AFL: Round 14 Review

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 23, 2019.

By stripey on Jun 23, 2019 at 6:59 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    let’s get it up early... Boyohboyohwowee... Those who took Gawn as VC will be mightily disappointed their 151 points didn’t hold up against the mighty Grundy!!!

    2014 saw me get rolled in the ORFFL... can I hold my place overall.. currently sitting 1459...
    EDIT: went up to 1,243 overall :)

    How’s the team looking post byes, fully upgraded or how many short.. chat below...
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 23, 2019.

    1. TheTassieHawk
    2. anthak
      Didnt have a great round and have slipped out of the top 10k.
      Struggling to get my team fully upgraded. Still have a midfield spot to fill and also Hore & Rocky to potentially replace. So 2-3 spots left to upgrade and only 8 trades left. Its been a tough year.
    3. stripey
      7 trades, 99k in cash and below is current squad- was going to hold Smith and Hore but a bit spooked now... as above, currently ranked 1243

      DEF: Lloyd, Hurn, Williams, Ryan, Hore, Smith (Naish, Logue)
      MID: Kelly, Fyfe, Macrae, Cripps, Oliver, Bont, Treloar, Mouch (Answerth, Clarke, Hately)
      RUC: Gawn, ROB (Bines)
      FWD: Dunkley, Kelly, Danger, Daniel, Marshall, Cameron (Moore, Young)
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    4. Royboy Forever
      Royboy Forever
      1957 saw me win 3 out of 4 leagues. It has been a long haul so far and I only have 7 trades left but probably can't really get much more cash unless I bring in Griffin Logue for Hore or Smith. My projected score for next week is 2444 which sounds good but they never seem to get achieved
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    5. Len
      1827 in SC, held my rank
      1901 in TG move up 1300 spots
      3 and 5 trades left though so looking decidedly fragile
    6. The_Swert
      Scored 2067 after trading in Neale and Bont and moved inside the top 10k.

      10 trades left. Need 1 mid and 1 def to be complete, then i could upgrade Worpel or Heeney as a luxury.
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    7. Micksdemons
      2053 better week for me Missed Grundy took Gawn C but bought in Ryan and Parker so handy upgrades ! Top 2% score and now In the top 12k and 4th on my cash league ladder but still need 4 to complete and only 8 trades hold Walsh Hoare and two more rookies both needing urgent upgrades
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    8. walesy
      Stats are statted
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    9. TheTassieHawk
      Assuming you have neither in your current team would you trade in as the downgrade when going 1 up, 1 down ?

      TU - Naish $123k D
      TD - Logue $164k D

      ( I brought Hind in 1 week early)
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    10. stripey
      Logue looked really good and prob has much better JS...
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    11. bunza52
      1950 with Gawn loop. 11 trades & need 3 upgrades. Dirty has a BE of 114 so he probably goes for Logue & Hoff is the gift that keeps giving....with Port beating the Cats, & the Port Magpies having the bye, doubtful he is anywhere close to a recall. He has already leaked $175k & the kicker for me is that I downgraded Grundy, as the start of the year, to strength my fwd line with Hoff (which was looking amazing after R1).
      TG 1962. 9 trades. 2 upgrades. Prob have to double down this week.
    12. bunza52
      Thinking of doing this over over the next 2 week. Trading Dirty to Logue and Balta to Lycett. Week after Hoff to cheap M/F rook and then Goldy to Grundy. I can hear you say, dont go point chasing with Lycett, but if Ryder and Hoff are not in the mix, surely Lycett, as the #1 ruck should score 100+ each week & keeps the R/F link open with Bines. Is 35-40k cheaper than Marshall and Daniel, has 6 of 9 games at home & does not run into Grundy or Gawn on the way home. Will be my F6.
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    13. Micksdemons
      Logue ( he was good Sat )
      Hind ( ?? good points but didn't see the game and wonder about his JS )

      Already have Naish - but a double down is the big question - limited trades left ??
    14. stripey
      Had a bit of look at my team as it stands...

      7 trades left
      94k in the bank
      Team Value - $13,337,000
      On field - $11,963,900, avg $544k
      Bench - $1,370,000, avg $172k
      Projected score - 2,536
      Only 3 non playing rookies per last game.. Hately, Bines & Young

      No trades planned this week, need some extra cash gen...

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    15. dunny29
      Happy with my round/byes on the whole, only copped the one donut (I blame Burgess getting dropped! At this stage happy I held Whitfield, assuming he plays this week or next)

      1987 this week, up 2.1k to 11.6k, helped with Grundy C and Begly 95 and getting Macrae & Bont in.
      Over the 3 byes I went from 17.9k to 11.6k, was hoping to sneak into the top 10k
      Currently projected 2420 before trades, this is probably inflated due to Grundy C/296 though

      This week I had planned to get Butters and Gibbons to Sloane
      Now thinking Logue and Hind are must haves due to cash generation
      So to double downgrade I'd trade Butters and Answerth to them, Gibbons to Sloane next week

      My main concern is that if Whitfield doesn't play this week (along with Gardner) that means I need Naish and Answerth/Logue to fill D5/D6. I could be forced to get Logue in and perhaps even cop a donut if Naish is dropped.
    16. stripey
      Yeah Naish is not guaranteed, nor would Answerth be (although at least he is in a winning team).. Would definitely be getting Logue in, prob Sloane too... do you really need the cash gen at this stage (Hind) or just warm bodies on the bench?
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    17. IPOD
      So week 3 of the byesn was an unmitigated distater. Worse than losing last week by 1 point (maybe not) but wrong choice of Capt TKelly along with my opponent taking Gawn VC (i had Fyfe in the same game) along woth He having Grundy 174!!! I was looking at Hind and Logue this week but not sure if a double d/g is the right way to go look to rid myself of Parker (although having Young & Gardener on the bench not playing) can get rid of him via moving TKelly back to the fwd get Hind, then Duursma or B.Smith for Logue opening up massive cash 490k 11 trades with view to a double upgrade next week
    18. Nick
      1,932 saw me into the top 9k and happy to see the bye rounds in the mirror!

      Grundy doing exactly what I hoped he wouldn't - going bang and hurting those like me who are holding ROB instead.
      Regardless of cash those points are hard to ignore.
      Other than bringing Logue in, will likely hold, with mids and fwd line complete.
    19. stripey
      Good thing is Grundy can't go up too much more in price but ROB will hopefully close the gap

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