nightmare for many. Darcy Fort named though so many teams have probably fluked having some cover. Not me sadly.
    12. IPOD
      Moved Libba to Clarke last night now to move Parker and Walsh. Sold on Dunkley in now the options
      Option 1 - Walters
      Option 2 - Treloar
      Option 3- Cogs
      Option 4- Pendles
      Option 5 - Oliver
      I didn’t put the Bont as I will already have Dunkley and Macrea
      • Option 5 Option 5 x 4
      • Option 2 Option 2 x 1
    13. dunny29
      All valid points and the logic there is clear, I'm simply happy to be more aggressive and hope it works out in the end.

      I think Brouch has scored higher over the last 5 weeks due to more opportunity (Sloane missing most of the Melbourne match and Mrouch missing 3 games, plus the recent win over Richmond where the mids dominated). Brouch has a solid enough floor and should be a very handy M8 for those that have him, but Sloane clearly has shown the higher ceiling and scoring this year.

      I'm taking a punt that by effectively swapping Brouch to Sloane I may end up 20 points per week better off and $13k (Sloane ave 114.8 excluding injury game, Brouch ave 93.6 in 1st 8 games), plus I get an extra score from Bont/Macrae this week by getting them both in now and then Sloane next week. That's possibly 300 points gained, it's also possibly a disastrous trade yet to show itself, perhaps Brouch is genuinely hitting some form having missed plenty of footy in previous years. Also with Libba missing some time I think this will be good for Bont's scoring and perhaps won't spend as much time forward etc.

      With Begly nearly hitting 100 last night and Hurn not hitting 100, there is still hope for me to get enough cash generation.
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      • Option 3 Option 3 x 1
    14. Crafty Yarni
      Crafty Yarni
      Am I the only one that thinks it's piss poor that round 14 has started and there isn't a new thread?

      Same thing happened last week.

      I can see your not reliant on one particular author, so to me it doesn't make sense.

      If your going to do something, do it properly.
    15. Crafty Yarni
      Crafty Yarni
      In years gone past, you even had a captain's corner where nominations for best captain were displayed.
    16. Len
      You are wlcome to take up the torch my man, this is essentially a community site and as such that sort of things falls to whomever it occurs to first.
      Re the Captains gig, it was enjoyed and appreciated but the author no longer has the time to commit to it, again anyone is welcome to step up to bat :)
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    17. TheTassieHawk
      Emg (Dogs - Lewis Young, Rhylee West, Toby McLean, Lachie Young
      Emg (Pies) - Ben Crocker, Josh Daicos, Max Lynch, Isaac Quaynor
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    18. IPOD
      TU - Gibbons out
      TD - Parker out
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    19. stripey
      I’d need to know more.. Parker may never return, how is your other cover
    20. IPOD
      Other cover is Gardiner and Young

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